明天中午12點我會在 Go Shop Malaysia 開賣這個,Khind打掃機器人。
這是基本款,價格低於馬幣600令吉,這樣的功能對於 沒什麼時間/討厭打掃/長輩無力打掃 的種種族群,很夠用了。
購買連結我明天會連同直播一起放過來,明天星期天中午12點歡迎在Astro CH303/GoShop App/臉書 收看 仲少 和我的主持,有需要的話歡迎下單喔😉
Been trying this Khind Robotic Vacuum for the past 4 days, to see if it’s really healpful on cleaning the floor, actually, I sweep the floor everyday even I use this machine, but I’m shock when I see how much dust and hair the robot still able to collect in the box at the end, I would say, yes, it helps quite well.
This is a basic model with auto, sport, and add water to mop floor functions, sui stable for people who have no time for house cleaning, people who hate moping floor, and also, elder people who are with difficulty to bend to sweep the floor.
The price is lower than rm600, am gonna introduce it with Tiong Button to you tomorrow at 12pm on Astro Ch303/ GoShop App/ FB page Go Shop Malaysia, do watch the show to get more demo and info, and purchase if needed, thank you☺️.
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