【EP34 身為挪威人,我不想努力了!(誤)——被國家包養的日常&極圈絕景羅弗敦群島 ft. Noregion 極境 王湘鄉】
🎙️ 來賓簡介:
王湘鄉,挪威景觀建築師, Noregion 極境 共同創辦人。在一次出差途中,被壯闊的景觀、清淨的峽灣收買,加上對於社會主義的崇拜,便帶著大同電鍋前往挪威念碩士,迄今已旅居進入第七年。目前於奧斯陸擔任全職景觀師,平時不是在畫圖就是在旅行,做研究時愛上極地探險與攝影,北極海內摔壞了幾台空拍機,完成了幾部作品,並成立Noregion極境行旅平台,希望透過景觀師獨家的眼光宣傳北極圈內大小事,為世界紀錄,為景觀說故事。
🔊 收聽資訊:
Spotify open.spotify.com/episode/4cQcBrGyaYxLkUT414HB2f
Apple Podcasts podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/id1518914711?i=1000505516186
Google Podcasts, SoundOn, Firstory, Baabao, KKBox
所有平台收聽連結請點此 ltsoj.com 或者直接搜尋「旅行熱炒店」
Show note ltsoj.com/podcast-ep034
IG: instagram.com/travel.wok
✅ 本集重點:
03:09 人為刀俎我為魚肉:夾在兩大強權之間的歷史
05:20 命運的轉捩點,後院挖到寶啦!
08:53 所以,這裡的福利到底有多好?
12:28 老闆對我說:你太認真了,會造成同事的壓力!?
15:52 挪威人的民族性:保持距離,自立自強
18:29 一年只有這麼一次的狂放熱情:挪威聖誕餐桌!
20:29 極圈原住民薩米人的現況與困境
24:00 令人不敢相信的極圈絕景:羅弗敦群島,開車要小心!
26:52 羅弗敦旅遊重點推薦:鱈魚舌頭、養殖漁業,開窗前請三思
29:40 旅行實用資訊分享:物價、公路旅行、戶外健行
32:22 Noregion 極境行旅 簡介
(節目總長 34:35)
✏️ 挪威歷史整理:
1397:為了與南方興起的漢薩同盟(Hanseatic League)對抗,挪威、瑞典、丹麥三國組成聯合王國,由單一王室統治,成為共主邦聯(personal union)。
1814:基爾條約(Treaty of Kiel),丹麥把挪威割讓給瑞典,挪威擁有自治權與憲法,但卻變成瑞典聯合王國一部份。
🚧 勘誤與補充:
07:19 提到的冰上運動:冰壺(curling)
26:17 湘鄉的超速吃罰單經驗,應為在每小時50km速限的路上開62km。
🔗 補充連結:
極光 fb.watch/315UHMyaZc/
羅浮敦賞鯨 facebook.com/noregiontravel/posts/1835399676737961
挪威建築-野生馴鹿觀測中心 facebook.com/noregiontravel/posts/1833831460228116
馴鹿 facebook.com/noregiontravel/photos/a.1824972967780632/1829764950634767/
國家景觀道路 nasjonaleturistveger.no/en/routes
挪威自助戶外探險 outtt.com/en
挪威徒步旅行協會 english.dnt.no/
登山網 ut.no/
挪威觀光局官方網站 visitnorway.com/?lang=uk
#podcast #travel #播客 #音頻 #自助旅行 #中文podcast #台灣podcast #波羅的海 #北大西洋 #挪威 #瑞典 #丹麥 #維京人 #北海 #北極 #極圈 #薩米 #原住民 #馴鹿
視覺設計使用之圖片由 Noregion 極境行旅 王湘鄉 提供
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,吃膩煎培根?Bon Appetit特約編輯帶你嘗試各種不同的培根料理方式! 32種雞胸肉料理方法 ►► https://smarturl.it/f4e5ru #培根 #創意料理 #療癒廚房 00:00 Introduction 00:36 Homemade bacon 自製培根 01:53 Doub...
