《我、鄭敬基、2020. 11.22 Sunday想...》
[Lifeboat214香港號 11.22 出發]
Hongkonger Christians worldwide serving Hongkongers.
「我的弟兄們、若有人說、自己有信心、卻沒有行為、有甚麼益處呢。這信心能救他麼。」- 聖經 雅各書2:14
“My brothers and sisters, what good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it? Claiming to have faith can't save anyone, can it?”
Bible James 2:14
Is it not the time to act ? If not now? When? 現在是時候了罷?
關於《Lifeboat214 香港號》
2019開始,香港人再不一樣、散於海外仍然關心香港的”海外香港人Oversea Hongkongers” 再不一樣、心繫香港人的基督徒Hongkonger Christians” 再不一樣。我們都”被”上了一艘注定要長期抗爭、有加無減被的剝削打壓基本人權、自由之驚濤駭浪這樣的一條小船。香港人的心怎樣?
馬可福音 4:35-41
「35 當那天晚上,耶穌對門徒說:36 門徒離開眾人,耶穌仍在船上,他們就把他一同帶去;也有別的船和他同行。 37 忽然起了暴風,波浪打入船內,甚至船要滿了水。 38 耶穌在船尾上枕著枕頭睡覺。門徒叫醒了他,說:「夫子!我們喪命,你不顧嗎?」 39 耶穌醒了,斥責風,向海說:「住了吧!靜了吧!」風就止住,大大地平靜了。 40 耶穌對他們說:「為什麼膽怯?你們還沒有信心嗎?」 41 他們就大大地懼怕,彼此說:「這到底是誰?連風和海也聽從他了!」
如果你有能耐看到這𥚃的基督徒,相信您就是我想找著的”其他 the others”
家人、弟兄姊妹、肢體 (手足)不論您身在何方,天涯海角,四海為家(指流亡)Lifeboat214香港號只有單一議題,單靠耶穌基督降世捨身釘十架流血復活的恩典與大能去服侍受傷香港人的需要直至《黎明來到》然後全將榮耀百份百歸給萬軍之耶和華主耶穌基督。
6:9 似乎不為人所知、卻是人所共知的。似乎要死、卻是活著的。似乎受責罰、卻是不至喪命的。
6:10 似乎憂愁、卻是常常快樂的。似乎貧窮、卻是叫許多人富足的。似乎一無所有、卻是樣樣都有的。
這一秒您可以作出愛香港最應該最輕易的決定。Join us .
教會、家、事侍、事工,你哋喜歡叫乜都可以、對我而言,我們都是同舟人,坐埋同一條船(Lifeboat214 香港號)互作肢體(手足)有主耶穌同航
哥林多前書 12:26
詩篇 90:17
Why “Lifeboat “ Why”香港號”
然後出現了 If not now , when?
Why 214
「我的弟兄們、若有人說、自己有信心、卻沒有行為、有甚麼益處呢。這信心能救他麼。」- 聖經 雅各書2:14
“My brothers and sisters, what good is it if people say they have faith but do nothing to show it? Claiming to have faith can't save anyone, can it?”
Bible James 2:14
Lifeboat可解 救生艇 或 逃生艇
「為什麼膽怯?你們還沒有信心嗎?」 41 他們就大大地懼怕,彼此說:「這到底是誰?連風和海也聽從他了!」
Lifeboat214 香港號
Once in a lifetime we‘re in this
spiritual life changing boat trip together.
Are you in or You are in ?!
你會問,有乜需要,要commit d 乜、
「10:10 盜賊來、無非要偷竊、殺害、毀壞。我來了、是要叫羊〔或作人〕得生命、並且得的更豐盛。
10:11 我是好牧人、好牧人為羊捨命。」
「55:8 耶和華說、我的意念、非同你們的意念、我的道路、非同你們的道路。
55:9 天怎樣高過地、照樣我的道路、高過你們的道路、我的意念、高過你們的意念。」
希望在不久將來在Lifeboat214 見到大家。彼此服侍、暢所欲言、暢所欲祈,一齊服侍香港人。這裡更是敬拜的地方 lifeboat 了解誠實可貴
「神 是 個 靈 , 所 以 拜 他 的 必 須 用 心 靈 和 誠 實 拜 他 。 」
Lifeboat214希望大家可以不分宗派,放下面具、不再需要虛假、放下偽善種種包袱,在這𥚃享受主內的安息與自由。Time to open up and receive.
