ประเทศไทย ในมุมมอง นักลงทุนต่างชาติ /โดย ลงทุนแมน
มีหลายคนพูดกันว่า ประเทศไทยไม่ได้เป็นเป้าหมายสำคัญสำหรับนักลงทุนต่างชาติเหมือนในอดีต เพราะเรากำลังสูญเสียความสามารถในการแข่งขันบางอย่างเมื่อเทียบกับประเทศอื่นๆ
เรื่องนี้เป็นอย่างไร แล้วถ้ามันเป็นจริง วันนี้เราควรเตรียมตัวอย่างไร เพื่อทำให้ประเทศไทยกลับมาเป็นเป้าหมายสำคัญของนักลงทุนต่างชาติ ลงทุนแมนจะเล่าให้ฟัง
Continue ReadingThailand in Foreign Investors View / Investman
Many people say that Thailand is not a major target for foreign investors like in the past because we are losing some competitiveness compared to other countries.
How is this? If it's true today, how should we prepare to bring Thailand back to the important target of foreign investors. Investman will tell you about it.
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
If you talk about foreign investment to be easily understood, let's split into 2 types.
1) Foreign Direct Investment
2) Investment in the financial market, which in this case emphasizes on investment in the stock exchange of foreign investors.
These 2 sections are important to reflect how much foreign investors are interested in investing in Thailand.
Foreign Direct Investment (Foreign Direct Investment or FDI) is a key factor that affects economic growth of the country.
As FDI's coming in, it doesn't only cause investment, employment, but also as portraying and technology development. It will eventually cause the country's economy to grow, average income and quality of life for domestic population.
However, it seems that FDI value that entered Thailand in the last 10 years is likely decreasing.
Year 2010-2014 FDI worth entering Thailand on average 321,000 million baht.
Year 2015-2019 FDI worth entering Thailand on average 247,000 million baht.
But, you know, in the past 10 years, FDI that entered ASEAN nationwide from 1.3 trillion baht to 4.7 trillion baht. This has resulted in the economy of many countries in this region to grow remarkably. Over the years.
The average GDP of many neighboring countries such as Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, grows an average of 6-7 % per year. Or, if it's simply explained, the economic value of the country grows around 10 years.
While in the past 10 years, Thailand's GDP grew an average of 3.5 % or half of its economic growth in neighboring countries.
This may be due to several of our structural issues changing.
Thai elderly population proportion, increasing continuously, will diminish long-term consumption and labor number of countries and result in less investment necessities that will hit employment and eventually slow the economy down.
Population in labour age is decreasing, leading countries to rely on labour to drive economic economies like Thailand.
Nowadays, about 1 in 3 of Thailand's workforce is in agriculture and agriculture sector. It's still in the manufacturing industry, selling. All of them are mainly labor-dependent industries.
Doesn't include any other issues like
Political unrest issues
Readiness of basic utility system
Corruption problem
A shortage of skilled workers that are barriers to developing countries.
We must admit that these matters not only decrease FDI value in Thailand during the past, but it will also slow down the future economic growth trend, and it will also slow down the interest of foreign investors on the Thai stock market.
Do you know that in between 2010-2019 or in 10 years, foreign investors sell collectible shares higher than 512,000 million Baht?
While the first 6 months of this year
Foreign investors have sold Thai stocks for over 216,000 million baht.
The interesting thing is that for those who think that foreign investors have sold a lot of stocks in the stock market. There may be a few stocks left. Then we may have to re
Because even the proportion of the stock holding of foreign investors in Thai stock market per cap. That's reduced from 37 % during 2012 to 30 % in 2019, but the remaining value is higher than 5 trillion baht.
And selling shares of foreign investors is one reason why the Thai stock market seems to go nowhere, especially in the last 6 years.
In summary, both foreign direct investments (FDI) will affect Thailand's real economic sector is decreasing compared to the past and foreign investors are also selling securities because they see the country's economic growth trend seems less interesting.
Therefore, our Thailand doesn't just require investment, improve performance, technology, and innovation to create value-added industries and reduce labor-oriented industries like before to help increase nation's income.
But it has to be including solving problems, labour problems, lack of skills, corruption problems, peaceful, politically accumulated for long time.