- 關於curling中文 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於curling中文 在 UC Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於curling中文 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於curling中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於curling中文 在 Hak Me Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於curling中文 在 SoniaSu TV Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於curling中文 在 Can an Average Guy Beat the US Olympic Curling Team? 的評價
- 關於curling中文 在 冰壺運動Curling - Bongo (中文 - Facebook 的評價
curling中文 在 UC Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文
A supporter of Uncle Siu and a shopper at Book Depository, so looking forward to the reading sessions!
【7出國際】#蕭叔叔英文閱讀週 Uncle Siu's English Reading Week with Book Depository
下個星期三開始,蕭叔會同英國網上書店Book Depository合作搞「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」,由19到25號(書展嗰幾日)每日拍片講一本蕭叔最愛的英文書,題材不限,由小學雞故事書到英國哲學大賢的巨著,無所不談。
另外,Reading Week期間書店那邊特別為肥叔設立專頁,自己去看看吧:
Stay tuned, fellow bookworms, for a very bookish week ahead.
Book Depository Partners with Uncle Siu to Launch its First English Reading Week in Hong Kong
Bookdepository.com and Uncle Siu present a week-long video series introducing the beloved teacher’s most-loved books, just in time for the Hong Kong Book Fair
Hong Kong loves to read, but it can be tough to find a wide variety of English books in the city – especially for readers who want to explore material above and beyond the latest bestsellers. In order to support voracious Hong Kong readers in learning English, revisiting the classics or just curling up with a book they love, Book Depository, an international online book retailer offering over 16 million English books with free delivery, is partnering with local Hong Kong influencer Uncle Siu to launch the Uncle Siu English Reading Week from 19 to 25 July, coinciding with the Hong Kong Book Fair.
During the Uncle Siu English Reading Week, local influencer Uncle Siu will post one video per day introducing his favourite English books. Uncle Siu is not only an avid reader but also a much-loved linguistics expert who has won over English and Cantonese audiences online with his funny, educational content about learning languages.
In partnership with Book Depository, Uncle Siu is ready to kick off the Uncle Siu English Reading Week and get people in Hong Kong excited about reading, “I love reading and I use a lot of books in teaching. I’ve been using Book Depository for more than 10 years. It’s the best online bookstore in the world, bar none. You can find any books you can think of that are virtually impossible to find in brick-and-mortar stores.”
Uncle Siu’s favourite books will each fall into one of the following categories:
1. English learning books that can help students take their language learning to the next level.
2. Storybooks that have been cherished by children and their parents for generations.
3. Writing guides to boost students’ ability to construct arguments and organise an essay.
4. The classics, which have an important place on any literature lover’s bookshelf.
5. Lesser-known classics from authors that are less notorious, but no less exciting to read.
6. Culturally English books that offer insights into the English language and the way of life in Britain.
7. General interest books that Uncle Siu simply loves to read for fun.
Which books will Uncle Siu choose as his favourites? To find out, visit the Book Depository website (bookdepository.com) from 19 to 25 July. A new video from Uncle Siu will be posted each day to celebrate Uncle Siu English Reading Week and reveal his favourite English books. What’s more, customers who view the videos will get an exclusive coupon code for an extra 10% off Book Depository’s already low prices across millions of books during the Book Fair period from 19 to 25 July.
At the Hong Kong Book Fair, look out for Book Depository representatives standing outside the event on 19 and 20 July. They will be handing out Book Depository’s bookmarks and specially designed folders for a further 5% off on the Book Depository website.
Customers simply need to visit bookdepository.com and apply their coupon code at check out to take advantage of the discounts. And with free delivery on all orders, it is a no brainer!
About Book Depository
Book Depository (bookdepository.com) is an international book retailer offering over 16 million books with free delivery on all orders. It is based in the UK with millions of customers in over 120 countries.