[請即加入Join us ]
Hongkonger Christians worldwide Serving HONGKONGERS 實踐聖經
希望盡快可以在這𥚃跟大家一起喜樂彼此服侍。一起在Lifeboat 214香港號享受真正靈裡的自由。Jesus said:
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Not my will but yours and yours only.
In Jesus name
#lifeboat214 #香港號
#HongkongerChristiansServingHongkongers #HKerCSHker
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Eliza Ang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,德國的草莓季跟台灣剛好相反是在夏天, 從5月開始草莓園會陸續開放到8月, 而且這裡的草莓園都很大片, 可以隨便你吃到飽超級划算的!XD 目前Insta360 Go正有夏日大優惠, 如果有想購入相機的人可以參考唷 Insta360 Go:https://www.insta360.com/sal/go...
disciples中文 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文
【解開人生謎題的寶書】(English writing below)
一般人要文昌,因爲追求功名。但我對人間的智慧,已意興闌珊。我要文昌,因爲希望早日開竅,拜託,不要那麽笨 ~~
1) 新加坡紀伊書店 - https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789573052654
2) 台灣金石堂 - https://www.kingstone.com.tw/basics/basics.asp?kmcode=2012000022409&lid=common-index-billboard-all&actid=bookindex
3) 真佛般若藏 - https://www.tbboyeh.org/cht#/store
"Dharma Sister, the numbers for book signing have all been given out!"
Venue: Daden Culture book stall at Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple
I was holding on to "The Buddha I Know: Thus Have I Heard", the latest book by my Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, with my other hand grasping onto the cash, wanting to pay for the book.
"No problem, Dharma Brother. Without the autograph of Grandmaster, I would still wish to buy this book." I smiled in reply, thanking him for his friendly reminder.
I prefer reading from an actual book over an ebook. Back at home, I have one full wall of my Grandmaster's books on my bookshelves.
I rarely buy my Grandmaster's books from Lei Tsang temples. Usually, for His latest release, I would buy from Singapore Kinokuniya book store. It is my hope that this little gesture would help to boost sales at external bookstores, so that my Grandmaster's books can continue to be sold beyond the temples. To pay for it is my small token of appreciation and support for the author's effort.
To have my Grandmaster's autograph on the book is, of course, covetable, but whether the I can attain enlightenment is still dependant on my hard work.
When I first heard my Grandmaster announcing the book title "The Buddha I Know: Thus Have I Heard", I immediately felt a sense of closeness.
Everybody has a different starting point for believing in the Buddha. There are some people who are devoted to Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, and hence take refuge. For me, it was because of Shakyamuni Buddha.
During my NUS Buddhist Society days, I often visited a Sri Lanka Buddhist temple in Singapore. I would pay homage to Buddha and circumambulate the Bodhi tree. For many years, I would be at the temple regurgitating my troubles and sufferings to Buddha. Sometimes, I would circumambulate endless rounds around the Bodhi tree while being troubled. When my first relationship failed, I cried in front of the Sleeping Buddha for 2 hours.
At that time, I didn't understand why my life was tougher than other people, no matter how much effort I poured in. I kept pleading to Buddha for an answer. For what am I alive for? Why do I have to come to this mortal world? What can I do to improve my life?
Naturally, how could the Buddha that sat on the altar literally speak to this resentful girl?
With the money I scrimped and saved working part-time during my uni days, I bought a Buddha statue and after having it consecrated, I enshrined the statue in my study room. Once, when my mum was angry with me over some issue, she threw away the Buddha statue while I was out.
Upon graduation, I bought another Buddha statue. The silly me assumed that both statues are of Shakyamuni Buddha when in fact, they were of Mahāvairocana Buddha.
I guess this must be one affinity why I took refuge in my Grandmaster 5 years later.
