🔥🌟 Hôm nay là một ngày đặc biệt, có ý nghĩa vô cùng quan trọng với cả Quân-Den và fandom LighterStar chúng ta. Ngày 30.11.2020 chính là cột mốc đánh dấu tròn một năm chúng mình may mắn có đại gia đình thứ hai đúng nghĩa, những người anh, người chị cùng các em luôn quan tâm, ủng hộ và cổ vũ hai đứa như người thân thật sự.
Khoảng thời gian vắt óc suy nghĩ tên cho fandom nhà mình vẫn in đậm trong trí nhớ của chúng mình, tựa như mới ngày hôm qua. Quyết định thành lập fandom, đặt một cái tên thân thương, từng bước từng bước gây dựng ngôi nhà chung thêm vững chãi, là một quyết định sáng suốt của hai anh em... Rồi chúng ta có dịp tụ họp trong Fan Meeting chính thức đầu tiên, trong những buổi biểu diễn đáng nhớ. Suốt thời gian vừa qua, có rất nhiều gian nan, trắc trở xuất hiện. Gánh nặng và áp lực đè nặng lên vai hai anh em liên tục, nói không mệt mỏi là nói dối. Thật sự đã có lúc đuối sức tưởng chừng muốn gục ngã, nhưng khi nhìn lại những gương mặt tươi cười, những cái ôm ấm áp, những vòng tay chan chứa tình thương, hai anh em lại như được tiếp thêm sức mạnh.
Trải qua muôn vàn sóng gió, vượt lên bão tố phong ba, khi ngoái đầu nhìn lại, chúng mình vẫn thấy mọi người ở đây. Hai anh em chúng mình biết mình không hề cô độc, biết rằng bên cạnh luôn có những người thật sự thấu hiểu và yêu thương mình, đây là một cảm giác rất lạ lẫm, vừa chua xót vừa hạnh phúc, rung động từ tận đáy lòng.
Chúng mình có một căn phòng riêng để lưu giữ những món quà và những tấm thiệp được gửi tặng ở khắp mọi miền đất nước và món quà từ các Lighter Star quốc tế nữa. Đó là thế giới bí mật, là nơi chứa đựng một phần trái tim. Mỗi khi quá mệt mỏi căng thẳng, chúng mình lại trốn vào đó, ngắm nhìn từng món quà, lật giở từng trang giấy. Chúng mình biết và trân trọng tất cả những gì các bạn fan đã làm, dù là những điều nhỏ bé nhất. Có những fan sẵn sàng đặt vé máy bay để tham gia show bất chấp khoảng cách địa lý. Có những fan dành cả ngày lang thang ở sân bay để đợi chúng mình mặc dù không biết lịch trình cụ thể. Có những fan chỉ nhìn từ xa, không dám đến gần vì sợ làm phiền chúng mình, làm chúng mình mệt. Có những fan ở các tỉnh xa, không có điều kiện đi xem show nhưng vẫn luôn dành rất nhiều lời động viên và bày tỏ tình cảm trên mạng xã hội, để chúng mình biết rằng các bạn vẫn ở đó. Có những fan ở nước ngoài, mặc dù khác múi giờ, nhưng luôn cố gắng theo sát các sự kiện và hoạt động thường ngày của hai anh em. Còn cả những fan quốc tế, những người đang cố gắng học tiếng Việt rồi chờ một ngày gặp gỡ có thể nói câu "Xin chào!". Dù tồn tại rào cản ngôn ngữ, dù phải chờ sau khi có phụ đề/dịch thuật, nhưng tình yêu của các bạn dành cho chúng mình vẫn luôn đầy ắp.
Các bạn cùng nhau góp ý, cùng nhau chia sẻ tâm tư tình cảm, cùng nhau hoàn thiện để xây dựng một tập thể văn minh, lịch sự. Dẫu biết đã là gia đình sẽ không thể tránh những lúc có xung đột, giận hờn, tranh luận, cãi vã, căng thẳng nhưng rồi mọi thứ cũng đều qua đi nhường chỗ cho tình yêu thương, thấu hiểu. Qua fandom LighterStar, các bạn cũng đã kết bạn cùng nhau, cùng nhau thành lập những nhóm support, những page support, đã có nhiều tình yêu được kết đôi, nhiều tình cảm chị em bạn bè được kết nối, tất cả đã gắn kết để thành một tập thể lớn đang ngày một lớn mạnh.