Ms. Carol Yeung
+852 2501 7911 / cyeung@golin.com
Ms. Kumiko Lau
+852 2501 7936 / klau@golin.com
Ms. Helen Yeung
+852 2501 7929 / hyeung@golin.com
Book Depository聯同英語教學達人蕭叔叔首度舉辦「英文閱讀週」
蕭叔叔將於香港書展期間 一連七天於Bookdepository.com專頁以短片介紹多本心水讀物
香港的書迷不單喜愛閱讀中文書籍,他們亦同樣鍾情英文書籍,然而市面上的英文書籍往往只局限於暢銷書種,令愛好閱讀的人士未能全面投入廣闊的閱讀世界。適逢一年一度的香港書展即將於本月盛大舉行,提供超過160萬種英文書籍的全球免運費國際網上書店Book Depository,首度聯同香港網上英語教學達人蕭叔叔,於7月19日至25日期間舉辦「Book Depository x 蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」,一連七日以網上短片形式介紹多本英語學習工具書、重溫英語世界多部經典著作,以及推介各式有趣消閒讀物,讓喜愛閱讀的人士探索不同類型的英文書籍。
蕭叔叔已為今次由Book Depository舉辦的「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」預備多本英文讀物,期望為大眾開啟英語世界的閱讀大門。蕭叔叔愛閱讀,教學也常用到不同書籍。他表示:「幫襯Book Depository已經十年了,這是世上最好的網上書店,尤其要買實體書店找不到的書,特別好用。」
1. 英語學習工具書:讓學生透過實用的英語學習工具書,提升英語水平。
2. 故事書:介紹多部無論是小朋友還是家長也樂在其中的故事書。
3. 寫作技巧:讓學童透過書籍掌握寫作技巧,加強文章結構及組織能力。
4. 經典著作:介紹文學愛好者不容錯過的經典之作。
5. 鮮為人知的經典:介紹多本精彩絕倫但不為人知的經典
6. 英語文化書籍:全面認識英語世界及英國生活文化的有趣讀物
7. 消閒讀物:由蕭叔叔精選多本輕鬆消閒讀物
熱愛閱讀的人士只需於7月19日至25日期間,登入Book Depository網站(bookdepository.com),於「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」專頁中即可觀看短片,詳細了解蕭叔叔推介的英文書籍。每名觀看短片的人士更可獲享Book Depository九折購物優惠代碼,於Book Depository盡情探索超過百萬款英文書籍,同時專享折扣優惠。
於香港書展舉行期間,Book Depository更會於7月19及20日派出推廣人員,於書展會場外派發精美書籤及設計獨特的文件夾,獲享低至八五折的購物優惠。
有關Book Depository
Book Depository(bookdepository.com)為國際書籍零售商,於網上提供超過160萬種書籍,顧客選購書籍之餘更可專享全球免運服務。Book Depository總部設於英國,顧客來自全球逾120個國家超過100萬人。
香港 ─ 高誠公關
Ms. Carol Yeung
+852 2501 7911 / cyeung@golin.com
Ms. Kumiko Lau
+852 2501 7936 / klau@golin.com
Ms. Helen Yeung
+852 2501 7929 / hyeung@golin.com
curling中文 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳解答
【7出國際】#蕭叔叔英文閱讀週 Uncle Siu's English Reading Week with Book Depository
下個星期三開始,蕭叔會同英國網上書店Book Depository合作搞「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」,由19到25號(書展嗰幾日)每日拍片講一本蕭叔最愛的英文書,題材不限,由小學雞故事書到英國哲學大賢的巨著,無所不談。
另外,Reading Week期間書店那邊特別為肥叔設立專頁,自己去看看吧:
Stay tuned, fellow bookworms, for a very bookish week ahead.
Book Depository Partners with Uncle Siu to Launch its First English Reading Week in Hong Kong
Bookdepository.com and Uncle Siu present a week-long video series introducing the beloved teacher’s most-loved books, just in time for the Hong Kong Book Fair
Hong Kong loves to read, but it can be tough to find a wide variety of English books in the city – especially for readers who want to explore material above and beyond the latest bestsellers. In order to support voracious Hong Kong readers in learning English, revisiting the classics or just curling up with a book they love, Book Depository, an international online book retailer offering over 16 million English books with free delivery, is partnering with local Hong Kong influencer Uncle Siu to launch the Uncle Siu English Reading Week from 19 to 25 July, coinciding with the Hong Kong Book Fair.
