洋蔥 vs 玉米穿衣法
- 穿搭多層衣服,就像洋蔥一樣一層搭一層
- 依照室內外溫度變化增減衣服
- 分為三層,內層吸濕排汗,中層保暖,外層防風
- 適合進行戶外活動的人士
- 進入室內時脫去外衣即可,就像粟米剝去外皮一樣
- 分兩層,內層為貼身衣物或發熱衣,外層為保暖並防風的大褸
- 適合有暖氣設備或室內外溫差較大的地方
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Debunking styling myths during winter
The onion vs corn dressing styles
It is normal for us to put on more layers of clothes when it is cold, but do not think this is enough to keep warm. Wearing too many clothes can hinder our movements, and it can cause us to sweat, which dissipates heat from the body. Consequentially, this kind of dressing style might cause us to fall ill.
Come and learn about these two trendy dressing styles, which you can consider adopting for different occasions. These styles of dressing can effectively keep you warm and will not make you look plump.
The onion style
- Put on layers of clothes, just like layers of an onion
- Add and reduce the layers based on the changes in the indoor and outdoor temperatures
- Divide it into three layers: the sweat-absorbing layer on the inside, the insulating layer in the middle, and the wind-breaking layer on the outside
- Suitable as outdoor wear
The corn style
- Remove the outer layer once you are indoors, just like how you remove the cornhusk
- You should have two layers of clothes: the insulating layer on the inside that can keep you warm, and the outer layer that can break the wind and rain
- Suitable to be worn in places with heaters and those that experience drastic changes in indoor and outdoor temperatures
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#男 #女 #我畏冷
fall into分為 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
早安,今日來讀 #紐約時報
Want Lasting Love? First, Take This Test
😕I asked Claire to take the test after our third date. Things had gone well — hands touching, knees skimming, heads close. By the time I flopped into bed, I was flush with possibility. I was also quite drunk.
🤔I became obsessed with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (many websites, including 16 Personalities, use it as a basis for their own tests) a few years ago when my nearly two-decade marriage began to unravel and I was trying to understand how things had gone so wrong. My husband, Adam, and I still made decisions well together, but we had long ago lost our emotional tie, especially when it came to being able to talk in ways that didn’t involve planning or practical matters.
幾年前,在持續近20載的婚姻開始垮掉時,我漸漸迷上了邁爾斯-布里格斯性格分類指標(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,包括16型人格測試在內的許多網站都以其作為測試的基礎),我想搞清楚事情是如何走到了不可收拾的程度。我和丈夫亞當仍然會很好地在一起做決定,但我們之間早已失去了情感紐帶,特別是在能以不涉及計劃或實際問題的方式進行交談方面。
🔮The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assign personality types based on answers to a series of questions. Our responses determine where we fall on the spectrum of four categories: how we interact with the world (extrovert or introvert), how we process information (sensing or intuition), how we make decisions (thinking or feeling) and how we organize our lives (judging or perceiving). The final result is a set of four letters.
MBTI 性格測試,根據對一系列問題的答案,把性格分為不同類型。我們的回答決定了我們屬於四類性格中的哪一種:如何與世界互動(外向或內向)、如何處理信息(理智或直覺)、如何做決定(思維或感覺)以及如何安排生活(判斷或感知)。最終結果是四項答案英文首字母組合。
滿30人留言解鎖 #配對版!
MBTI 性格測試如何幫你找真愛?
#配對起來 #對生涯職涯也非常有幫助
fall into分為 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#留言拿單字包 #今日來讀華爾街日報
你更新 iOS 14 了嗎?
Your iPhone Will Look Completely Different Now, if You Want
📱Apple’s latest mobile operating system doesn’t vary much on the surface, but new tricks like widgets and app organization can transform a phone.
蘋果最新系統iOS 14乍看上去變化不大,但你手機主螢幕上的程式們可以組小團體了,而且還有新的應用程式管理功能。
🎭 iPhone owners fall into two parties.
There are the Keep Everything the Samers. You believe the iPhone shall not, and should not, change—not with software updates and certainly not with home-button removals.
Then there are the Bring on the Changers. You fear nothing, not even the disappearance of a headphone jack.
👀There is no right or wrong, but Apple’s latest iPhone operating system, iOS 14—released on Wednesday for the iPhone 6s and later, and even that old iPhone SE—is a win no matter your registered party. (Insert cringeworthy 2020 joke here.) In its 13-year history, there has never been a bigger design change to the iPhone’s main home screen. And yet if you want everything to stay the same, it will. No action necessary.
這件事本就沒有對錯,但無論你支持哪邊,蘋果(Apple)9月16日正式發布的最新iPhone操作系統iOS 14(適用於iPhone 6s及以上機型、包括舊款iPhone SE的版本)都能贏得你心(此處插入應景的2020年大選年冷笑話一則)。回顧iPhone的13年歷史,這次主螢幕的設計變更和之前相比是最大的。但如果你希望一切保持原樣,那也沒問題,什麼都不需要做。
🤳Taking cues from Google’s Android, iOS 14 allows you to customize your home screen with widgets, the digital doodads that update with live information about the weather, news, you name it. You can also completely rethink how you organize your folders and apps. The result? A more personalized and organized smartphone.
iOS 14受到Google(Google)的安卓系統(Android)啟發,讓你用小工具來客製化你的主螢幕,比如即時更新天氣資訊,新聞等等,還可以重新考慮如何整理文件夾和應用程式。因此,你的iPhone可以變得更個性化、更有條理。
#上傳分享🏙 你的手機主螢幕
#堅決不換 #試試看吧