Cảm ơn tất cả các bạn. Chúng mình rất biết ơn và xúc động trước tình cảm đáng quý của từng fan đối với mình, coi đó là động lực để ngày càng hoàn thiện bản thân, chứng minh cho fandom mình thấy rằng mọi người đã không đặt niềm tin sai chỗ.
Một năm trôi qua, đã có một số người rời đi nhưng vẫn còn không ít gương mặt thân thuộc ở lại và tiếp tục đồng hành cùng chúng mình, bên cạnh nhiều bạn fan mới xuất hiện trong cuộc đời hai anh em. Fandom ngày càng phát triển và thay đổi tích cực. Chúng ta đã và đang cùng nhau tạo nên những kỷ niệm đẹp đẽ đáng nhớ, cùng chung tay góp sức cho các hoạt động thiện nguyện. Vui, buồn, giận, thương, bất lực rồi lại tràn ngập hy vọng... đủ các cung bậc cảm xúc mà không câu chữ nào có thể diễn tả hết được.
Một năm trôi qua, ngoảnh đi ngoảnh lại cứ ngỡ mọi thứ chỉ là giấc mơ, thật nhanh quá. Chặng đường có phần gập ghềnh ấy không ngắn cũng chẳng dài, nhưng nó là quãng thời gian chúng mình sẽ khắc ghi thật sâu trong tim.
Một lần nữa, cảm ơn tất cả các bạn đã ở bên Quân-Den, cùng hai anh em ngày một trưởng thành và hoàn thiện. Chúc các thành viên của fandom LighterStar ở khắp mọi miền đất nước Việt Nam và ở cả nước ngoài thật nhiều may mắn, mạnh khỏe, bình an và hạnh phúc.
Hãy tiếp tục nắm tay chúng mình trên con đường này, để vào ngày này mỗi năm, chúng ta lại cùng nhau ôn lại những kỷ niệm đẹp, gia đình mình nhé! ❤️💜
Today is of special significance to Quan-Den and our Lighter Star fan club. November 30, 2020 marks one year since we had the privilege of having a second family with our loving brothers and sisters who have always cared for and stayed by our side, cheering us on like true family members.
It feels just like yesterday when we were still raking our brains for a name of our fan club. Upon reflection, we found that it was such a great decision that we made to open the fan club, give it a lovely name, and step by step build our common home with you all. The first fan meeting and the first shows where we met you were also precious memories.
Over this period of one year, there have been so many challenges, and we would lie if we said we did not feel stressed or exhausted at times. There were moments that we were down and discouraged, but we were both given strength when seeing your smiley faces and having your warm embraces. Weathering through this stormy year, we are deeply moved to see that you guys are still here, that you understand and care for us, and that we are not alone.
We have a room where we keep all the cards and presents sent to us from all the corners of the land and overseas from Vietnamese and international Lighter Stars. It is like the secret chamber where our hearts go. Whenever we are stressed, we will hide ourselves away in the room, going through all the written messages and looking at all the presents. We know and treasure all that you do. There are fans who would book airline tickets to see our shows no matter where we performed. There are fans who would wait for us at airports without knowing our travel schedules. There are fans who would stand in the distance to look at us for fear of bothering us or making us tired. There are fans from distant provinces who did not have a chance to see our shows but were always generous with their encouragement and loving messages for us on social media, letting us know that they are still there. There are fans living overseas on different time zones but always trying their best to follow our events and daily activities. There are also international fans who are trying to learn Vietnamese so they say can “Xin chào!” when we meet. Language differences do not seem to deter them from expressing their love to us.
