電影 Hangover 2 – 醉後大丈夫 2, 10 句精彩對話 Final Review.
1. Honestly, the two of you were barely invited.
老實說, 我是很勉為其難 (barely) 的情況下才邀請你們兩個的
2. Stu, throw him a bone!
Stu, 你就給他一點甜頭吧!
(throw someone a bone, If you throw someone a bone, you give them a small reward or some kind words to make them feel good even if they've not really contributed much.)
3. I'm not cool with this at all. You can't have these.
我對這些東西很不以為然 (I'm not cool with), 你不能保留著這些東西
4. We were discussing your wedding gift. He's sparing no expense.
我們正討論著你的結婚禮物呢! 他可是不惜成本 (sparing no expense) 的哦!
(sparing no expense, to not consider the cost of something)
5. I admit it... When I first met Stu, I was not quite sold.
我承認...當我第一次遇到Stu時, 我並不太買他的賬
6. What is this? Instant marshmallows? Nice touch!
這是什麼? 快溶棉花糖? 太棒了(太應景了!)
7. I gotta hand it to you, Stu! This place is paradise.
我不得不佩服你 (hand it to you), Stu! 這裡真是個天堂
8. Alan, come on! Cut it out!
Alan, 拜託! 別再鬧了
(cut it out, stop talking or doing something)
9. Oh, alright. Well, so much for holy people.
喔, 好吧, 真是受夠了 (so much for) 這些所謂的聖人
(so much for someone, there is no need to consider someone or something anymore.)
10. Of course I remember him. He was buying shots for everyone.
我當然記得他, 當時他還買酒請大家喝呢!
11. Alan, I already told you. It was in the heat of the moment.
Alan, 我已經跟你說了, 那是氣話 (in the heat of the moment)
12. I'm at my wit’s end.
13. You been hitting the gym?
你最近有在健身 (hit the gym)嗎?
14. Oh look. You sunk my battleship.
哦! 看吧! 是你賺到了(sink my battleship)
(sink a battleship, A more than sufficient amount.)
15. Sir, it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
先生, 好事總是多磨
It’s done! What is the next episode we are going to discuss? Please wait and see.
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散熱片本體(Heat-sink):主要是由銅和鋁材質所組成,常見的有鋁擠成型、焊接成型。散熱片本體主要目的為傳導熱量,在與CPU接觸需要塗抹上散熱膏才能做 ... ... <看更多>