科技日新月異,今日大開眼界!仲同家姐Barbara Wong 黃真真一齊試全球首支分子威士忌Glyph Whiskey! 🥃以植物提煉用分子方式生產重塑威士忌,當一般威士忌可能需用3年或以上陳年才出廠,Glyph只需24小時便可出廠!以日本及加拿大威士忌為參考,Glyph味道又是如何?盲品你絶對唔知佢係分子威士忌,好易入口,帶雲尼拿、烤烘、奶油、蜜糖、檸檬、梨及香料等,後段比較短及輕。好有趣嘅體驗!HK$488/支!🤩🥃Cheers!
It’s an eye-opening experience to try the 1st molecular whiskey in the world - Glyph Whiskey! It’s so high-tech! 🥃 When normal whiskey needs 3 years or more to bottle, Glyph only needs 24 hours to bottle! By using plant-based ingredients to make the molecular whiskey, the taste profile is inspired by Japanese & Canadian whiskies. How’s the taste? If u blind taste it, u definitely can’t tell it’s molecular whiskey! It’s easy to approach, with spices, vanilla, citrus, toasty, pear & creamy notes, the finish is light & short. A very interesting experience! HK$488/bottle! Happy to attend with my sis Barbara as well! 🤩🥃 cheers!
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