英文 English | 毛孟靜
//成語「玉石俱焚」,基本上等於香港抗爭潮中的一個潮 語:攬炒。
玉石俱焚有 mutual destruction 兩敗俱傷之意,當然不 可以直譯做 jade and stone burning together,用英文道 來,是指 something must be done whatever happens, 有為達目的不擇手段、不惜一切代價的意思:at any cost、at all costs、whatever the cost。
• He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had. 即使要放棄他的所有,他也不惜一 切要得到她。
• Security during the president's visit must be maintained at all costs. 我們必須不惜一切手段嚴密保 護總統來訪。
• "We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be..." — Winston Churchill「不管任何代價,我們誓死 保護這個島嶼……」——邱吉爾。
要留意上述例句中,at ANY cost 係單數、 at ALL costs 多數會用眾數,而 whatever THE cost 又回到單數。
抗爭者用英文表達「攬炒」,絕大部分時間是一句:If we burn, you burn with us,若我們焚燒,你與我們一齊 焚燒。但套用上述例句,也可以是:• We fight on, at any cost. 我們不惜代價繼續抗爭。
• We soldier on, at all costs. 我們抗爭下去,不管代價 地。
· We stick it out, whatever the cost. 不管怎樣,大家「頂 硬上」。當然,這種攬炒、兩敗俱傷的講法,一般只屬委婉 euphemistic 的形容,就像詛咒人「死不足惜、唔死都冇 用」,不會真的預備將人置諸死地。
而類似不惜一切的心態,英文亦可以叫做 whatever-it- takes mentality:Anything, including measures which may be extreme or wrongful, that is required to achieve an objective. 會用任何手段,包括過激或錯誤 的,去達到目的。
例如 the mother will protect her baby, whatever it takes,「這個母親會不惜一切保護她的嬰兒」,這肯定 是句正面的話;但看另外這句:
• He is a whatever-it-takes guy.這句話的含義,就要視乎上文下理了,到底是說這個人 非常堅定勇往直前呢,還是形容他不擇手段橫衝直撞? Whatever it takes 的同義詞,有 no matter what:
• The protesters say they will persist, whatever it takes. 抗爭者說,不管發生什麼事,他們都會堅持下去。
• The young vow to persist, no matter what. 年輕人誓 言,無論如何都堅持抗爭。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Coolgang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,51區外星人跟羅斯威爾飛碟事件,都是美國歷任總統知道但是卻不能說的秘密。 Jimmy Kimmel 吉米夜現場有訪問歷年的美國總統,從這幾段珍貴的訪談中都明確指出不能透露。 柯林頓的訪問中談到太陽系以外生命形成的可能性,是否就是用比較委婉的方式承認外星人的存在。 影片中還有一段是藍皮書計畫,影片中...
euphemistic 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
針對上一則關於「勘譯功德院」的發文,有位網友私訊表達支持,謝謝。但他說,「disappear 這個只能主動,不能用被動,因此要將was disappeared 改為disappeared才正確。即便是為了符合中文的『被消失』,似乎也不該以英文文法的正確性為代價。」
抱歉我選擇公開回覆並且未具名引述你的話,因為這是一個切磋學習的機會。針對disappear當成及物動詞,請有興趣的朋友上網查詢這個「近期」的用法,英文中文皆然,我甚至認為,中文的新用法「被消失」很可能是仿自、翻譯自英文的to disappear someone; someone was disappeared。語言不斷演進,disappear做及物動詞,已有一百多年了歷史,好一點的、新一點的大字典已收。台灣的「規範派」(prescriptivist)制式英語學習環境或許還來不及教到這個字義。
例如,知名的American Heritage Dictionary第四版,未列出及物用法。幾年前推出的第五版,收了:
// OED shows that disappear has been used as a transitive verb for a surprisingly long time:
3. trans. To cause to disappear.