If this is like an eastern tale, it would be similar to a rabbit tale and a famous turtle that in the last decades, Thailand used to be a country where the economy grew fast and overtook many countries, especially the neighboring countries far away.
It looks like we're about to finish and leave our rivals without dust.
But then one day, when we run fast, we run slower, start walking, and don't stop walking while our rivals run faster.
Even today we may be ahead of many countries.
But no one can guarantee that
In the future, we will not be overtaken as in tales..
Situation and economic update with Blockdit
There's a podcast to listen to on the go.
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domestic rabbit 在 隆安動物醫院 Facebook 的最讚貼文
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 (招生簡介)
課程名稱 2019年度第四屆獸醫超音波臨床實操課程
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內容包含a) 檢查前置作業及準備 b) 原理概要 c) 鍵盤操作及調整 d) 都普樂的認識及應用
內容包含 a) 正常影像的認識及掃描 b) 此系統相關假影的認識 c) 相關之區域淋巴結影像的認識及掃描 d) 異常影像的認識及相關臨床意義 e) 此系統急症影像的辨認
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A.消化道系統 上(胃、12指腸)
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內容包含 a)正常影像的認識及掃描 b) 此系統相關假影的認識 c) 相關之區域淋巴結影像的認識及掃描 d) 異常影像的認識及相關臨床意義 e) 此系統急症影像的辨認
內容包含胸腔超音波的使用時機。正常及異常肺葉影像的分辨。肋膜腔及前縱隔腔掃描及臨床應用 。
DAY 1: 2019年10月26日(星期六)
DAY 2: 2019年11月23日(星期六)
DAY 3: 2019年12月14日(星期六)
DAY 4: 2020年 1月11日(星期六)
皆為09:00 ~ 18:00,共32小時,上午正課,下午實操。
人數: 24名(四人一組,分六組實際操作)
費用: 含午餐(採登記制)
陳冠升DVM, MVS, PhD, MANZCVS (Veterinary Radiology)
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 1999
澳洲墨爾本大學獸醫影像學碩士 2003
澳洲墨爾本大學獸醫系博士 2009
澳洲暨紐西蘭獸醫專科學院考試認證合格 獸醫影像診斷學專科 2010-
國立中興大學獸醫學系助理教授 2011-2018
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主任 2011-
台灣大學獸醫系友會小動物超音波工作營 超音波學 講師 2012
中華民國醫用超音波學會 動物超音波研習會 講師 2013, 2014
台灣獸醫外科專科醫學會(TCVS) 進階影像學 講師 2014, 2015
第六屆 FASAVA電腦斷層影像學 講師 2015
第五屆 中國小動物醫師大會-海口 影像學 講師 2016
上海寵物醫療暨學術研討會 影像學 講師 2016
拜耳臨床獸醫學院 影像學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
高雄福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
第三屆 高雄福爾摩沙獸醫年會 影像學 講師 2017
國立中興大學獸醫學系副教授 2018-
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會 獸醫超音波臨床實操課程講師 2018
中台灣春季聯合國際學術研討會 影像學 講師 2018
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 貓咪專題超音波實操課程講師 2018
高雄市福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 貓咪專題超音波實操課程講師 2019
國立中興大學獸醫系 副教授
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主任
1. Ma TY, Chiu HM, Wang HC, Chen KS*. What is your diagnosis? (2018, June. Accepted). Bilateral hematogenous osteomyelitis in the metaphyses of the radius and ulna in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. (SCI). *通訊作者.
2. Wu RS, Liu YJ, Chu CC, Heng HG, Chia MY, Wang HC, Chen KS*. (2017, accepted). Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. (SCI) *通訊作者.
3. Feng YC, Chen KS, Chang SC. (2016, Nov). Reconstruction with latissimus dorsi, external abdominal oblique and cranial sartorius muscle flaps for a large defect of abdominal wall in a dog after surgical removal of infiltrative lipoma. J Vet Med Sci. 78: 1117-1121. (SCI)
4. Wu RS, Chu CC, Wang HC, Chen KS*. (2016, Jun). Clinical diagnosis and surgical management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal peri-renal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248:1399-1403. (SCI) *通訊作者.
5. Chang AC, Cheng CC, Wang HC, Lee WM, Shyu CL, Lin CC, Chen KS*. (2016, Apr). Emphysematous pyometra secondary to Enterococcus avium infection in a dog. Tierärztl Prax. 44:195-199. (SCI) *通訊作者.
