【Demo Day 2020 精彩回顧 - WASAI Technology 】#Englishbelow
WASAI 提供絕佳的資料處理方案,他們的 FPGA 加速晶片平台以及相應優化的硬體架構,建構了一個大數據處理的加速引擎,比傳統的處理方法快六倍以上! 現在WASAI將攜著過人的數據處理技術進入了基因分析的領域,提出了一套具高精確性及穩定性的基因定序分析方法。
AppWorks Accelerator #22 正在招募 AI / IoT, Blockchain / DeFi, or Southeast Asia 團隊!現在就申請加入大東南亞區最大的創業者社群:https://bit.ly/3mmCGLA
WASAI, abbreviation for We Accelerate System Architecture & Infrastructure, offers a well-tailored solution for data processing. Its FPGA accelerator for Big Data Hadoop platform and optimized architectural design for Data Centers speed up keyword searching and key value sorting at 6x. Now WASAI enters the field of genomic analysis with its data processing power and provides an All-in-one DNA Sequencing Acceleration solution with high accuracy and consistency.
If you are a AI / IoT, Blockchain / DeFi, or Southeast Asia startup, apply to join the strongest founders community in GSEA today >> https://bit.ly/3mmCGLA
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【Demo Day 2020 精彩回顧 - Tera Thinker 】#Englishbelow
藉由自適學習而不是千篇一律的方法,學生可以擁有適合各自獨特需求的學習模塊。 TeraThinker使用大數據分析來產生實時反饋,實時調整和精確的教學,從而使學習過程更加有效。
AppWorks Accelerator #22 正在招募 AI / IoT, Blockchain / DeFi, or Southeast Asia 團隊!現在就申請加入大東南亞區最大的創業者社群:https://bit.ly/3mmCGLA
With adaptive learning instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, students can have learning modules tailored to their individual needs. TeraThinker uses big data analysis to produce real-time feedback, makes learning adjustments, and provide precise teaching to make the learning process more effective and efficient.
If you are a AI / IoT, Blockchain / DeFi, or Southeast Asia startup, apply to join the strongest founders community in GSEA today >> https://bit.ly/3mmCGLA
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【Demo Day 2020 精彩回顧 - Dance Clout】#Englishbelow
團體表演時,常常會有動作不一致的情況,導致舞者需要花大量的時間一起排舞練習。Dance Clout 運用 AI 分析微小沒有辦法透過肉眼精準辨識的動作細節,來幫助舞者進行有效率的團體練舞!
AppWorks Accelerator #22 正在招募 AI / IoT, Blockchain / DeFi, or Southeast Asia 團隊!現在就申請加入大東南亞區最大的創業者社群:https://bit.ly/3mmCGLA
Every dancer has their own habits and tendencies that make group rehearsals time-consuming, in order to make rehearsals more efficient, Dance Clout employs AI to catch out of sync motions that is normally hard to spot just by using our own eyes!
If you are a AI / IoT, Blockchain / DeFi, or Southeast Asia startup, apply to join the strongest founders community in GSEA today >> https://bit.ly/3mmCGLA
gsea分析 在 熱血a生物老ㄙ- 今天來學學如何解讀GSEA的分析吧!! | Facebook 的必吃
在组学大讲堂之前的一篇微信文章:关注的功能基因集在转录组结果中表现如何?中,跟大家介绍了GSEA(Gene Set Enrichment Analysis)及其分析结果。GSEA是一种基于基因 ... ... <看更多>