Kena simpan ilmu ni sebaiknya
Orangnya pun dah takda lagi.😔
(AlMarhum Tuan Guru Dato Dr Haron Din)
1) - Apabila dipatuk ular, penawar ada pada ular itu.
-Ambil sisik terakhir (hujung ekor ) ular tersebut.
-Ambil & makan. InsyaAllah ia akan jadi penawar bagi bisa ular itu.
2) - Disengat ikan sembilang atau ikan keli, penawar ada pada otak ikan tersebut.
- Ketuk kepala ikan, ambil kecik seperti gel
- Ambil & sapu pada bahagian yang disengat
3) - Terkena duri kelapa sawit. Penawarnya ada pada buah kelapa sawit.
- Ambil buah, diketuk/ dipecahkan dan diambil minyaknya
- Jangan ambil menggunakan tangan, sapu menggunakan sabut kelapa sawit itu sekali
- InsyaAllah hilang rasa sakit & cepat sembuh
4) Terkena sihir untuk menceraikan suami isteri
Surah Al - Baqarah, ayat 102
5 ) Resdung
- Ambil 7 botol air kolah dari 7 buah masjid yg berlainan
- Mestilah masjid yang aktif (masjid yang ada org dtg bersolat)
- Setiap kolah masjid, 1 botol.
- Ambil air, letak atas sejadah, buat solat hajat untuk sembuhkan penyakit resdung
- Letak air pada tangan kanan, Baca surah Al- Anbya' , ayat 83.
- Sebelum masukkan air ke dalam hidung, baca selawat syifa'
- Masukkan air ke dalam hidung & buang semula
- Ulang sebanyak 7 kali
Surah Al - Anbya', ayat 83
6) Masalah sakit tumit / sakit2 sendi (rheumatism)
- Gunakan minyak zaitun
- Baca Al - Fatihah & Ayat kursi
- Sapu minyak tersebut atau urut sambil membaca doa di bawah ini :
Surah At- Taubah ayat 14
surah Al - Hashr ayat 21
7) Fibroid, atau masalah yang melibatkan wanita
- Menggunakan madu asli
- Baca Al- Fatihah & Ayat kursi
- Baca Surah An - Nahl, ayt 69, jampi ayat tersebut pada madu
- Makan 1 sudu sehari
Surah An -Nahl, ayat 69
8 ) Angin pasang
- Menggunakan madu
- Amalkan ayat- ayat di bawah ini
-Surah Al - Isra', ayat 82
Surah Al - Hashr, ayat 21
Surah Ash - Shua'ra' ayat 70
9) Penyakit darah tinggi, kencing manis, & masalah jantung
Bahan - bahan :
- Ambil serai 3 batang ( titikkan supaya pecah)
- Halba (yang selalu diletakkan dalam nasi dagang)
- Buah kelapa (yang berhingus)
Cara - cara :
- Serai apabila sudah dititikkan, letak dalam buah kelapa,1 buah kelapa, 3 btg serai.
- Ambil 7 halba, letak sekali dlm buah kelapa.
- Ambil buah kelapa, letak atas api gas & pnaskan.
- Jadikan serai sebagai sudu, ambil isi guna serai.
- Minum air kelapa yang telah suam.
*Satu bji kelapa, selang 2 hari.
10) Susah tidur malam
Surah Al - kahf, ayat 11
11) Angin dalam badan, sakit - sakit sendi
Surah - fussilat, ayat 44
12) Merawat histeria
- Genggam tangan kanan, baca Bismillah, MasyaAllah..
- Baca 3 kali, tiup dalam penumbuk, muncungkan mulut, tiup dengan tiupan yg halus, Tepuk atas tulang belikat pesakit yang terkena histeria.
*Pagar diri dahulu sebelum mengubati orang lain
- As saffat , ayat 7
[Almarhum Tuan Guru Dato Dr Haron Din]
Ilmu yang harus dikongsi bersama..
Need to keep this knowledge better
The person is no longer here. 😔
(Late Teacher Dato Dr Haron Din)
1) - When hit by a snake, the antidote is on the snake.
- Take the last scales (end of the tail) of the snake.
- Take & eat. InsyaAllah it will be the antidote for the snake.
2) - Stung by a chapel or catfish, the antidote is on the brain of the fish.
- Knock on fish head, take it small like gel
- Take & apply on the stinged part
3) - Got hit by palm oil thorn. The cure is on palm oil fruit.
- Take the fruit, knock / break and take the oil
- Don't take it by hand, apply it using the palm oil sabut once
- InsyaAllah the pain will be gone & will be healed quickly
4) Got magic to divorce husband and wife
Surah Al - Baqarah, verse 102
5) Sinusitis
- Take 7 bottles of water from 7 different mosques
- Must be an active mosque (mosque that someone came to pray)
- Every mosque school, 1 bottles.
- Take water, put it on the sejadah, pray for the wish to heal sinus disease
- Put water on the right hand, Read surah Al-Anbya ', verse 83.
- Before putting water into the nose, read Syifa's prayers
- Put water into the nose & throw it back
- Repeat 7 times
Surah Al - Anbya ', verse 83
6) Problems with heel pain / joint pain (rheumatism)
- Use olive oil
- Read Al - Fatihah & Chair Verse
- Sweep the oil or massage while reading the prayer below:
Surah At-Taubah verse 14
Surah Al - Hashr verse 21
7) Fibroids, or problems involving women
- Using pure honey
- Read Al-Fatihah & chair verse
- Read Surah An - Nahl, ayt 69, spell that sentence on honey
- Eat 1 tablespoon a day
Surah An-Nahl, verse 69
8) The wind tide
- Using honey
- Practice the verses below
Surah Al - Isra ', verse 82
Surah Al - Hashr, verse 21
Surah Ash - Shua 'ra' verse 70
9) High blood disease, diabetes, & heart problems
Ingredients - ingredients:
- Take 3 sticks of lemongrass (point it to break)
- Halba (which is always placed in nasi dagang)
- Coconut fruit (the thirsty one)
Ways - ways:
- Lemongrass when pointed, put it in coconut fruit, 1 coconut, 3 pieces of lemongrass.
- Take 7 halba, put it together in the coconut fruit.
- Take the coconut fruit, put it on the gas fire & heat it up.
- Make lemongrass as a spoon, take it with lemongrass.
- Drink warm coconut water.
* One piece of coconut, 2 days lapse.
10) Hard to sleep at night
Surah Al - kahf, verse 11
11) Wind in the body, pain - joint pain
Surah - fussilat, verse 44
12) Treats hysterical
- Grab the right hand, read Bismillah, MasyaAllah..
- Read 3 times, blow it in the fist, pound your mouth, blow it with a smooth blow, clap on the bones of the patient affected by hysterical.
* Gate yourself first before cure others
- As saffat, verse 7
[Late Teacher Dato Dr Haron Din]
Knowledge that must be shared together..Translated