6. Chou HI, Chen KS, Wang HC, Lee WM. (2016, Apr). Effects of cranberry extract on prevention of urinary tract infection in dogs and on adhesion of Escherichia coli to Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Am J Vet Res. 77:421-427. (SCI)
7. Wang HC, Hung CT, Lee WM, Chang KM, Chen KS*. (2016, Jan). Effect of intravenous dexmedetomidine on cardiac characteristics measured using radiography and echocardiography in six healthy dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 57:8-15. (SCI) *通訊作者.
8. Jen CC, Wang HC, Lin JL, Chen KS*. What is your diagnosis? (2015, Dec). Gastric dilation and volvulus. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 247:1233-1235. (SCI) *通訊作者.
9. Lin YL, Wang HC, Lin CC, Chen KS*. (2015, Apr). What is your diagnosis? Hepatic neoplasia. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 246:733-735. (SCI) *通訊作者.
10. Lin CC, Chen KS, Lin YL, Chan JPW. (2015, Jan). Multiple subluxations and comminuted fracture of the cervical spine in a sheep. Tierärztl Prax. 2015; 43:44-48. (SCI)
吳叡璇DVM, MS, MANZCVS (Veterinary Radiology)
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 2004-2009
國立中興大學獸醫臨床碩士 2009-2011
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 實習醫生 2011-2012
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科住院醫師 2012-2015
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科總醫師 2015-2018
澳州墨爾本大學獸醫教學醫院影像診斷科研習 2012
中華民國醫用超音波學會 動物超音波研習會 講師 2013, 2014
第六屆FASAVA 放射線學、超音波學 口譯 2015
上海寵物醫療學術研討會 超音波學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會例會 超音波學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫師公會學術研討會 超音波學 講師 2016
台中市獸醫師公會例會 影像學 講師 2016
高雄市福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會特殊寵物年會 影像學 講師 2016
蘇州市動物診療協會年會 超音波學 講師 2016
第45屆獸醫師節慶祝大會暨國際學術研討會 異寵影像學 講師 2017
中華民國內科獸醫醫學會 影像學 口譯 2017
澳州墨爾本大學獸醫教學醫院影像診斷科研習 2012
澳洲暨紐西蘭獸醫專科學院考試認證合格 獸醫影像診斷學專科 2017-
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
高雄福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會 獸醫超音波臨床實操課程講師 2018
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會例會影像學講師 2018
第十屆東西部小動物臨床獸醫師大會影像診斷學講師 2018
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主治醫師 2018-
台南市獸醫師公會學術研討會影像學講師 2018
台北市獸醫師公會國際學術研討會WSAVA CE 影像學講師 2018
中台灣冬季聯合國際學術研討會 影像診斷學講師 2018
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 貓咪專題超音波實操課程講師 2018
高雄市福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 貓咪專題超音波實操課程講師 2019
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主治醫師
1. Wu RS, Liu YJ, Chu CC, Heng HG, Chia MY, Wang HC, Chen KS. (2017, accepted). Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 58(5), 607-612. 2017. (SCI) 第一作者.
2. Wu RS, Chu CC, Wang HC, Chen KS. Clinical diagnosis and surgical management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal perirenal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248, 1399-1403. 2016. (SCI) 第一作者.
3. Kung YY, Chu CC, Wu RS*. Bilateral ovarian cysts and diffuse cystic endometrial hyperplasia of uterus in a sugar glider (Petaurus Breviceps). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015. *通訊作者.
4. Chu CC, Chen YW, Wu RS*. Successful diagnosis and surgical management of gastric volvulus in a domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015. *通訊作者.
5. Chu CC, Wu RS, Chen KS. Idiopathic hepatic cyst in a preovulatory egg binding domestic gould’s monitor (Varanus G. flavirufus). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015.
6. Chu CC, Wang HC, Wu RS*. A rare case: Surgical management of cystolithiasis in a domestic bowsprit tortoise (Chersina angulata). Poster. Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians Conference. 2014. *通訊作者.
7. Chu CC, Chen KS, Wu RS*. Suspected dietary associated cystolithiasis in 2 sugar gliders (Petaaurus Breviceps). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine, 311-313. 2013. *通訊作者.