During the Uncle Siu English Reading Week, local influencer Uncle Siu will post one video per day introducing his favourite English books. Uncle Siu is not only an avid reader but also a much-loved linguistics expert who has won over English and Cantonese audiences online with his funny, educational content about learning languages.
In partnership with Book Depository, Uncle Siu is ready to kick off the Uncle Siu English Reading Week and get people in Hong Kong excited about reading, “I love reading and I use a lot of books in teaching. I’ve been using Book Depository for more than 10 years. It’s the best online bookstore in the world, bar none. You can find any books you can think of that are virtually impossible to find in brick-and-mortar stores.”
Uncle Siu’s favourite books will each fall into one of the following categories:
1. English learning books that can help students take their language learning to the next level.
2. Storybooks that have been cherished by children and their parents for generations.
3. Writing guides to boost students’ ability to construct arguments and organise an essay.
4. The classics, which have an important place on any literature lover’s bookshelf.
5. Lesser-known classics from authors that are less notorious, but no less exciting to read.
6. Culturally English books that offer insights into the English language and the way of life in Britain.
7. General interest books that Uncle Siu simply loves to read for fun.
Which books will Uncle Siu choose as his favourites? To find out, visit the Book Depository website (bookdepository.com) from 19 to 25 July. A new video from Uncle Siu will be posted each day to celebrate Uncle Siu English Reading Week and reveal his favourite English books. What’s more, customers who view the videos will get an exclusive coupon code for an extra 10% off Book Depository’s already low prices across millions of books during the Book Fair period from 19 to 25 July.
At the Hong Kong Book Fair, look out for Book Depository representatives standing outside the event on 19 and 20 July. They will be handing out Book Depository’s bookmarks and specially designed folders for a further 5% off on the Book Depository website.
Customers simply need to visit bookdepository.com and apply their coupon code at check out to take advantage of the discounts. And with free delivery on all orders, it is a no brainer!
About Book Depository
Book Depository (bookdepository.com) is an international book retailer offering over 16 million books with free delivery on all orders. It is based in the UK with millions of customers in over 120 countries.
Ms. Carol Yeung
+852 2501 7911 / cyeung@golin.com
Ms. Kumiko Lau
+852 2501 7936 / klau@golin.com
Ms. Helen Yeung
+852 2501 7929 / hyeung@golin.com
Book Depository聯同英語教學達人蕭叔叔首度舉辦「英文閱讀週」
蕭叔叔將於香港書展期間 一連七天於Bookdepository.com專頁以短片介紹多本心水讀物
香港的書迷不單喜愛閱讀中文書籍,他們亦同樣鍾情英文書籍,然而市面上的英文書籍往往只局限於暢銷書種,令愛好閱讀的人士未能全面投入廣闊的閱讀世界。適逢一年一度的香港書展即將於本月盛大舉行,提供超過160萬種英文書籍的全球免運費國際網上書店Book Depository,首度聯同香港網上英語教學達人蕭叔叔,於7月19日至25日期間舉辦「Book Depository x 蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」,一連七日以網上短片形式介紹多本英語學習工具書、重溫英語世界多部經典著作,以及推介各式有趣消閒讀物,讓喜愛閱讀的人士探索不同類型的英文書籍。