You have all been working together to share your emotions and thoughts and to build a civilised and polite team. Like any family, there were moments when you conflicted and argued with each other, but they have all passed, giving way to greater empathy and love. Many of you have found new friends when joining Ligher Star fan club. You have gathered together to create and maintain many support groups and support pages, and have gradually built a stronger team.
Thank you everyone. We are really grateful and moved by the care and support of each and everyone of you. We consider that as the motivation for us to improve ourselves and to show you all that you did not trust the wrong person. Some have left us, but many familiar faces are still here and continue to join us in our journey. New fans have also come into our lives. The fan club continues to grow and transform. We have been creating amazing memories together, joining hands in charitable activities. Happiness, sadness, anger, care, helplessness and then hopefulness are all the levels emotions that we have together experienced, so memorable that our words fail to describe.
It feels like a dream that one year has passed. So quickly!! The somewhat bumpy ride is neither short nor long, but it will be a ride that we treasure in our hearts.
Once again sincere thanks to all of you who have sticked by Quan-Den’s side, joining us in our growth and development. We wish Lighter Star fan club members in all areas of Vietnam and overseas good health, good luck, peach and happiness.
Hope you will all continue to hold our hands in this journey so that once a year we can sit down and recall all the beautiful memories we have had together. ♥️💜
describe a memorable journey you have made 在 Joey Leong 梁祖仪 Facebook 的最佳解答
Finally, I'm graduated. [Well, not officially yet but I'm feeling it strongly, without any suitable word to describe]
I'm not taking all the kind-help, support and encouragement from the people around for granted; I would like to sincerely express my deepest gratitude to these people <3 who helped to make miraculous things possible.
Thank you Lisa Williams and Trevor Boylan from Coventry University whom made me learn so much about this university before even I've seen it. Thank you for everything you've done to make my learning journey a memorable and special one, especially when I was in Coventry! Big hugs!
Also, thank you Jonathan Tee from K-Smart Education Group for the passion you have in helping every single students to get onto the right paths! It was you who suggested Coventry University London Campus CULC at the first place; which then led to the entire incredible year of learning journey in London. Thank you.
特别感谢与我共度协写毕业论文的好朋友们;谢谢您们愿意给予最完美的配合,成就了我大学毕业前最重要的一篇论文。圈内好友- 感谢一直不忘带给我能量的姐 Soo Wincci 蘇盈之 博士,国际巨星 最爱的二姐 童冰玉 Tong Bing Yu,最近红爆的创意歌手 Danny Koo 許佳麟,新实力歌手音乐人 Hanz郭文翰,还有 甜美清新女演员 EmilyZying 陈子颖。爱你们 💕
感谢每位掏出心肺的教师们。感谢我的家人、朋友、还有最珍贵的 JLS幸运星。我知道你们一直都在。您们的支持与鼓励 都深深烙印在我心里,也记载在我的毕业论文里。这感动时刻,我已不知可以再说什么。谢谢你们。
#JoeyLeongJLS #JLSSpirit #JLLearningJourney #JoeyLeongInLondon #JLxCULC #CoventryUniversity
describe a memorable journey you have made 在 董事長樂團 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Thank you Congratulations to everyone!
謝謝大家! 恭喜大家!
Responses to “Qing-Yang Xiao”
Gioia says:
One of the greatest designer I know. His album design works are something you can keep in your life. Every once a while you take out, they bring back to you all the memmories… 03/13/2012 at 7:35 pm
75 years ago, Macy’s grandfather left his family behind, boarding a boat in Keelung port in Taiwan heading for Osaka in Japan in pursuit of his dream as a jazz saxophonist, and he died there….75 years later, Macy, disappointed at her career as backup vocalist in Taiwan, decided to follow his grandfather’s footstep. She hopped on a plane, all alone, going to New York to pursuit her dream to make jazz music. Thus born the record After 75 Years. When I heard of this story, I realized this record is not just about music. It is also dream, memory, and passion. It is a journey across time and place, linked by family bond that was translated into 6 letters that travelled through the time and music. The envelops, stamps, papers, boats, pen handwriting, Japanese and Chinese characters, photos, and the last email. All of the proof that told the hidden secrets of the family touched me immensely and let me sink into deep thoughts. The one-year-and-half work was enjoyable, especially because it gave me a chance for the first time to fly from Asia to New York to bask in the soulful jazz music of local jazz bars. Only then did I realize the feeling of Macy’s grandfather when he embarked on that lonely trip chasing after his dream.