In 2013, Seattle Lei Tsang Temple started a new column "Thus Have I Heard", reporting on the daily Dharma teachings of Grandmaster. Dragging the husband along, we volunteered to translate a few of the reports into English for the official website. It was our little way to repay Grandmaster for his selfless contributions and teachings.
Now you know why I took a liking to the book title almost immediately.
On the flight back from Taiwan, I read the book for about 2 hours.
I suddenly had a realisation. The young lady that cried and bemoaned her fate in front of Shakyamuni Buddha 19 years ago had her prayers answered after all. Buddha did hear her pleas and did not let her prayers go unfulfilled.
I was a Science student and since young, I was full of curiosity for this world. The encyclopaedia I had at home had been read at least 100 times over 10 years. But I had always felt that the knowledge humans need to know should be more than that.
Before taking refuge in Grandmaster, I had read, watched and listened to many Dharma discourses expounded by many famous Venerables, both in English and Chinese. They all explained the teachings of Buddha very well.
However, only Living Buddha Lian-Sheng could thoroughly answer my conundrums about life and this universe, through His Dharma discourses and books.
Especially in this book.
Apart from the science that we know, there is indeed another dimension of existence, another field of energy from the Universe.
When we take refuge to learn the Dharma, we are essentially learning what the Buddha had taught. The sole purpose is to eventually attain Buddhahood.
But do you know, just what kind of Buddhists are recognised by Shakyamuni Buddha as true disciples?
And how can we humans break free from sufferings and achieve bliss? How can we tame the wild minds in us? How do we return to our true self from this mortal body?
Just what actually is our true nature?
That day, Shifu asked a young lady, "You say you wish to learn the Dharma. Then do you know who is the founder of Buddhism?"
She had read all of Shifu's FB articles from 2013-2019, but was unable to reply.
Do not treat the Buddhadharma as ordinary mortal knowledge, let alone masquerade under the name of learning the Dharma, but in reality, using the knowledge to make more money and build a business. Peddling the Buddha for self-profit is a sin that would have you swallowing red hot iron balls and drinking boiling hot liquid iron in Hell!
Before my trip to Taiwan, Shifu told me to take a photo with Taipei 101. So I went there with my Grandmaster's book.
Master Dai Hu had taught me, Taipei 101 is the modern-day version of Wen Chang Pagoda.
In ancient times, Wen Chang is highly valued, because it favours the academics, scholarly achievements and career. When a certain mountain form is lacking in certain geographical locations, a Wen Chang Pagoda ( also known as Wen Feng Pagoda) would be constructed to activate and encourage the birth of more scholarly people.
So in the old days, there is the Wen Chang Pagoda, and now we have the Taipei 101.
In the past, there is Buddha who first expounded on the Four Noble Truths. And now, we have His Holiness, Dharma King Lian Sheng, to continue turning the Wheel of Dharma.
What about humans? Throughout history, humans have lived a befuddled existence. Even till now.
Most people want Wen Chang because they pursue fame and recognition. I covet Wen Chang, because I hope to get enlightened sooner. Oh please, let me be less stupid...
Whether you are new to the teachings of Buddha, or a Buddhist disciple for years, if you are pursuing the ultimate truth of Life like me, this book will open up your eyes and have you singing in praises.
Just how well do you know Buddha?
I strongly recommend this book and you can purchase it online at the links below, or hop over to True Buddha Prajna Treasury to read the ebook or listen to the audiobook for free.