蕭叔叔已為今次由Book Depository舉辦的「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」預備多本英文讀物,期望為大眾開啟英語世界的閱讀大門。蕭叔叔愛閱讀,教學也常用到不同書籍。他表示:「幫襯Book Depository已經十年了,這是世上最好的網上書店,尤其要買實體書店找不到的書,特別好用。」
1. 英語學習工具書:讓學生透過實用的英語學習工具書,提升英語水平。
2. 故事書:介紹多部無論是小朋友還是家長也樂在其中的故事書。
3. 寫作技巧:讓學童透過書籍掌握寫作技巧,加強文章結構及組織能力。
4. 經典著作:介紹文學愛好者不容錯過的經典之作。
5. 鮮為人知的經典:介紹多本精彩絕倫但不為人知的經典
6. 英語文化書籍:全面認識英語世界及英國生活文化的有趣讀物
7. 消閒讀物:由蕭叔叔精選多本輕鬆消閒讀物
熱愛閱讀的人士只需於7月19日至25日期間,登入Book Depository網站(bookdepository.com),於「蕭叔叔英文閱讀週」專頁中即可觀看短片,詳細了解蕭叔叔推介的英文書籍。每名觀看短片的人士更可獲享Book Depository九折購物優惠代碼,於Book Depository盡情探索超過百萬款英文書籍,同時專享折扣優惠。
於香港書展舉行期間,Book Depository更會於7月19及20日派出推廣人員,於書展會場外派發精美書籤及設計獨特的文件夾,獲享低至八五折的購物優惠。
有關Book Depository
Book Depository(bookdepository.com)為國際書籍零售商,於網上提供超過160萬種書籍,顧客選購書籍之餘更可專享全球免運服務。Book Depository總部設於英國,顧客來自全球逾120個國家超過100萬人。
香港 ─ 高誠公關
Ms. Carol Yeung
+852 2501 7911 / cyeung@golin.com
Ms. Kumiko Lau
+852 2501 7936 / klau@golin.com
Ms. Helen Yeung
+852 2501 7929 / hyeung@golin.com
curling中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文
吃膩煎培根?Bon Appetit特約編輯帶你嘗試各種不同的培根料理方式!
32種雞胸肉料理方法 ►► https://smarturl.it/f4e5ru
#培根 #創意料理 #療癒廚房
00:00 Introduction
00:36 Homemade bacon 自製培根
01:53 Double-smoked bacon 二次燻製培根
02:23 Cold start bacon 冷鍋煎培根
02:58 Hot start bacon 熱鍋煎培根
03:35 Low and slow bacon 小火慢煎培根
04:06 Bacon lardons 法式培根
04:38 Bacon toaster 烤培根機
05:15 Curling iron bacon 捲髮棒煎培根
05:51 Crimping iron bacon 玉米鬚電棒捲煎培根
06:24 Campfire bacon, three ways 營火培根 三種方法
06:52 Coal-cooked bacon 煤炭烤培根
07:14 Foil-packed bacon 鋁箔包培根
07:31 Clothesline bacon 晾衣夾培根
07:54 Baked bacon 烤培根
08:27 Rack-baked bacon 烤架培根
08:55 Broiled bacon 用上火烤培根
09:27 Diner-style bacon 快餐式培根
10:09 Oven contraption bacon 烤箱配件做的培根
10:37 Bacon bowl 培根碗
11:04 Bacon straw 培根吸管
11:46 Prince Harry's bacon 哈利王子愛吃的培根
12:33 Microwaved bacon 微波爐加熱培根
12:59 Wow bacon Wow培根
13:27 Plastic tray bacon 塑膠盤加熱培根
13:56 Bacon Wave 塑膠架
14:35 Bacon butter 培根奶油
15:32 Bacon mayonnaise 培根美乃滋
16:09 Bacon caramels 培根糖果
17:02 Bacon bourbon 培根波本威士忌
18:07 Water-method bacon 加水煎培根
18:48 Poached bacon 水煮培根
19:27 Steamed bacon 蒸籠培根
19:56 Car engine bacon 用車引擎煮培根
20:40 Bacon jam 培根醬
21:24 Candied bacon 培根蜜餞
21:55 Bacon ice cream 培根冰淇淋
23:20 Grilled bacon, two ways 炙烤培根 兩種方法
23:37 High heat grilled bacon 高溫炙烤培根
23:58 Low heat grilled bacon 低溫烤培根
24:20 Skewered bacon 培根串
24:49 Searzall bacon 噴槍培根
25:22 George Foreman bacon 智烤爐培根
25:43 Air fryer bacon 氣炸鍋培根
26:06 Waffle iron bacon 鬆餅機培根
26:25 Powdered bacon 培根粉
27:02 Stir fried bacon 快炒培根
27:38 Deep-fried bacon 油炸培根
28:11 Bacon bits 培根碎丁
28:39 Country-fried bacon 鄉村式炸培根
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curling中文 在 Hak Me Youtube 的最讚貼文
#九月大愛 #護膚化妝 #水晶 #大愛
?好消息!有另一個Online Luxury Fashion網站??FWRD (https://bit.ly/36ulIWO)而家做緊另一個好正既promotion??佢哋都有好多品牌同埋包郵㗎!我係下面link埋幾件推介俾你哋,你哋快啲去望下啦~
‼️Promotion Details:-
活動時間 (香港時間) 10/5 20:00 - 10/11 23:59
FWRD (https://bit.ly/36ulIWO)中文站4週年慶:買得多慳得多?低至 7 折?
