✔️秘方重頭戲令抗衰老效果Double up
升級版100% 純天然藍銅😏!成份UP⏫!濃度UP⏫!效果UP⏫!幫你打滿骨膠原!用過純天然B3 藍銅都知正~呢支就更正喇😍超級保濕又不立!勁岩潮濕天夏天用!
✓ 刺激膠原蛋白生成
✓ 增強皮膚彈性
✓ 減淡皺紋
✓ 保持肌膚柔滑細緻
✓ 抑制黑色素生成及減淡色斑
✓ 刺激GAGs 生成
Copper Superb X Plus 的藍銅胜肽濃度比原來皇牌藍銅精華更高😍可有效刺激皮膚細胞增生骨膠原,重建皮膚的彈性,令皮膚更緊緻!👍🏻而且藍銅胜肽對傷口癒合更有顯著功效;藍銅胜肽能有效刺激細胞及組織再生,從而加快傷口癒合、修復暗瘡傷口,非常適合代謝開始減慢的成熟肌膚!
💁藍銅胜肽可有效增加皮膚細胞間黏質生成,加強皮膚的保護屏障從而減少皮膚受損,改善皮膚整體膚質。藍銅胜肽可有效刺激GAGs 生成,GAGs(glycosaminoglycans醣胺多醣)是身體內細胞間質, 處於真皮層之中,與膠原蛋白及彈力蛋白構成交錯的網狀結構。GAGs 不單有效保持皮膚濕潤,支撐細胞,更可保存大量水份—儲存量可高達其本身容量的1000倍!
這枝高效的Copper Superb X Plus精華更同時加入九胜肽及一個獨特的秘密成份,令抗衰老效果更全面。九胜肽可有效抑制黑色素生成及減淡色斑;由於代謝減慢,成熟肌膚更需要重點對抗黑色素,以免黑色素沉澱形成色班。九胜肽可以抑制黑色素生成,從根本著手亮白肌膚。
glycosaminoglycans 在 Singapore Blogger - Missy琪琪 Facebook 的精選貼文
Sometimes, I think I'm still 16 years old, until I try to do extreme activities..
Damn... my knee pain.. LOL.. #truestory 😅
Sometimes, I don't really feel it until I run a few flights of stairs or start wearing my heels recently. #VainPot. You know being Asia, I do the Asian way, eating a lot of pig trotters to 以形补形🤤 (heal or nourish a body part by eating something that is visually similar to the respective body part aka pork trotters.) 😝
Let's not discuss if there is even scientific proof, just eating that alone is not enough when I have an active lifestyle and hitting the big 4 soon. So recently, I have just started to try out a premium collagen from Aussie Health Singapore Collagen Joint Restore Effervescent Tablet, it is a sugar-free, natural formula, made in Germany.
Its contains hydrolyzed type II collagen and glycosaminoglycans. Simply put,
Hydrolyzed type II collagen is simply native collagen that's been broken down (via enzymatic hydrolysis) into peptides which are highly digestible and bioavailable proteins.
And glycosaminoglycans play a crucial role in the cell signaling process, including regulation of cell growth, proliferation, promotion of cell adhesion, anticoagulation, and wound repair.
Coupled with other vitamins and minerals, the regular intake helps to support joint and bone health, reduce inflammation and rebuild cartilage.
If u take it consistently every day 1-2 times, you can feel the results about 2 weeks, that's for me. 🤗 Qiqi Low
glycosaminoglycans 在 Maymeility Facebook 的精選貼文
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✔️秘方重頭戲令抗衰老效果Double up
升級版100% 純天然藍銅😏!成份UP⏫!濃度UP⏫!效果UP⏫!幫你打滿骨膠原!用過純天然B3 藍銅都知正~呢支就更正喇😍超級保濕又不立!勁岩潮濕天夏天用!
✓ 刺激膠原蛋白生成
✓ 增強皮膚彈性
✓ 減淡皺紋
✓ 保持肌膚柔滑細緻
✓ 抑制黑色素生成及減淡色斑
✓ 刺激GAGs 生成
Copper Superb X Plus 的藍銅胜肽濃度比原來皇牌藍銅精華更高😍可有效刺激皮膚細胞增生骨膠原,重建皮膚的彈性,令皮膚更緊緻!👍🏻而且藍銅胜肽對傷口癒合更有顯著功效;藍銅胜肽能有效刺激細胞及組織再生,從而加快傷口癒合、修復暗瘡傷口,非常適合代謝開始減慢的成熟肌膚!
💁藍銅胜肽可有效增加皮膚細胞間黏質生成,加強皮膚的保護屏障從而減少皮膚受損,改善皮膚整體膚質。藍銅胜肽可有效刺激GAGs 生成,GAGs(glycosaminoglycans醣胺多醣)是身體內細胞間質, 處於真皮層之中,與膠原蛋白及彈力蛋白構成交錯的網狀結構。GAGs 不單有效保持皮膚濕潤,支撐細胞,更可保存大量水份—儲存量可高達其本身容量的1000倍!
這枝高效的Copper Superb X Plus精華更同時加入九胜肽及一個獨特的秘密成份,令抗衰老效果更全面。九胜肽可有效抑制黑色素生成及減淡色斑;由於代謝減慢,成熟肌膚更需要重點對抗黑色素,以免黑色素沉澱形成色班。九胜肽可以抑制黑色素生成,從根本著手亮白肌膚。
glycosaminoglycans 在 Glycosaminoglycans - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 的相關結果
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are complex carbohydrates that are expressed ubiquitously and abundantly on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix (ECM). ... <看更多>
glycosaminoglycans 在 Glycosaminoglycans and Proteoglycans - Sigma-Aldrich 的相關結果
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are large linear polysaccharides constructed of repeating disaccharide units with the primary configurations containing an amino ... ... <看更多>
glycosaminoglycans 在 Biochemistry, Glycosaminoglycans - StatPearls - NCBI 的相關結果
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), also known as mucopolysaccharides, are negatively-charged polysaccharide compounds. They are composed of ... ... <看更多>