【直播快報3 Livestream Reporting 3】
1)2020聯動:少女前線 X Gunslinger Girl
2)少女前線嘉年華 5月2日
3)實體店 KFC聯動.....(馬來西亞小編表示.....)
4)少女前線 泡麵番第二季 (在做了)
---1- 會
---2- 會
---3- 可能會有合作、交互玩法(樂趣優先)(看往後的直播)
---4- 優先整合、組合現有的係統,不然會太複雜
---5- 可能會
---6- 在做了(等下一個強更包)
---7- 會,盡量
---8- 在做了
---9- 會的,每個活動妖精,裝備都不是絕版(除了聯動)
---10- 會,冬活就會看到它
---11- 會 (少前2還在製作中)
---12- 蠻有意思,可能會放
---13- 會(通常會以使用性)
---14- “一切都會有可能”
---15- 其實劇情原本是在塌縮點結束的,結局提示:格里芬不會全軍消滅
---16- 會,很類似採購幣機制
New stuff
1. Year 2020 collab, no flying cars, but it's Gunslinger Girl
2. GFL Expo in Shanghai, 2nd of May
3. KFC Collab. Purchase the promo package and get a M1895CB skin
4. Healing chapter anime season 2, now with AK12 and AN94
5. QnA session
A. More livestream pls?
Ans: Yes
B. Minigame from previous events were interesting. Do we get more?
Ans: Yes
C. Can we get more ways to interact with friends?
Ans: Maybe co-op mode in the future
D. Can we get special combat in the game? Like fast combat, cyber warfare, etc
Ans: "I got plenty of ideas what I want to make, but I need to think about if its workable for the game"
E. Can we get a simulation mode to test out our newly made echelon?
Ans: Maybe
F. Can we get cutomizable homescreen adjutant position?
Ans: Making
G. Can ya all speed up CV implementation process?
Ans: We try our best
H. Can we add mini events like Halloween and Xmas story into the story replay function?
I. For events that we missed, are all the unique items forever gone?
Ans: Unique items or ranking rewards will eventually make a return, except collab items
J. Is there anything that could make Fairy levelling a lot easier?
Ans: Yes. You'll find the new thing in the upcoming event
K. Will you make any other games under GFL IP?
Ans: Yeah. GFL 2 is still in development
L. New emojis pls?
Ans: Maybe
M. New merch like CMD uniform, bedsheets, wallpapers?
Ans: Yes
N. Will AR team and KAR finally get skins?
Ans: Anything is possible
O. What will happen in the end of the story? When will it finally continue with Bakery Girls? What's the final fate of GnK?
Ans: The story is supposedly to have ended at Singularity, and GnK won't be completely eradicated
P. Can you please add a minimum guaranteed mechanic to rescuing drop Tdolls?
Ans: Yes. It will be like gacha
co-op game意思 在 哈佛翻譯社- Coop,意思是籠子Co-op 為cooperative... 的必吃
Co -op 為cooperative 這個名詞的簡寫,意為「共同擁有或經營的合作社;合作企業;合作性組織」,如建教合作,就叫做co-op education。 但Coop和co-op不同 ... ... <看更多>