?Check Out嗰陣用code:RSFWRD4U (SALE嘅產品都用得架)
優惠code適用地區: 僅限於遞送到中國大陸, 香港, 台灣, 和澳門的訂單
買滿 US$750 ??85折
買滿 US$1,000 ??8折
買滿 US$1,500 ??75折
買滿 US$2,000 →??7折
1. Golden Goose Sneakers: https://bit.ly/30s0LrE
2. Valentino Small Supervee Shoulder Bag: https://bit.ly/30uTpnd
3. Off White Logo Regular Crewneck Sweatshirt: https://bit.ly/33qr4R6
4. Loewe Puzzle Bags: https://bit.ly/36un97E
5. Isabel Marant Etoile Milly Sweatshirt: https://bit.ly/34i26Tb
6. Manolo Blahnik: https://bit.ly/2GoKahw
Brand Exclusion:Asics Platinum, 19-69, adidas Originals, Aēsop, Byredo, Bottega Venetta, Cire Trudon, Comme des Garçons Play, Diptyque, Gucci, Malin+Goetz, Puma Select, Régime des Fleurs, The North Face, Vans Vault.
Follow Me:-
? My Instagram: @iamhakme
? My Facebook: www.facebook.com/hakmebeauty
? Blog: www.hakmebeauty.com
? Weibo: https://www.weibo.com/iamhakme
? 小紅書: http://bit.ly/2W2LcSx
? Shop My Looks: https://goxi.ps/iamhakme
00:00 Intro
00:15 皮膚消炎降紅精華推介
05:09 好用眼影睫毛液推介
09:23 人緣及財水晶推介
12:26 玻璃枱面
14:50 Mario 3D All Stars
Products Mentioned:-
⭐️ Cosmetic Skin Solutions Copper Peptide Serum
?? Shop: https://bit.ly/3kUzuWx
⭐️ 3CE Eyeshadow Palette #Overtake
?? Swatches on IG: https://bit.ly/3iordbT
⭐️ Masac Ryoshka 2in1 Curling Mascara
⭐️ 薰衣草紫晶
⭐️ 銅髮晶
?? I bought both crystals from https://bit.ly/2EV9VFI
⭐️ Saintglas Table Top
?? Information on IG: https://bit.ly/3l6IcRL
⭐️ Switch Game: Super Mario 3D All Stars
Follow Hakme Beauty:-
?黑咪店地址: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations/
?黑咪店路線圖: http://bit.ly/2W3pUZr
?黑咪店Online: https://shop.hakmebeauty.com
?黑咪店Instagram: @hakmebeauty
?黑咪店Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hakmebeautyltd/
On Me:-
+ Dinh Van Bracelet
+ Hermes Finesse Bracelet in Rose Gold
+ Cartier Love Bracelet SM (Blog: http://tinyurl.com/mgs7o2c)
Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honesty. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “Ad” will be in the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.

