【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。
【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。
‘Babi’ will be available in all Taiwan cinemas on November 20 onwards! The film is also scheduled to debut internationally at the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’ on the 6 and 7 of November 2020.
‘BABI’ is a film which is based on an actual real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot, the incident took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia.
During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled or filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, the case was unknown to most of the Malaysians.
I want to disclose the story though art and filming but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each other and communicate with our hearts and souls therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this tragic never-ending cycle…
‘BABI’ in Malay means ‘PIG’. In someone’s eyes, ‘BABI’ is purely just a name for an animal but in Muslim’s eyes, pig resembles unholiness, a word which would radiate sin even mutter from one’s mouth, a taboo word which would spark controversy on any given media or comment section. Hence, this movie is built upon how the word ‘BABI’ triggered a chain reaction which ultimately resulted a series of misfortunes.
‘BABI’ is not passed for screening in Malaysia, a banned film. Due to this reason, the budget for this movie was very limited, I have had only a little of resources to finish this project, the process was arduous and agonizing. Luckily, we have not only completed the film under such immense pressure but being invited to Berlin International Film Festival, International Thai Film Festival and Golden Horse Film Festival as well, I’m relief that our labour and passion bore fruit right in the very end.
I want to thank the judging panel for all the recognition. I hope that in the future more people would know about the film and able to watch it.
We stand firm against any race policy and structural racism, we strongly oppose nepotism and government controlled media. I wish my home country Malaysia, to be ever united against racial policy and has a brighter future ahead.
I would like to thank Taiwan for welcoming all different kind of voices and art, thank you Taiwan. Lastly, shout-out to the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’, ‘Golden Horse Awards’ and the film’s distributor ‘CPT Entertainment’ for their acknowledgment.
See you in the cinemas on November 20!
【你是豬 | BABI】電影預告 Youtube 高清版: https://bit.ly/2HOjfwj
黃明志電影【你是豬 | BABI】金馬世界首映會
11/06 (五) 19:40 信義威秀13廳
11/07 (六) 17:00 信義威秀13廳
【你是豬 | BABI】電影主題曲【Happy Family】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdnfe3lALd8
配合《BABI 你是豬》正式在台灣上映,黃明志決定開放福利給粉絲啦‼
黃明志將會於11月13日 - 16日在台灣舉辦《BABI 你是豬》電影見面會。屆時你將會和黃明志一同看電影,還有機會能在電影結束後向黃明志提問,無論你心中有什麼疑惑都可以大膽地提出來!
除了和黃明志近距離接觸外,還有機會獲得簽名海報喔!看到這裡你心動了嗎?心動不如行動,趕快點擊連結買票吧 🙌
11/13(五) 桃園 - 美麗新台茂影城 19:00
11/14(六) 台中 - 台中站前秀泰影城S2館 13:30
11/14(六) 嘉義 - 嘉義秀泰 18:30
11/15(日) 台南 - 台南大遠百威秀影城 13:00
11/15(日) 高雄 - 高雄喜滿客夢時代影城 17:30
11/16(一) 台北 - in89豪華數位影城 19:00
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。 【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。 當時的馬來西亞處在一黨獨大,爛權腐敗,媒體被嚴格控管及消息封鎖的階段。因此這...
disclose意思 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的精選貼文
📜 [專欄新文章] The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI)…
✍️ 洪偉捷
📥 歡迎投稿: https://medium.com/taipei-ethereum-meetup #徵技術分享文 #使用心得 #教學文 #medium
The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI) / 用買杯咖啡的價格與時間,成立間美國公司! — Han Verstraete
Crosslink Taipei 在10/19、10/20 台北矽谷會議中心舉辦的 區塊鏈conf。 這是Crosslink Taipei 下午的演講,主講者是Otonomos.com的CEO — Han Verstraete先生。
近年來,由於 區塊鏈的技術與社群發展蓬勃,所以也越來越多人以這個技術來設立新創公司,但是想利用這個技術賺錢,就必須要與真實世界接軌,而創業者勢必要在法規的限制下,一步步完成創立公司的手續。而即便再這個E化的世代,這些創建公司的文件很多仍以紙本形式呈現,而不是電子檔,所以講者就想到用立用 區塊鏈存放這些文件,不僅讓創立公司的門檻、成本降低,也可以讓這些繁雜的文件存放到安全的 區塊鏈上。http://xn--otonomous-ut5sr3b.com/ 這家公司就因應而生。
圖(一) Blockers
惰性: 以前用紙本存放的方式就很好了,為何要用新科技呢? 當所有東西當存放到 區塊鏈時,他們還合法、會被承認嗎?
