考虑了很久很久,研究了一些资料和急救影片之后,决定让小包子尝试BLW - baby led weaning. Blw 是跳过液状辅食,直接让宝宝进食固体辅食,整个断奶过程是由宝宝自己主导进食。
Blw 和传统喂养 Tw+ff (Traditional weaning + finger food) 最吸引我的重点在于 Blw 宝宝是先学会咀嚼 才学会吞咽,而 Tw+ff 宝宝是先学会 先吞咽再学会咀嚼。
再学习的过程中,宝宝可能会呛到(gaging),伴随咳嗽和呕吐反应,但这其实是宝宝保护自己的一种反应,过程中他们会明白,吞不下就吐出来。因为他们会从中学会 先咀嚼再学会吞咽,就能减少和避免以后宝宝拿到小小的玩具就往嘴里吞的情况发生。
不管是Blw 宝宝 或是 Tw+ff 宝宝,都会有呛到(gag)和噎到(choke)的可能性,任何一种喂养形式都需要父母从旁监督。
Baby Led Weaning, quite simply, means letting your child feed themselves from the very start of weaning. It's a way of starting solids that lets the baby set the pace. With BLW, there’s no spoon-feeding and no purees – the whole family shares the same healthy food at family mealtimes and the baby feeds himself, playing with food to start with, and gradually choosing what to eat, how much and how fast. Baby learns to chew before swallow as opposed to traditional weaning. Teeth is not a pre-requisite for BLW. Their gums are strong enough to "chew"(you should know if you are a breastfeeding mum.lol!)
Baby will likely gag a few times at her initial attempts, either because she puts too much food in her mouth at once or because she pushes it too far back. This is actually a good thing since the gag reflex is a safety mechanism that moves food from the back of the throat to the front, preventing choking. As long as your sweetie is sitting upright while eating, the gag reflex will keep food from getting lodged in her throat and also teach her what not to do next time.
资料来源 Info resource: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mybabyledweaning/
Kelly Xiu Keong Jay Ow