1) Kinokuniya Singapore - https://singapore.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789573052654
2) Kingstone Taiwan - https://www.kingstone.com.tw/basics/basics.asp?kmcode=2012000022409&lid=common-index-billboard-all&actid=bookindex
3) 真佛般若藏 True Buddha Prajna Treasury - https://www.tbboyeh.org/cht#/store
disciples中文 在 Ccc旅行攝 Facebook 的最佳貼文
6月12-20不丹團 揪人
今年尼泊爾爬山完之後想要繞去大吉嶺一趟 發現有充裕的時間可以再回不丹一次 聯絡了之前去不丹的旅遊公司的CEO (上次去玩完之後成為好友 也介紹一些朋友給他)發現6月有兩個慶典可以參加 請他給我行程 因為有認識 所以只要我們湊團到10人以上 陸路進出9天8夜一人只要1550美金(和簽證費)「註通常一人一晚最低消費是250美」
這兩個慶典都在很少人去的不丹中部 拉車時間比較長 但是是看到跟格魯派(我們熟知的達賴喇嘛-黃帽)不同(藏傳佛教)教派的噶舉派慶典 (面具舞等等)
吃住交通導遊都包含 我當時只有買明信片郵票跟啤酒有花到錢, 住宿都是3星旅館有wifi 或者不錯的不丹建築民宿
想要陸路進出的順變跟我去大吉嶺錫金品茶的 我可以跟你們在Siliguri (機場是Bagdogra目前查到國泰或者華航+印度捷特航空從台北經印度德里到Bagdogra 6/8-6/21 都是台幣24300左右) 碰面 我可以帶你們搭公車到邊界
飛機進出的自理台北-曼谷航線 (威航虎航都是不錯的便宜選擇飛DMK, 價格都在7-8000左右 只是大家要記得跟去不丹是不同機場BKK)我們在不丹見
至於曼谷不丹部分 我查到的機票時間如下 目前來回官網查到是是$635 (~21300台幣)(還沒收到旅行社報價越晚訂越貴)
6/12 KB 141 BANGKOK 09:00 PARO 12:35
6/20 KB 130 PARO 13:35 BANGKOK 18:45
有超過10-15人我才能有這個好價錢 不然就放棄啦 有什麼問題盡量問我啊
09 Days 08 Nights Bhutan Tour(Drive In Drive Out)
June 12th 2016 (陸路)- Day 01: Drive Phuntsholing Punakha (175 km + 75 km, 8-9 hrs drive)
After arrive in Phuntsholing in the morning and done with Immigrations formalities we drive to Thimphu and the drive to Punakha.
陸路有點顛簸 但是多參觀了邊界的不丹小城Phuntsholing 一路上有好多時間跟導遊聊天 當時問了了很多不丹的風俗飲食宗教家庭等等的問題 會暈車的請自備藥物
Dinner & O/N Hotel Lobesa or Similar
June 12th 2016 - Day 01 (飛機進不丹): Arrive Paro by Air & transfer to Punakha via Thimphu (55 km + 75 km, approx 4.1/2 hours drive)
After arrive in Paro International Air-Port, Greet by BHT team & Transfer to Thimphu for lunch . After lunch we will visit Memorail Chorten built in the memory of the late King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, & Dive to Punakha.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Lobesa or Similar
June 13th 2016 - Day 02: Punakha – Bumthang ( 212 km 8-9 hrs)
After breakfast we will we will drive full day through thick vegetations and many species of rhododendron & high passes of Pele-La (3150 mtrs), crossing Trongsa and visit Trongsa Dzong. Built in 1648, it was the seat of power over central and eastern Bhutan. Both the first and second kings of Bhutan ruled the country from this ancient seat. All four kings were invested as Trongsa Penlop (“governor”) prior to ascending the throne. The dzong is a massive structure with many levels, sloping down the contours of the ridge on which it is built. Because of the dzong’s highly strategic position, on the only connecting route between east and west, the Trongsa Penlop was able to control effectively the whole of the central and eastern regions of the country from here.
We drive and cross a small pass arrive Bumthang.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Mepham Guest house or Similar
June 14th 2016 - Day 03: Bumthang.
Today Morning after breakfast we will drive to visit Mebar Tsho - the Burning Lake. According to the legend Terton Pema Lingpa had a vision of the sacred treasures that Guru Rimpoche had hidden within the lake centuries earlier. However the people of Tang and the local ruler were cynical of his claims. In order to prove his claims, Pema Lingpa held a butter lamp in his hand as he jumped into the lake. After remaining under water for a long time he re-emerged holding a chest and a scroll of paper with the butter lamp held in his hand still burning bright. Thereafter, the lake came to be known as Mebartsho (the burning Lake).
The Burning Lake, Mebar Tsho is located along the way to the Tang village ,over the feeder road under Bumthang valley. It takes approximately thirty minutes drive to the Mebar Tsho from Chamkhar town.