curling中文 在 SoniaSu TV Youtube 的最佳解答
哈囉大家好,我是Sonia! 目前人在洛杉磯/台灣🇺🇸🇹🇼
美妝保養日常對我來說就像每天都要呼吸一樣的自然且必須,於是想挑戰一週5po的〖美妝保養悄悄畫〗系列💪 雖然現在人在洛杉磯,之前在舊金山住了三年,所以就算人不在舊金山但我的心也在舊金山!
歡迎大家在每天台灣的晚上(我美國的白天)陪我化妝,看我的美妝保養悄悄畫~大家最想知道的問題,包含美妝保養的問題,我都回答在資訊欄底下囉,記得去看!#SoniaSuTV #洛杉磯生活 #美妝保養悄悄畫 #asmr中文 #睡眠 #ASMR #支持領養代替購買
【ASMR是(取自Wikipedia):自發性知覺高潮反應(Autonomous sensory meridian response)也稱自發性知覺經絡反應,是一種對於視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺等其他知覺,顱內、頭皮、後背以及四肢等周邊部位受到刺激而產生愉悅反應的感知現象,例如頭頸部皮膚酥癢、起雞皮疙瘩等反應。】
【Naked HEAT palette】詳細版教學。清新日常妝|SoniaSu TV
[如何幫女友化妝]挑戰!! 男友幫我化妝 | SoniaSu TV|[How to Challenge]Boyfriend does my makeup | SoniaSu TV
[抽獎 X 2017感謝] 我與小編❤️的迪士尼禮物交換。+Urban Decay Vice Lipstick Palette/ belif travel kit | Giveaway!!
♥ ♥其他看得到我的地方♥ ♥
♡ Instagram🔍soniasutv
♡ Facebook🔍soniasutv
✉ Contact me - soniasutv@gmail.com
製片人/剪輯: Jason Kuo(https://mosicstudios.wixsite.com/mosic)
p.s.這部片不需要剪輯XD 但你還是必須去看他的作品集
Sonia其實是演員~ Sang Chi Su - Acting Demo Reel:
但實在太愛舊金山所以拍了...【舊金山留學】5件你不來舊金山就一定不會知道的事!|SoniaSu TV:
然後不喜歡吃正餐,但很愛零食尤其是巧克力...所以也拍了【舊金山零食】試吃15種有趣的美國糖果!|SoniaSu TV:
我所使用的產品 products I used:
校正膚色遮瑕盤 color correcting concealer: NYX cache-kernes correcteur
粉底液 foundation: 媚點粉嫩保濕礦物粉底霜 OC-D1
美妝蛋 sponge: Dual Erage Makeup Sponge Sephora Collection
眼影盤 PALETT: URBAN DECAY Naked Heat Palette
唇膏 Lip stick: MANSLY 01# 妃紅
腮紅打亮 blush& highlighter: Becca x Jaclyn Hill Champagne Mineral Blush Duo
液態眼影 Liquid Eyeshadow: Stila Glitter & Glow Liquid Eyeshadow #perlina
眼影盤 eye Palette: 滋色ZEESEA x 大英博物館 花火夜璨十六色眼影盤01
眼線筆 Eyeliner: Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner Water Proof
夾睫毛 eyelash curler: Koji Curving Eyelash Curler with Limited Release Protective Case
睫毛膏 Mascara: CANMAKE GOKUBUTO CURLING MASCARA 05 OLIVE/Koji Dolly Wink Mascara
瞳孔放大片 circle contact lenses: 高視能日拋彩色軟性隱形眼鏡 #鑽石灰
▼▼ FAQs ▼▼
My skin type: dry
CAMERA: iPhone 6s
LIGHT: UBeesize 8 inches Selfie Ring Light
EDITING SOFTWARE: premiere pro
DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored video.
〖美妝保養悄悄畫〗#SoniaSuTV, #洛杉磯生活, #美妝保養悄悄畫, 洛杉磯 生活, #洛杉矶, 洛杉矶, Los Angeles, #asmr中文, 睡眠, ASMR, #支持領養代替購買, Adopt don’t shop

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