政府機關: 在申請這些文件時,我們一切的手續都被政府機關所壟斷,而政府機關的效率又很差,我們有沒有別的管道可以完成這些手續呢?
圖(二) Solution
首先將1 DIA傳給auto corp所產生的智能合約,之後這個智能合約會再產生另外一個包含有限股份公司的經營協議的智能合約。而這部分所做的事就是依照現實世界的法規、程序去產生一些必要的文件,並且存到 區塊鏈上,如此一來就可以減少時間成本,也不用耗費心力去保護這些文件。
這是demo網址 → https://upbeat-shaw-75fa27.netlify.com/ 由於當天網路不給力的原因,所以講者止步於第二步,而我自己也因為錢包沒$$,所以止於第三步。
1. 選擇公司名稱
2. 確認公司名字可以用
3. 連結你的錢包
4. 同意支付1 DIA 的手續費
5. 成功創立公司(等待好心人的實驗)
Q: for example if you ridges LLC(Limited Liability Company) in the other way you should get the tax ID right?
Ans: No, at least you don’t get birth certificate for your company to get your company incorporated, you don’t need a tax id, and this is why we actually do love United State because there is no KYC involved whatsoever when you set up a company in contrast with a lot of countries. For instance in Europe you need to have a notary involved which is a total pain right? But the notary is effectively that sort of person who need to check who you are. In Singapore , Hong Kong you need to basically disclose who you are with attested document that you are who you are before you can incorporate. The United States because of tradition what have you, you basically have to declare who you are , you could actually incorporate a company United States saying that you’re Mickey Mouse. There’s no check whatsoever on your identity which is why this works in the United States and we believe it’s going to work in some other places outside as well. Only at the point that you start doing real-world stuff for instance opening a bank account will you be asked by the system to attest to your real world personality, so we are perfectly fine to have you spin up a company where the owner is effectively a wallet address, the public address of your wallet. ( 大意: 在剛剛的demo裡面因為公司是創立在美國,所以不需要稅號。但這依各國法規都有不同的要求,例如: 歐洲、香港,在創立公司的時候都需要有個人去做類似擔保、證明這間公司的存在的事情,而這也是創立公司麻煩的地方;在美國則不用,你甚至可以以米老鼠的名義去創立一間公司,因為他們並不會去檢查你的身分,他們只會依錢包位置去認公司。只有在當你需要做一些現實世界的活動時(例如: 開設銀行帳戶、雇傭員工…..)才會被要求確認你的身分,所以現階段並不會需要繳號)
The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI)… was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
👏 歡迎轉載分享鼓掌
disclose意思 在 Tommy Cheung 張秀賢 Facebook 的最佳解答
中大唔可以冇Student Senator,各位學院本科生研究生積極投票,5個學院候選人成功當選晒,我地可以突破10人大關,拎到教務會call會權!