Mebar Tsho is considered one of the most sacred sites in the region as it is related to the renowned religious treasure reveler (Terton) Terton Pema Lingpa. Pema Lingpa is considered an incarnated disciple of Padmasambhava who discovered treasure within the lake in late 15th century.
Today this small fresh water lake is a sacred pilgrimage site for the Bhutanese with bright multicolored prayer flags surrounding it and a small altar dedicated to Terton Pema Lingpa has also been set up. On auspicious days people offer butter lamps at the lake. Many tourist visit the site to observe spectacular beauty of this important historical and religious site.
Then we drive back to Chumey and witness the festival.
Nimalung Lhakhang is located in Chumey in Bumthang. It is approximately a 15 minute drive from the road that branches off from the village of Chumey.
The Lhakhang was co-founded by Dasho Gonpo Dorji and Doring Trulku Jamyang Kunzang, the third mind-aspect reincarnation of Terton Jigme Lingpa in 1935.
The main relic of the two-storied temple is a magnificent statue of Guru Rimpoche. The monastery is decorated with murals of the Nyingmapa and Drukpa traditions. There are also paintings of Guru Rimpoche and his disciples, the lineage of Terton Pema Lingpa, and several Buddhist masters affiliated with the monastery.
One of the most important festivals held at the Lhakhang is the Kaling Zhitro Drubchen. It was initiated by Doring Trulku and he was the first person to have started the rite in Bhutan. It is held on the first fifteen days of the first month of the Bhutanese calendar.
The local Tshechu is held once a year in the 5th month of the Bhutanese calendar. During the Tshechu an awe-inspiring Thongdrol (gigantic scroll painting) of Guru Rimpoche is put on display for attendees. The Thongdrol is nine meters long and twelve meters wide and in addition to inspiring wonder is said to cleanse the sins of all those who look upon it. The Thongdrol which was donated by Lopen Pemala and was consecrated in June 1994 in the presence of a large crowd of villagers by Lhalung Thuksey Rimpoche, the reincarnation of mental aspect of Pema Lingpa. During the festival, a series of colorful and spectacular mask dances are performed.
After the festival we also visit the Yathra (woolen cloths) weaving factory then we stroll in the town and drive back to hotel.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Mepham Guest house or Similar
June 15th 2016 – Day 04: Bumthang (Kurjey Festival)
In the morning, we will visit Jambay Lhakhang, built in 659 by Tibetan King Sontsen Gampo to pin down a giant demon who was obstructing the spread of Buddhism. In the October month, the Jambay Lhakhang Drup, which is sacred & one of the most colourful festivals in Bhutan.
We will also visit Kurjey Lhakhang (left-bottom), one of the most sacred monasteries in Bhutan. Built by the Guru Rinpoche in 1652, it houses a rock with his body imprint. Legend has it that Guru Rimpoche manifested as a Garuda to defeat the demon Shelging Karpo who had taken the form of a white lion. And we will also witness the festival here.
The festival takes place at Kurjey Temple, located at Kurjey in the Chokhor valley in Bumthang district. It is a 15 minute drive from our hotel to arrive at the temple grounds.
The history of the temples at Kurjey is associated with Sindhu Raja and Guru Rimpoche. Sindhu Raja invited Guru Rimpoche from Nepal to Bhutan to subdue some evil spirits that had been plaguing the land. Upon invitation, Guru Rimpoche visited Bumthang and meditated in a cave that resembled a pile of Dorjis (stylized thunderbolt used for Buddhist rituals). After subduing the evil spirits and demons, imprints of the Guru’s body remained in the rock face. Thereafter, the name came to be known as Kurjey meaning - “Imprint of the body”. The Lhakhang is now a blessed site of great historical significance.
There are three main temples at Kurjey. The oldest temple was constructed on the site where Guru Rimpoche meditated by Minjur Tenpa the first Trongsa Penlop (Governor of Trongsa) in 1652.
The second temple was founded by Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck (1st King) in 1900 while serving as the 13th Trongsa Penlop. This temple is the most sacred as it was built in the place where Guru Rimpoche left his body imprint.