When Macy flew from New York to Taipei to talk to me, sharing the music and story with me, I suddenly realized that this time I would not be just a designer but a director to re-create those memories of dreams on printed paper. The process of patching different memories and stories into one whole piece once made me feel melancholy too. But the result gave me much more happiness.
In fact, Macy’s team had already done a design in New York. But one day, Macy accidentally saw an interview of me on TV talking about my works and ideals, she decided to engage me. She flew all the way from New York to Taipei and persuaded me into doing it. She has more confidence in me and myself, believing that I would translate the deep emotions and music of east and west into an artistic expression. The profound love and courageous pursuit of dream moved me so much that I decided to take this job. Without the same devotion and conviction, I couldn’t have made it cause my pay was already used up by the time I found the photographer and copywriter and flew to New York for the shooting!
Packaging design isn’t just sugar-coating. I always think that if one can express his heart through music, the packaging design should also deliver the emotions and thoughts of the music. It should touch people’s heart just like the melodies inside of it.
Each time I work with musicians, I feel like experiencing a different life. I enjoy listening and this has enriched my life.
Though I have always lived in the island of Taiwan I can listen to western music and the creative works via radio and other media. All these have become my nutrition and I always try to integrate various elements to create something new and unique. After 28 years in the business, the chance to always do something i haven’t yet done before keeps my passion alive and the opportunities to work with different talents are sheer pleasure to me. My works might seem more independent than independent. I did design for an album which features two grandmas from an indigenous tribe recording their tribe music in Spain. Another album features a children choir led by a principal at an elementary school located at a 1000-meter-high mountain in praise of God. Or a genius boy who hasn’t grown since the 5th grade flied from a small village on Taiwan’s east coast to Vienna to look for his dream. And there’re more…..Last time, I was very honored to receive the best packaging design from IMA for Island Story. To celebrate it, local government at my hometown held a press conference for me, allowing me to share my thoughts with the world. I made a vow there and then, saying that “I’d want to go farther into the mountains or the seaside to do the design. I want to contribute my skills and capabilities to those who still have dreams for music, even in the remote countryside.” The nomination of After 75 Years once again helped me realize my dream.
I’ve done it for 28 years in this island and now I’d like to work with musicians outside of my country. I haven’t done anything like reggae, punk, folk, world music, contemporary, blues, trance, break beat, big-beat, etc. As long as it’s something different, I’d like to give it a try.
The age of digital music highlights the importance of physical texture of the packaging design. Like After 75 Years, if you haven’t touched it and flipped it though, you couldn’t have enjoyed it as much.
From 80s to now, the world has gone from vinyl, cassettes, walkman, CD, to MP3 and more. The evolution from analogue to digital music as well as the device has also made me grow. But whatever the tool is, I think man is born to sing. That will not never change.
My friend in the US helped me apply for the competition of last year and this year. I changed my mind of not wanting to venture out. Now I want to share my works with people all around the world.
They have different antenna that transmits different message than I do. Collaborating with them help me develop imagination I never had before. I love working with those geeks. Each time, we make each other’s eyes wide open!
In 1995, I was the first Asian ever to be dominated for packaging design at Grammy. Ever since then, I’ve started to promote those records that would have otherwise gone unnoticed.
The music industry is about dream and passion. After finished the 2-year project of Story Island and one-year-and-an-half After 75 Years‘, I am now looking forward to meeting with musicians that share the same passion and dream as me.
My website: http://www.shout.com.tw
My blog: http://blog.yam.com/shoutstu
Mt FB: http://www.facebook.com/shout.cc
My emails: shoutstu@ms24.hinet.net shoutstu01@gmail.com
Or Google Qing-yang Xiao 蕭青陽