【中大教務會學生代表選舉——10個討厭ELTU的理由 + What the fuck is 教務會?】
1. 「每個sem都『AR』住3 cred 。」
就算個course唔係3cred,1cred 2cred 都唔係人咁品,成日搞到我地好難砌夠18cred,變相每個sem都「AR」住至少一個3 cred course嘅quota……搞到自己同想reg嘅科永遠都有最遙遠嘅距離,相愛但不能上……潘國靈鄭思靈李智良姚松炎黃洪GordonMatthews關生嶽爺區家麟,都是可望而不可即的名字……
2. 「點解…點解唔比我exempt埋大中/英二!」
3. 文學院大中二:「其實真係舊調重彈。」
4. 社科院ELTU 2020:「ELTU係教緊『阿媽係女人』嘅知識。」
對社會科學嘅同學黎講,呢個指控可能更為嚴重。因為好多所謂嘅英文skills,同社科學嘅野根本唔對位。例如關於academic essay,ELTU好似幫到睇重readings嘅社科人,但其實個lecturer不過教人響長文搵intro、findings、conclusion係邊,同埋寫嘅時候用formal language,真係廣我見聞。我一定係唔識locate intro啦~
5. 社科院ELTU 2020:「教嘅唔想教,學嘅唔想學……」
6. 文學院大英三:「浪費時間。」
洗鬼你教寫CV,讀本Resume for Dummies已經好過你教啦~對上果堂,我竟然要用一分鐘去「學」,寫中大嘅英文全名(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)。我覺得果一分鐘,係我人生最漫長而沒有營養的一分鐘。
7. 醫學院大英二(醫科學士除外):「重視D英文字「重音」係邊,多過「定義」係咩。」
對於希望從事醫護業嘅同學嚟講,真實環境根本好少用英文。香港地,有幾多間醫院用全英文溝通?有幾多個護士要用英文交待病情?固然,依個ELTU都叫做有心,特登開咗"medical vocabulary"依個部份,想約略教吓專業用字。但係,個lecturer都講唔清楚個字點解,又本末倒置,重視D英文字「重音」係邊,多過「定義」係咩,咁不如唔好教啦:)
8. ENGG1000 IT Foundation:「只係1 cred嘅course,但workload絕對唔止1cred!!!」
ENGG1000其實只係1 cred嘅course,workload 絕對唔止1 cred!!! 又要做excel表又要拍片,又要上網做exam。而其實果個exam的內容,抄完答案之後我已經唔記得晒了。
9. ENGG1000 IT Foundation:「話難真係誇獎左佢,話易又未必個個都識,唔上唔落。」
宜家學的東西,話難真係誇獎左佢,話易又未必個個都識,唔上唔落咁。有啲朋友想學啲advance嘅技術,例如Urban Studies嘅同學可能要學嘅電腦繪圖,就真係拋離呢個course幾丈遠。一個好啲嘅做法應該係,開幾個IT的course,例如拍片、Excel、整電子模型etc., 比同學揀,可以滿足同學的實際需要、又可以學得深入啲、又可以擺脫雞肋的位置,你話係咪呀哈姆太郎~~
10. 「上完堂,覺得生命少咗三個鐘」
十個討厭ELTU/CHLT/ENGG 的理由 - 我地可以點?
入得中大,相信唔少同學都對ELTU/CHLT/ENGG又怨又恨,但其實有好多方法可以改善,譬如改變內容、加多幾個course比同 學選擇啱自己興趣同需要嘅course、唔強制同學上。不過,呢啲嘢,如果係同學之間圍內UP吓,就難啲有改變,校方一樣扮聽唔到。
學生參與呢個委員會係咪真係可以解決我地嘅不滿?沒錯!We can CHANGE!譬如Soc-Sci嘅代表張秀賢同學就令ELTU1001&1002取消左digital story!呢啲先係真.成功爭取!不過,我地都要有心理準備,在教務會內爭取改變唔係咁易。教務會入面,比盡12個學生代表席位都有人出任,在184個委員入面只有12個學生代表。此外,11個屬下委員會入面,只有4個委員會有學生代表。所以,first things first,我地要積極選鳩啲學生代表候選人上去教務會,佢地應該主動各我地disclose會議資訊,同埋一定要代表我地發聲,係會上要求校方改變呢啲U CORE及其他學務問題。必要時,民間(同學)需要組織行動向校方曬馬,爭取我地嘅訴求。Next,我地需要迫校方係果7個小圈子委員會加入學生代表。Oh c'mon,邊有理由通識教育委員會、體育委員會無學生代表?我地作為用家點會完全無意見?至少我覺得絕對需要加入瑜珈同hip hop比同學選擇囉,right man?
disclose意思 在 Namewee Youtube 的精選貼文
【BABI/你是豬】將在11月20日,於全台灣戲院正式上映! 並在11月6及7號在《金馬影展》世界首映。
【BABI/你是豬】由真人真事改編, 這起大型的校園種族暴動事件,發生在2000年馬來西亞南方小鎮的一所學校裡。
‘Babi’ will be available in all Taiwan cinemas on November 20 onwards! The film is also scheduled to debut internationally at the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’ on the 6 and 7 of November 2020.