The third temple was built in the 1990s. It was sponsored by the Queen Mother Ashi Kezang Choden Wangchuck. It houses the images of Guru Rimpoche, King Thrisong Detsen and Pandit Santarakshita.
In front of the temples are Chortens dedicated to the first three kings of Bhutan.
The Kurjey festival is an important occasion not only for the local people of Bumthang but for all Bhutanese. The festival brings together tourists and Bhutanese from all over as it presents the perfect occasion to not only receive blessings by witnessing age-old mask dances but also to enjoy this unique culture whilst basking in the natural beauty of Bhutan’s spiritual heartland.
After the festival we will hike to the Tamshing Goemba, built in 1501 by the Buddhist saint Pema Lingpa. If time permits then we will visit Kencho Sum Lhakhang and Swiss farm for local cheese, wine beer and honey.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Mepham Guest House or Similar
June 16th 2016 - Day 05: Bumthang - Gangtey (193 km, 7-8 hours drive)
After early breakfast we will drive to Gangtey. Whole day drive back the same route. The one of the best country side to see.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Gakiling or Similar.
June 17th 2016 – Day 06 : Gangtey to Thimphu (140 km – 5 hrs drive)
After breakfast we will visit the valley and take a short walk, the valley of Phobjikha is well known as the winter home of the Black necked crane (Grus Nigricollis). Bhutan is home to around six hundred black-necked cranes with Phobjikha being one of the popular places that the birds migrate to in the winter months from the Tibetan plateau. The elegant and shy birds can be observed from early November to end of March. This is an old monastery that dates back to 17th century. Lao visit Gangtey Goenpa. Then drive to Punakha and visit Punakha Dzong - Built in 1637, and then also visit
Chhimi Lhakhang – also the temple of Divine Mad Man. We the drive to Thimphu.
Dinner & O/N Hotel Kisa or Similar
June 18th 2016 – Day 07 : Thimphu – Paro (60 km 1.5 hrs drive)
After breakfast in the hotel we will do the Thimphu sightseeing - visit the Big Buddha Dordenma staue, then visit Motithang mini Zoo to see the rare "Takin" national animal of Bhutan, then visit Zilukha Nunnery , Visit Zorig chusum 13 varities of Arts & Crafts. Then we drive to Paro.
After Lunch in Paro we will visit Ta Dzong, once a watchtower, built to defend Rinpung Dzong during inter-valley wars of the 17th century, Ta Dzong was inaugurated as Bhutan's National Museum in 1968. Then drive to visit Paro Rinpung Dzong. Built in 1646 by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal , the first spiritual and temporal ruler of Bhutan, the Dzong houses the monastic body of Paro, the office of the Dzongda (district administrative head) and Thrimpon (judge) of Paro district. The approach to the Dzong or we exit and walk around through a traditional covered bridge called Nemi Zam where our car wait for us in the parking.
Dinner & O/N Olathang Hotel or similar
June 19th 2016 - Day 08: Day hike to Taktsang Monastery (Tiger Nest)
Day hike to the view point of Taktsang Monastery. Horses can be arranged with an extra payment. The hike which is all the way uphill takes about 2 /3 hours through villages and pine forests. The monastery clings to a huge granite cliff 800 meters from the paro valley. It is believed that the great saint Guru Padmasambhava came in the 7th century on a flying tigress and meditated in a cave. The demons were subdued who were trying to stop the spread of Buddhism and converted the Paro valley into Buddhism. During the end of the 17 century a monastery was built on the spot where the saint mediated and it is a pilgrimage site for every Buddhist to visit once in their life time.
Will have lunch in the cafeteria and walk back. If time permits then we will visit ruins of Drugyal Dzong.
Dinner in Farm House can make stay overnight also and Hot stone bath.
O/N Hotel Olathang or Similar or Farm House.
June 20th 2016 - Day 09 (陸路): Drive to Phuntsholing (Indian Border town) .
After breakfast in the hotel we drive to Phuntsholing and checkout to India by evening.
June 20th 2016 - Day 09 (飛機出不丹): Drive to the Airport.
Rate for the above package for the off-season month (Dec, Jan , Feb,June,July, August)
USD $ 1550 (陸路)per person above 10+ in the group.
