Casa Mila, Barcelona, Spain 西班牙‧巴塞隆納‧米拉之家
工業革命後新貴族階級的富豪們如雨後春筍般出現。富豪佩雷·米拉先生因為非常欣賞高第為巴提爾先生所建造的巴提爾之家(註: 西文中的雙L音發「一」的音,所以這裡不採用巴特婁的音譯),請高第為他和富孀 Roser Segimon 結婚而設計了新的公寓。
After the Industrial Revolution, rich industrial businessmen, the new "noble class", emerged all over in Europe. The building was commissioned in 1906 by businessman Pere Milà i Camps and his wife Roser Segimon i Artells.
如同艾菲爾鐵塔一般,高第的現代主義建築設計在當時是極具爭議的,因為他的建築風格中帶著歪曲的門面以及象徵意義強烈的抽象雕塑。Controvertial as the Eiffel Tower, people had mixed feelings about Antoni Gaudi's architecture designs due to the twisted facades and symbolic abstract statues.
In fact, that is how the term gaudy came around. It is said gaudy is a corrupted form of Gaudi. So, we could infer how extreme Gaudi's reputation was among the upper class at that time.
corrupted意思 在 台灣媒體好爛好墮落(Taiwan's media sucks & corrupted) 的必吃
台灣媒體好爛好墮落(Taiwan's media sucks & corrupted). Public group ... 媒體也無一絲反省的意思。 何以至此,媒體如果顧到點食品安全專業,顧到點媒體的專業責任, ... ... <看更多>
corrupted意思 在 Path of Exile - [問題] 關於裝備上的紅字- 流亡黯道 - PTT遊戲區 的必吃
有些裝備上面有一排紅色的字CORREPTED 上網查了意思是損壞的這意思是我還能拿這個裝備嗎?? ... 11 F 推e2167471:corrupted就是壞了我幫你處理 03/11 12:16. ... <看更多>