週年慶活動倒數 1 天!但是這篇要講的是 短褲快沒了!
新色 FOREST GREEN 只剩最後 2 件了~
・週年慶折扣商品專區 6 折起
👉🏻 滿 2 件 再享 9 折
👉🏻 滿 3 件 再享 85 折
・單筆消費折扣後滿 3000,送 GROOVY 17th 特製帆布包
We do oversea delivery.
forest green顏色 在 Tiny 微影 香港玩具及模型品牌 Facebook 的最佳解答
🍏🥬🥗【 聽日🎊 現貨開售‼️】🥦🔫🥒
🚎 TINY 城市 合金車仔 - Pantone Tram (第七代)
ONLINE STORE:https://www.tiny.com.hk/product?product_id=25423
報告報告!彩通色彩研究所(PANTONE Color Institute)特別為香港電車而打造嘅「HK Tram Green」已經登場喇!😍 據悉PANTONE為保留香港電車嘅傳統及文化歷史,以及推廣依個全球獨有交通工具,先特意將此顏色命名為「香港電車綠」,而真車亦已經喺港島區遊走緊喇🔥
另外, Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 7月30日至8月22日會喺太古坊舉辦「香港電車綠」期間限定店,如果想購買更多「HK Tram Green」產品,把握機會喇!🚎
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🌐 ONLINE STORE: https://www.tiny.com.hk/
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forest green顏色 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最佳貼文
居家防疫也別忘了運動🏋️♀️ 🧘♀️
While y'all are at home staying safe, don't forget to exercise! 🏋️♀️ 🧘♀️
Right after giving birth to Sasa, I got my @MOLLIFIX瑪莉菲絲 gear on and started exercising to lift my spirits up.
團購連結 Check out the gear here:https://lihi1.com/eaKQG
團購日期 Validity: 2021/6/1 - 2021/6/8
(#結帳別忘了輸入專屬折扣碼▶️▶️ SARAH150 ◀️◀️ 可以再折抵150元喔)
(#Don't forget to enter the exclusive discount code at checkout ▶️▶️ SARAH150 ◀️◀️ for a 150NT off)
㊙️The discount code can be used on the whole official website ㊙️
進入6月,莎莎出生一個半月。全家籠罩在擁有兩個寶貝女兒的喜悅,我也第一次能感受凱莉當上姊姊的模樣,全家常常一起膩在家的模樣。懷孕時期就不太離家,所以全城居家 work from home 這件事我也很快能適應,在家中還是有很多活動可以讓生活很美好。
Now that Sasa is six weeks old, we've really been able to experience the joy of have two baby girls with Kali adapting wonderfully to her older sister duties. Even though we're all stuck in the house, we don't really feel like we've had to make too many adjustments because even from our pregnancy we've been pretty much working from home. Exercising has always been a part of our daily lives, so we just picked up where we left off since being pregnant.
其中,很想念大著肚子,每天早上跟凱莉一起的運動時間,還有一回我的瑜伽老師兼好友 RayRay來頂樓幫我上孕婦瑜伽課時,凱莉穿梭我們在瑜珈墊上跟著做的模樣。我就是那時候開始認識 MOLLIFIX的,第一反應是:怎麼那麽好穿???後來有機會知道品牌理念是讓各種身型的亞洲女孩都有好看的運動服可穿,就太開心了,決定生產後選她成為我慢慢恢復運動的服裝選擇,也有機會讓支持我的粉絲們可以一起以優惠的價格,穿同款!
I do miss being pregnant, working out every morning with just Kali, working out with friends like RayRay doing preggie Yoga on the roof, and watching Kali doing downward dog with us. That was the first time I got to know the brand MOLLIFIX. My first impression was, man, this is sooo comfortable!! I love their brand philosophy - "All body types are beautiful" - and they use all Asian models, I love the inclusivity and the Asian pride in their brand. So I decided I definitely wanted to wear MOLLIFIX after birth as well. And now, I have the opportunity to share this awesome brand with all of you!
二寶媽咪的日常,哺乳內衣之外,我會穿 hold me bra 取代內衣,無鋼圈又吸濕排汗真的非常適合現在在家穿著,如果特別要進行一些伸展運動時,則會換上 sporty bra 系列,備著一件挖背雙面運動內衣,可以換心情穿!再備一件森綠色的背部交叉簍空後扣款方便運動後穿脫換洗。全身上下淡紫配套的運動服日常穿就很舒服,孩子一睡著馬上可以抓空檔動一動!綁結背心是我準備全城解禁可以外出穿的,時尚的運動感,搭配長褲要出門開會也可以,搭上短褲就推二寶到附近散步!
For the daily life of a mother of two at home, outside of nursing bras, I'm just wearing "hold me bra" instead of anything else. It's wireless, sweat absorbent, and quick-drying perfect for hanging around the house. If I wanna do more intense exercises and stretching, I'll switch over to the "sporty bra," which depending on my mode, I'll either go for a reversible racerback or a cute forest green criss-cross bra so I can switch off for laundry cycles... You know how much laundry backlog new mommas have... I'm all for looking good, exercising to feel good, especially in my matching periwinkle set, perfect for sleepwear/exercise wear. After this lockdown, I can't wait to sport these cute clothes out and about around the city.
If ya love exercising, if you just love cute sportswear, or want something to lounge around in the house... Yaass the yoga pants era!! I highly recommend it!
Oh yea! For all ya postpartum moms, I especially asked them to include this. Kungfu Momma highly recommends getting this body shaper! A nice nude color that goes with anything and helps you get back into shape. I've got y'all a 70% discount! And for all you lovely fans, there are some items with a whopping 60% discount!
Check it out here! https://lihi1.com/eaKQG
If you have any questions you can send a DM to MOLLIFIX here!