8. Chan IP, Wu RS, Huang HM, Lin MC, Lin SH. Case Report: First Report of Transcatheter Helical Coil Occulsion for Treatment of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in a Dog in Taiwan. Taiwan Vet J. 35(4), 283-291. 2009.
黃欣瑜DVM, MS
私立中國醫藥大學護理系學士 1999-2003
國立中興大學獸醫系學士 2005-2010
國立中興大學獸醫臨床碩士 2016-2018
台中永昌動物醫院 獸醫師 2011-2012
中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科住院獸醫師 2012-2015
中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科總獸醫師 2015-
雙鏡聯合微創手術課程研討會實作課程 專任麻醉獸醫師 2015
第九屆上海寵物醫療學術研討會 麻醉學講師 2016
新北市獸醫師公會學術研討會 麻醉學講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 麻醉學講師 2017
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 貓咪專題超音波實操課程 麻醉實操助教 2018
中華民國小動物臨床研究會 麻醉學講師 2019
高雄市福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 貓咪專題超音波實操課程 麻醉實操助教2019
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科總獸醫師
1. Huang HY, Hsu JY, Chang SC, Chen KS, Hsu TH, & Wang HC. Alteration in Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Gelatinase Activities in Lymphoma-Bearing Dogs with Chemotherapies. Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 45(3): 373-380. 2015. 第一作者.
domestic rabbit 在 隆安動物醫院 Facebook 的最佳解答
***2018/8/4(六) 23:00正式招生(重新貼文.附上報名連結)***
影像學檢查是臨床獸醫師每天所面臨到的工作,動物因為焦慮或疼痛往往無法安靜配合獸醫師的檢查而造成拍攝過程的人員與動物的受傷或無法得到良好影像品質。鎮靜在小動物臨床醫學之應用十分普遍,但鎮靜用藥亦有心血管及呼吸系統副作用,且鎮靜之動物所能進行之生理監控與支持較為受限。臨床上選擇鎮靜計劃時, 藥物和特定的搜尋計畫中所潛藏的關係需被好好衡量。討論擬好的鎮靜麻醉方案和搜尋到藥物可能相應的藥理性質是很重要的。良好的鎮靜可以提供化學性保定,減少動物的焦慮,從而減少兒茶酚胺分泌和心律不整的風險,減少在強力物理保定下造成人員與動物的傷害。
課程大綱 - 主要將會著重於與狗不同之處及貓較特別的疾病
主題I 簡述掃描前準備及如何優化影像品質
主題 II 泌尿生殖系統超音波學
如何運用鎮靜藥物於影像診斷流程中 PARTI
主題 IV消化道系統超聲波學
主題 V胰臟超音波學
主題 VI腹腔淋巴結系統超音波學
如何運用鎮靜藥物於影像診斷流程中 PARTII
PART I: 11月17日(星期六)
PART II: 12月15日(星期六)
兩天皆為09:00 ~ 18:00,共16小時,上午超音波正課三小時,下午麻醉正課及實操兩小時,以及超音波實操三小時。
人數: 24名(四人一組,分六組實際操作)
費用: 含早餐及午餐(採登記制)
馥都飯店3樓(板橋區縣民大道一段189號 02-29658003)
帳號:玉山銀行. 新板特區分行(代號808) 0587-940-005608
戶名: 新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 蔡志鴻
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匯款google表單***2018/8/4(六) 23:00正式招生(重新貼文.附上報名連結)***
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陳冠升DVM, MVS, PhD, MANZCVS (Veterinary Radiology)
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 1999
澳洲墨爾本大學獸醫影像學碩士 2003
澳洲墨爾本大學獸醫系博士 2009
澳洲暨紐西蘭獸醫專科學院考試認證合格 獸醫影像診斷學專科 2010-
國立中興大學獸醫學系助理教授 2011-2018
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主任 2011-
台灣大學獸醫系友會小動物超音波工作營 超音波學 講師 2012
中華民國醫用超音波學會 動物超音波研習會 講師 2013, 2014
台灣獸醫外科專科醫學會(TCVS) 進階影像學 講師 2014, 2015
第六屆 FASAVA電腦斷層影像學 講師 2015
第五屆 中國小動物醫師大會-海口 影像學 講師 2016
上海寵物醫療暨學術研討會 影像學 講師 2016
拜耳臨床獸醫學院 影像學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
高雄福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
第三屆 高雄福爾摩沙獸醫年會 影像學 講師 2017
國立中興大學獸醫學系副教授 2018-
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會 獸醫超音波臨床實操課程講師 2018
中台灣春季聯合國際學術研討會 影像學 講師 2018
國立中興大學獸醫系 副教授
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主任
1. Wu RS, Liu YJ, Chu CC, Heng HG, Chia MY, Wang HC, Chen KS*. (2017, accepted). Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
2. Feng YC, Chen KS, Chang SC*. (2016, Nov). Reconstruction with latissimus dorsi, external abdominal oblique and cranial sartorius muscle flaps for a large defect of abdominal wall in a dog after surgical removal of infiltrative lipoma. J Vet Med Sci. 78: 1117-1121. (SCI)