1897 Chem. News 19 Mar. 143 : We progressively disappear the faces of the dodecahedron.
However its euphemistic use is a bit more recent, and specifically relates to the rule of the Argentine military junta in the late 1970s.
b. trans. euphem. To abduct or arrest (a person), esp. for political reasons, and subsequently to kill or detain as a prisoner, without making his or her fate known.Freq. with reference to Latin America. //
The modern, euphemistic, transitive use can be found many times before the OED's 1979 citation, in Joseph Heller's 1961 novel Catch-22:
She had urgent news about Dunbar.
'They're going to disappear him,' she said.
Yossarian squinted at her uncomprehendingly. 'They're what?' he asked in surprise, and laughed uneasily. 'What does that mean?'
'I don't know. I heard them talking behind a door.'
'I don't know. I couldn't see them. I just heard them say they were going to disappear Dunbar.'
'Why are they going to disappear him?'
'I don't know.'
'It doesn't make sense. It isn't even good grammar. What the hell does it mean when they disappear somebody?'
'I don't know.'
Jesus, you're a great help!'
'Why are you picking on me?' Nurse Duckett protested with hurt feelings, and began sniffing back tears. 'I'm only trying to help. It isn't my fault they're going to disappear him, is it? I shouldn't even be telling you.' //
StackExchange上的這個English Language & Usage論壇,深入紮實而優質,常有說母語且熱衷語言學的人士參與,是個發問、學習道地英語的大寶庫,大力推薦。也有一個較初階,專為英語學習者所設的版本,同樣高品質:
euphemistic 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
euphemism (婉轉說法)
是一種表達方式,用來替代可能冒犯人的說法,這個字是來自希臘字首eu-(好)以及字根 pheme(聲音),再加上字尾 -ism(字源意思就是「用好聲音說」。)形容詞是euphemistic。
同樣出自字首 eu- 的英文字還包括:
1) euphony (悅耳聲音,愉悅的曲調或節奏)的字根 phone 即「聲音」。形容詞為 euphonic 或 euphonious。
2) eulogy (頌詞,悼詞)的字源意思是「好的言語」,意指正式的讚頌,通常為喪禮上的悼念詞。這個字裡頭的 logos 意指 word(言詞)或 speech (言語),跟 philology(語言學)這個字一樣。
3) euthanasia (安樂死)的字源意思為「好好死去」,意指給罹患不治之症病患施以無痛死亡。目前並不合法,但有許多人大力主張。這個字是 eu- 加上希臘文 thanatos(死亡)。
誠 品:http://goo.gl/L2LkSX
euphemistic 在 Coolgang Youtube 的最讚貼文
Jimmy Kimmel 吉米夜現場有訪問歷年的美國總統,從這幾段珍貴的訪談中都明確指出不能透露。
外星人形容的美國男性領導人是不是說 川普老大呢?
Check out 🤘
👽酷奇王 FB https://goo.gl/vYfSEk
👽酷奇王 IG@afropopcorn
US President says UFO aliens Secret
The aliens in District 51 and the Roswell UFO incident are all secrets that all US presidents know but cannot tell.
Jimmy Kimmel Jimmy has visited the President of the United States over the years. From these precious interviews, it is clearly pointed out that it cannot be disclosed.
Clinton's visit talked about the possibility of the formation of life outside the solar system, whether it is to recognize the existence of aliens in a more euphemistic way.
There is also a blue book project in the film, in which the aliens are forced to ask questions.
(U.S. officials have not yet recognized the authenticity of this film)
It is said that the time when the nuclear war took place is calculated from the beginning of the year, and after half a century, it is also about the present time.
Does the alien male leader mean that Trump's boss?
After watching the video, leave a message and tell me what you think!
Or want to know what about aliens, let me explore the way forward.
Peace & Love 👽

euphemistic 在 Euphemistic Feedback - What They Really Mean - YouTube 的必吃
She tried to tell him, but he didn't realise. Watch the video to find out why. It shows you how to identify ... ... <看更多>