She is one super hardworking Mom...she has from a very young age, taken care of her family and her other 6 siblings. She has learnt to cut, draft patterns and sew herself. She single handedly started her fashion empire 50 years ago. Not only is she a mum of 6, she also looked after many employees on her own.....she is now 77 and still working in her factory and continues to take care of many people.
She is known as Keng Foong...The dressmaker on Jalan Kenanga, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
I am proud to call her Mom!
#WECELEBRATEMUMS #grateful #mothersdayweek #celebrateMothersday #IloveyouMom #rolemodel #kengfoongdressmaking #fashionpioneer #sifu #mymom #melindalooifamily #momsarethebest