3. Wu RS, Chu CC, Wang HC, Chen KS*. (2016, Jun). Clinical diagnosis and surgical management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal peri-renal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248:1399-1403. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
4. Chang AC, Cheng CC, Wang HC, Lee WM, Shyu CL, Lin CC, Chen KS*. (2016, Apr). Emphysematous pyometra secondary to Enterococcus avium infection in a dog. Tierärztl Prax. 44:195-199. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
5. Chou HI, Chen KS, Wang HC, Lee WM*. (2016, Apr). Effects of cranberry extract on prevention of urinary tract infection in dogs and on adhesion of Escherichia coli to Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Am J Vet Res. 77:421-427. (SCI)
6. Wang HC, Hung CT, Lee WM, Chang KM, Chen KS*. (2016, Jan). Effect of intravenous dexmedetomidine on cardiac characteristics measured using radiography and echocardiography in six healthy dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 57:8-15. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
7. Jen CC, Wang HC, Lin JL, Chen KS*. What is your diagnosis? (2015, Dec). Gastric dilation and volvulus. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 247:1233-1235. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者
8. Lin YL, Wang HC, Lin CC, Chen KS*. (2015, Apr). What is your diagnosis? Hepatic neoplasia. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 246:733-735. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者
9. Lin CC, Chen KS, Lin YL, Chan JPW*. (2015, Jan). Multiple subluxations and comminuted fracture of the cervical spine in a sheep. Tierärztl Prax. 2015; 43:44-48. (SCI)
王咸棋 DVM, MS, PhD
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 1994-1999
國立中興大學獸醫研究所博士 1999-2005
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 住院醫師 1999-2004
美國俄亥俄州立大學獸醫學院 短期進修 2000.7
日本麻布大學 短期進修 2004.2
行政院農委會家畜衛生試驗所 博士後研究 2006-2007
中國醫藥大學分子醫學中心 博士後研究 2007-2009
日本酪農大學 短期進修 2010.1
國立中興大學獸醫系 助理教授 2009-
國立中興大學獸醫系 副教授 2015-
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科主任 2011-
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 小動物外科主任 2015-
台灣獸醫外科專科醫學會(TCVS) 理事暨外科會員
1. Lee, C.H., S.L. Lin, T.T. Chi, S.H. Chang, and H.C. Wang. 2013. Effect of Topical
Adminstration of 0.8% Nalbuphine on the Cornea in Dogs after phacoemulsification. J Vet Med
Sci. 75: 1041-1047.
2. Chan, F.T., G.R. Chang, H.C. Wang, and T.H. Hsu. 2013. Anesthesia with isoflurane and
sevoflurane in the crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela hoya): minimum anesthetic
concentration, physiological effects, hematocrit, plasma chemistry and behavioral effects. J Vet
Med Sci. 75: 1591-1600.
3. Liao, P.Y., S.C. Chang, K.S. Chen, and H.C. Wang. 2014. Decreased postoperative C-reactive
protein production in dogs with pyometra though the use of low-dose ketamine. J. Vet. Emerg
Crit Car. 24: 86-290.
4. Hung, Y.P., Y.P. Yang, H.C. Wang, J.W. Liao,W.L. Hsu, C.C. Chang, and S.C. Chang. 2014.
Bovine lactoferrin and piroxicam as an adjunct treatment for lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis
stomatitis in cats. Vet J. 202:76-82.