‘BABI’ is a film which is based on an actual real-life event, the movie sheds light on a massive school racial riot, the incident took place in year 2000 in a small town somewhere Southern in Malaysia.
During that time Malaysia was still under the authoritarian rule of one-dominant party, abuse of power and corruption were frequent, media and news were being stringently controlled or filtered. Thus, the incident was being ‘compromised’ by relevant authority, the case was unknown to most of the Malaysians.
I want to disclose the story though art and filming but most importantly sending a message to all Malaysians that we must be more unified disregard of our ethnicity and race. In short, we shall always lend a helping hand to each other and communicate with our hearts and souls therefore we won’t be exploited by politicians who incite racial sentiment to reach their end goal. Otherwise, we will only be trapped in this tragic never-ending cycle…
‘BABI’ in Malay means ‘PIG’. In someone’s eyes, ‘BABI’ is purely just a name for an animal but in Muslim’s eyes, pig resembles unholiness, a word which would radiate sin even mutter from one’s mouth, a taboo word which would spark controversy on any given media or comment section. Hence, this movie is built upon how the word ‘BABI’ triggered a chain reaction which ultimately resulted a series of misfortunes.
‘BABI’ is not passed for screening in Malaysia, a banned film. Due to this reason, the budget for this movie was very limited, I have had only a little of resources to finish this project, the process was arduous and agonizing. Luckily, we have not only completed the film under such immense pressure but being invited to Berlin International Film Festival, International Thai Film Festival and Golden Horse Film Festival as well, I’m relief that our labour and passion bore fruit right in the very end.
I want to thank the judging panel for all the recognition. I hope that in the future more people would know about the film and able to watch it.
We stand firm against any race policy and structural racism, we strongly oppose nepotism and government controlled media. I wish my home country Malaysia, to be ever united against racial policy and has a brighter future ahead.
I would like to thank Taiwan for welcoming all different kind of voices and art, thank you Taiwan. Lastly, shout-out to the ‘Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’, ‘Golden Horse Awards’ and the film’s distributor ‘CPT Entertainment’ for their acknowledgment.
See you in the cinemas on November 20!
【你是豬|BABI】購票連結 Ticketing Link: https://www.ezding.com.tw/movieInfo?movieid=1fb7e4b914af42a3b44c268aba72fa75
【你是豬|BABI】電影插曲【Happy Family】https://youtu.be/tdnfe3lALd8
【你是豬|BABI】解釋 Penjelasan:https://bit.ly/3mog7ps
配合《BABI 你是豬》正式在台灣上映,黃明志決定開放福利給粉絲啦‼
黃明志將會於11月13日 - 16日在台灣舉辦《BABI 你是豬》電影見面會。屆時你將會和黃明志一同看電影,還有機會能在電影結束後向黃明志提問,無論你心中有什麼疑惑都可以大膽地提出來!
除了和黃明志近距離接觸外,還有機會獲得簽名海報喔!看到這裡你心動了嗎?心動不如行動,趕快點擊連結買票吧 ?
11/13(五) 桃園 - 美麗新台茂影城 19:00
11/14(六) 台中 - 台中站前秀泰影城S2館 13:30
11/14(六) 嘉義 - 嘉義秀泰 18:30
11/15(日) 台南 - 台南大遠百威秀影城 13:00
11/15(日) 高雄 - 高雄喜滿客夢時代影城 17:30
11/16(一) 台北 - in89豪華數位影城 19:00
欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
Namewee YouTube Channel Link:
#Namewee #黃明志
disclose意思 在 格林法則英語單字記憶 - Facebook 的必吃
字根claus源自拉丁文claudere,close關閉的意思,close與claus同 ... 字尾et表示small小的;disclose揭發、洩露,字首dis是not,名詞衍生字是disclosure;enclose隨函 ... ... <看更多>