昨天看到一份不錯的投資書單。這份書單是 Corey Hoffstein 分享的,他是量化投資機構 Newfound Research 的投資長,所以裡面分享蠻多跟量化有關的書。大部分都只有英文,我把有中文翻譯的整理出來了,疫情在家來慢慢消化。
- 決斷的演算
- Python 自動化的樂趣|搞定重複瑣碎 & 單調無聊的工作
- 高效能 Python 程式設計
- Risk and Asset Allocation by Attilio Meucci
- Tail Risk Hedging: Creating Robust Portfolios for Volatile Markets
- The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a Market Sell-Off (有簡體翻譯:如何應對第二輪下跌)
- Plight of the Fortune Tellers: Why We Need to Manage Financial Risk Differently
- 股價、棉花與尼羅河密碼:藏在金融圖表裡的風險
- 隨機騙局
- Red-Blooded Risk
- 風險之書
- The Laws of Trading
- Principles of Financial Engineering by Salih N. Neftci (有簡體翻譯:金融工程原理)
- Equity Smart Beta and Factor Investing for Practitioners
- Trend Following with Managed Futures
- Financial Hacking: Evaluate Risks, Price Derivatives, Structure Trades, and Build Your Intuition Quickly and Easily
- Expected Returns (有簡體翻譯:預期收益)
- The Volatility Smile
- Trading Volatility: Trading Volatility, Correlation, Term Structure and Skew
- 金融投機史:揭開貪婪時代九大金融泡沫
- When Genius Failed (有簡體翻譯:賭金者:長期資本管理公司的升騰與隕落)
- Efficiently Inefficient
derivatives market中文 在 衍生工具市場及買賣的介紹Introduction to the derivatives ... 的必吃
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