5. Lin, Y.L., H.C. Wang, C.C. Lin, and KS. Chen. 2015. What Is Your Diagnosis? - Gastric
gastrointestinal stromal tumor in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 246: 733-735.
6. Lin, Y.L., H.C. Wang, C.C. Lin, and KS. Chen. 2015. What Is Your Diagnosis? Chronic gastric
dilation and volvulus in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 247:1233-1235.
7. Cheng, Y.C., J.L. Lin, S. H. C. Su, P.C. Shih, K.S. Chen, H.C. Wang and W.M. Lee. 2015. Case
report: Efficacy of Combination of Electroacupuncture and Aquapuncture Using Vitamin B
Complex on Promotion of Ambulation Perception in 15 Dogs with Hansen Type I Intervertebral
Disc Disease Undergoing Hemilaminectomy . Thai J Vet Med. 45: 463-468.
8. Huang, H.Y., J.Y. Hsu, S.C. Chang, K.S. Chen, T.H. Hsu, and H.C Wang. 2015. Alteration in
Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Gelatinase Activities in Lymphoma-Bearing Dogs with
Chemotherapies . Thai J Vet Med. 45: 373-380.
9. King, H.H., H.C. Wang, K.S. Chen and W.M. Lee. 2015. Trivalent Chromium Attenuated
Corticosterone Secretion and Actions in Adrenocorticotropic Hormone-Stimulated. Pak Vet J. 36:
10. Wu, R.S., C.C. Chu, H.C. Wang, and K.S. Che. 2016. Clinical diagnosis and surgical
management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal perirenal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit.
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248: 1399-1403.
11. Chou, H.I., K.S. Chen, H.C. Wang, and W.M. Lee. 2016. Effects of cranberry extract on
prevention of urinary tract infection in dogs and on adhesion of Escherichia coli to Madin-Darby
canine kidney cells. Am J Vet Res. 77: 421-427
12. Chang A.C., C.C. Cheng, H.C. Wang, W.M. Lee, C.L. Shyu, C.C. Lin, and K.S. Chen. 2016.
Emphysematous pyometra secondary to Enterococcus avium infection in a dog. Tierarztl Prax
Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 44: 195-199.
13. Wang, H.C., C.T. Hung, W.M. Lee, K.M. Chang, and K.S. Chen. 2016. Effects of intravenous dexmedetomidine on cardiac characteristics measured using radiography and echocardiography in six healthy dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 57: 8-15.
14. Wu, R.S., Y.J. Liu, C.C. Chu, H.G. Heng, M.Y. Chia, H.C. Wang and K.S. Chen. 2017. Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 58: 607-612.
1. Su, W.L., C.C. Cheng, W.Y. Shia, T.H. Hsu, K.S. Chen, H.C. Wang, and W.M. Lee. Effect of trivalent chromium on growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I in ovariohysterectomized rats. 2016. Taiwan Vet J. 42: 159-163.
2. Wang H.J., S.C. Chang, W.M. Lee, K.S. Chen, and H.C. Wang. 2017. Comparison of infiltration analgesia and constant rate infusion for postoperative analgesia in dogs with mammary tumors undergoing bilateral radical mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy. Taiwan Vet J. 43:177-183.
3. Hu C.H., T.H. Hsu, K.S. Chen, W.M. Lee and H.C. Wang. 2018. Pleth variability index-guided fluid therapy lowers podt-operative lactate levels in dogs undergoing elective abdominal surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Taiwan Vet J. 44:7-14.