USD $ 1550 (飛機)per person. above 10+ in the group. 曼谷不丹進出機票不含
Services Included:
• Twine share room in 3 star standard hotels.
• All meals (B,LD,)
• English speaking guide
• Entrance fees
• All necessary permits
• Land Transportations.
• Visa fee
Services Excluded:
• Mandarin speaking Guide ($ 100 per day )
• Travel insurance
• Airfare
• Expenses of personal nature (laundry, phone call etc)
• Liquor beverage (hard and soft drinks)
• Tips
• Pony hiring charge during Taktsang Monastery 虎穴寺 (走路的話 3/4小時來回)
• Service not mention here
• Hot stone bath.
• Lunch on the last day to Phuntsholing as the service ends with breakfast.
disciples中文 在 Eliza Ang Youtube 的最佳解答
目前Insta360 Go正有夏日大優惠,
Insta360 Go:https://www.insta360.com/sal/go?insrc=INRU0PK
♥購買我設計的週邊商品: https://teespring.com/stores/eliza-ang
�E-mail: elizaang0202@gmail.com (business only)
首次加入Airbnb訂房賺取 TWD 1000元 折扣金:https://zh-t.airbnb.com/c/elai107?s=8
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Insta360 ONE X 全景相機購買連結:
【機票比價網站推薦】 (建議用這2個網站交叉查詢)
Skyscanner: https://goo.gl/cBYgeX
Google Flights: https://goo.gl/DFF5TM
德國鐵路通行證(連續 3 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 10 / 15日):
Auto Europe Car Rentals:https://bit.ly/2Kn36wN
Hotels.com訂房(集10 晚,送1晚):http://bit.ly/2sKeRE4
Booking.com訂房賺取 6% 現金回饋:https://app.shopback.com/twn?raf=jQgmPN&slug=booking-com
Booking.com訂房(將住宿在 Booking.com 上線,享前5筆訂單免佣金):https://join.booking.com/a/1545198
Dji Osmo Pocket:https://track.affsrc.com/track/clicks/4050/c627c2b89e0720d8fc9cbd2e8d2b891473624ec175e4f0ab416db6056204
使用相機G7X Mark III
剪輯軟體Editing Software:Adobe Premiere
♫ Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ (付費網站)
Are You Having Fun - Alek Bluntz
Corn Dog Avenue - Martin Klem
Leisure Island - Dexter & The Disciples
Still Fly (Instrumental Version) - Revel Day
Never Alone Again - Eric Feinberg
Upstairs Fun - Headlund
★This video is not sponsored.
★Some of the links above are affiliate links.

disciples中文 在 銘排生活Ming's VolleyLife Youtube 的最佳解答
MVC銘排俱樂部FB社團連結👉🏻 https://pse.is/Q7KYG
MVC銘排俱樂部訂課連結👉🏻 https://pse.is/NLB9R
五種最常見的跳飄: https://youtu.be/SflsxPQiLGs
亞瑟士排球鞋大評比: https://youtu.be/x2_hPyjhxFs
NVA練球Vlog: https://youtu.be/2v0_GC11mnM
河馬力士體能Vlog: https://youtu.be/vVBv5wiCULA
攔網熱身法: https://youtu.be/S5NbPBvMkLY
新竹纖碧爾盃: https://youtu.be/nFDNpaB5wRA
也可以在臉書、IG搜尋“Ming's volleylife 銘排生活”看看我的日常~
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IG👉🏻 https://pse.is/QM4GC
#volleyballquestion #問答 #排球
Leisure Island - Dexter &The Disciples
More Clearly - Wanna Beat
On the Islands - Dylan Joseph
Epidemic Sound推薦連結: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/7j2rdr/
If you find anything wrong with the subtitle, please leave your comment down below, thank you!
有興趣的話,可以寄信到 mingvolley@gmail.com 並在主旨標示想翻譯影片喔!
如何上字幕的教學👉🏻 http://goo.gl/iURCeD
中文字幕來自 「惡魔貓男」
拍攝相機:Canon EOS M50、Iphone 11 Pro
影片編輯:Final Cut Pro
