HIIT - High Impact Idiot Training
This tweet from the last Lockdown in June holds true.
For the untrained, non-athletic individual, jumpsquats and burpees in their living room, following some app or live workout is... unwise.
“If you had an overweight dog, how would you get it to lose weight?” I guarantee it wouldn’t be a keto diet and repetitive plyometrics. You’d take it for more walks and/or feed it less food.
Do you no longer have a commute because you're back to working from home? Great! Use that 20/30mins for a walk before your morning shower. Then do so again before your evening meal/workout/whatever. If you can fit one it at lunch too then even better. Low stress, good for back health, sunshine on your skin... it’s pretty hard to fuck yourself up walking.
Then spend the next couple of weeks making yourself high quality, plant-heavy food, not ordering indulgent restaurant deliveries.
Nutrient density, calorie scarcity.
How many pushups can you do? Oh yeah?
Try making sure your hands are directly beneath your shoulders, your butt is clenched and flat to your back, and think about slowly pulling yourself towards the floor on the way down, with a smooth transition out of the bottom position. Guarantee that number of pushups has dropped in half.
If you’ve gotten “worse” at pushups, then you’ve increased the load on the pressing levers - provided you’re not doing something really fucking weird this is usually a good thing.
Whatever that new max number of pushups is, minus 4 and do 4 EASY sets of it every day and add one rep to your sets every day. I'll also guarantee in two weeks you see a noticeable difference in strength and physique... If you've eaten well.
If you're going to do online workouts please, PLEASE, don't let the instuctor's enthusiam get to you. Knowing a fancy name for a movement is useless if they can’t see you, or you’re one of 30 on a screen, and they have no idea what technical movements or volume tolerance you're capable of. Use them as someone fun to have giving you ideas for what to do and keep you moving, but just move at your own pace. The goal is to move, not to sweat.
(Continued in comments)(oh god, I’m that guy)