1. 獸醫麻醉學手冊(5版). Elsevier. ISBN 9789866052743
2. 小動物外科學. 2015. Elsevier. ISBN 9789865666958
3. 寵物醫師臨床手冊第二版
4. 動物醫院分科與臨床技術手冊. Elsevier. ISBN:9789869367011
5. 犬貓的麻醉與相關疾病. 狗腳印出版有限公. ISBN:9789869481625
吳叡璇DVM, MS, MANZCVS (Veterinary Radiology)
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 2004-2009
國立中興大學獸醫臨床碩士 2009-2011
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 實習醫生 2011-2012
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科住院醫師 2012-2015
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科總醫師 2015-2018
澳州墨爾本大學獸醫教學醫院影像診斷科研習 2012
中華民國醫用超音波學會 動物超音波研習會 講師 2013, 2014
第六屆FASAVA 放射線學、超音波學 口譯 2015
上海寵物醫療學術研討會 超音波學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會例會 超音波學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫師公會學術研討會 超音波學 講師 2016
台中市獸醫師公會例會 影像學 講師 2016
高雄市福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會特殊寵物年會 影像學 講師 2016
蘇州市動物診療協會年會 超音波學 講師 2016
第45屆獸醫師節慶祝大會暨國際學術研討會 異寵影像學 講師 2017
中華民國內科獸醫醫學會 影像學 口譯 2017
澳州墨爾本大學獸醫教學醫院影像診斷科研習 2012
澳洲暨紐西蘭獸醫專科學院考試認證合格 獸醫影像診斷學專科 2017-
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
高雄福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會 獸醫超音波臨床實操課程講師 2018
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會例會影像學講師 2018
第十屆東西部小動物臨床獸醫師大會影像診斷學講師 2018
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主治醫師 2018-
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主治醫師
1. Wu RS, Liu YJ, Chu CC, Heng HG, Chia MY, Wang HC, Chen KS. (2017, accepted). Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 58(5), 607-612. 2017. (SCI) 本人為第一作者.
2. Wu RS, Chu CC, Wang HC, Chen KS. Clinical diagnosis and surgical management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal perirenal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248, 1399-1403. 2016. (SCI) 本人為第一作者.
3. Kung YY, Chu CC, Wu RS. Bilateral ovarian cysts and diffuse cystic endometrial hyperplasia of uterus in a sugar glider (Petaurus Breviceps). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015. 本人為通訊作者.
4. Chu CC, Chen YW, Wu RS. Successful diagnosis and surgical management of gastric volvulus in a domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015. 本人為通訊作者.
5. Chu CC, Wu RS, Chen KS. Idiopathic hepatic cyst in a preovulatory egg binding domestic gould’s monitor (Varanus G. flavirufus). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015.
6. Chu CC, Wang HC, Wu RS. A rare case: Surgical management of cystolithiasis in a domestic bowsprit tortoise (Chersina angulata). Poster. Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians Conference. 2014. 本人為通訊作者.
7. Chu CC, Chen KS, Wu RS. Suspected dietary associated cystolithiasis in 2 sugar gliders (Petaaurus Breviceps). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine, 311-313. 2013. 本人為通訊作者.
8. Chan IP, Wu RS, Huang HM, Lin MC, Lin SH. Case Report: First Report of Transcatheter Helical Coil Occulsion for Treatment of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in a Dog in Taiwan. Taiwan Vet J. 35(4), 283-291. 2009.
黃欣瑜DVM, MS
私立中國醫藥大學護理系學士 1999-2003
國立中興大學獸醫系學士 2005-2010
國立中興大學獸醫臨床碩士 2016-2018
台中永昌動物醫院 獸醫師 2011-2012
中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科住院醫師 2012-2015
中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科總醫師 2015-
雙鏡聯合微創手術課程研討會實作課程 專任麻醉醫師 2015
第九屆上海寵物醫療學術研討會 麻醉學講師 2016
新北市獸醫師公會學術研討會 麻醉學講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 麻醉學講師 2017
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科總醫師
1. Huang HY, Hsu JY, Chang SC, Chen KS, Hsu TH, & Wang HC. Alteration in Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Gelatinase Activities in Lymphoma-Bearing Dogs with Chemotherapies. Wetchasan Sattawaphaet 45(3), 373. 2015.
domestic rabbit 在 How to Care for Domestic Rabbits - Petfinder 的相關結果
Indoors or Outdoors? Every rabbit owner should know that the safest place for a rabbit to live is indoors. Rabbits should never be kept outdoors! Domestic ... ... <看更多>
domestic rabbit 在 The Domestic Rabbit, Oryctolagus Cuniculus ... - Science Direct 的相關結果
All varieties of domestic rabbit used in modern biomedical research belong to a single species, Oryctolagus cuniculus, commonly known as the European rabbit. ... <看更多>
domestic rabbit 在 Domestic rabbit - Wikipedia 的相關結果
A domestic or domesticated rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus)—more commonly known as a pet rabbit, bunny, bun, or bunny rabbit—is a subspecies of ... ... <看更多>