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一物多用。蔬果網袋 (produce bags)
直到三個月前,我發現了這種蔬果網袋,我就不用再糾結了!它長得有點像洗衣袋 😆 大概有三個尺寸,質感非常好,我現在都把它們塞在環保袋裡,一拼帶去買菜;網袋內的蔬果可以直接清洗,如果太髒,丟洗衣機清洗就可以了,非常方便。而且除了裝蔬果用,也可以當成一般的收納袋用,收納衣服、小朋友的玩具也都可以喔~
在北美這邊,還蠻多外國人喜歡用的 (華人比較少在用),所以一些當地的超市也會有賣,而我是在網絡買的。用了它之後,我真的減少使用了很多塑膠袋,感覺很好!旅行也一定會帶著 😉
Multipurpose。Reusable Produce Bags
I rarely go to the market to buy produce, not to mention cooking. But in the past six months, I had to take care of my own meals every day, so I was forced to go to markets. And I found that every time I buy vegetables, I need to use a few transparent plastic bags provided by the supermarket. Of course, I will try to use them repeatedly. BUT! These transparent plastic bags are easy to break, and it is not very convenient to wash when they become dirty. So the probability of repeated use them is quite low. In fact, every time I use it, I feel kind of guilty. Do you feel the same way? 😫
Until three months ago, I found this produce bag, and I don't have to feel guilty anymore! It looks a bit like a laundry bag 😆 It has about three sizes with high quality. The veggies and fruits in the produce bag can be washed directly. If it is too dirty, just throw it in the washing machine. It is easy to clean and very convenient. Besides using it for produce, it can also be used as a general storage bag. For example, store clothes and children's toys.
In North America, quite a lot of foreigners like to use it (Chinese people use it less), so some local supermarkets will also sell it, but I bought it online. After using it, I really reduced the use of a lot of plastic bags and it feels really good! I will bring them to travel for sure 😉
#producebag #ecofriendly #lessplastic