川普總統已簽署金額達2.3兆美元的2021會計年度聯邦政府撥款法案,除了包含9000億美元的新冠疫情紓困法案外,還包括「#2020年台灣保證法」及「#西藏政策及支持法案」。#這項撥款法案也同時授權撥款300萬美元,支應「全球合作暨訓練架構 (GCTF)」相關活動。#GCTF為台灣與世界各地夥伴分享專業知識的平台,包括公共衛生、執法、災難救助、能源合作、女性賦權、網路安全、媒體識讀及良善治理等領域。
The White House issued a press release Sunday night stating that Trump had signed the appropriations bill for the 2021 fiscal year, which totals US$2.3 trillion. In addition to the US$900 billion of COVID-19 relief, the legislation includes the Taiwan Assurance Act of 2020 and the Tibetan Policy and Support Act. The appropriations bill also allocates US$3 million to support the activities of the U.S.-Taiwan Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF), which is a platform promoting public health, law enforcement, disaster relief, energy cooperation, women's empowerment, network security, media literacy, and good governance.
gctf為台灣與世界各地夥伴分享專業知識的平台 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
白宮週日晚間發布新聞稿表示,川普總統已簽署金額達2.3兆美元的2021會計年度聯邦政府撥款法案,除了包含9000億美元的新冠疫情紓困法案外,還包括「2020年台灣保證法」及「西藏政策及支持法案」。這項撥款法案也同時授權撥款300萬美元,支應「全球合作暨訓練架構 (GCTF)」相關活動。GCTF為台灣與世界各地夥伴分享專業知識的平台,包括公共衛生、執法、災難救助、能源合作、女性賦權、網路安全、媒體識讀及良善治理等領域。
The White House issued a press release Sunday night stating that Trump had signed the appropriations bill for the 2021 fiscal year, which totals US$2.3 trillion. In addition to the US$900 billion of COVID-19 relief, the legislation includes the Taiwan Assurance Act of 2020 and the Tibetan Policy and Support Act. The appropriations bill also allocates US$3 million to support the activities of the U.S.-Taiwan Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF), which is a platform promoting public health, law enforcement, disaster relief, energy cooperation, women's empowerment, network security, media literacy, and good governance.
gctf為台灣與世界各地夥伴分享專業知識的平台 在 美國在台協會AIT - #WHACountdown 世界衛生大會倒數11天 ... 的必吃
即日起至#WHA 召開,我們每天都會分享貼文聲援台灣參加世界衛生大會, ... 在20多場GCTF研習營中,有許多跟公衛相關的主題,匯聚了世界各地的公衛官員 ... ... <看更多>