Simple betul resepi kek pisang ni..cuma lima step je dah dapat rasa kek yang lembut dan gebu..lagi sedap bila ada rasa cip coklat tu sekali..penggemar kek pisang kena cuba ni..
Resepi Kek Pisang Cip Coklat | Banana Cake With Chocolate Chips Recipe
//Bahasa Melayu
Bahan-bahan (Kek Pisang)
3 biji pisang
1 cwn gula kastor
1 cwn minyak
4 biji telur
1 sb serbuk penaik
1 sb esen vanila
1/2 cwn cip coklat
1 sk garam
2 cwn tepung gandum
Cara memasak (Kek Pisang)
1. Pukul pisang menggunakan mixer sehingga lumat. Kemudian, masukkan gula kastor, minyak dan telur. Pukul adunan tersebut sehingga kembang.
2. Masukkan tepung yang diayak bersama serbuk penaik dan gaul sebati menggunakan spatula.
3. Masukkan esen vanila dan garam. Gaul sebati.
4. Sediakan loyang beralaskan kertas minyak dan tuangkan adunan kek 3/4 daripada loyang.
5. Taburkan cip coklat ke atas adunan tersebut dan bakar pada suhu 170°c selama 1 jam.
Nota: Kurangkan suhu pada 150°c sekiranya lapisan kek menjadi keperang-perangan.
Ingredients (Banana Cake)
3 bananas
1 cup of castor sugar
1 cup of oil
4 nos eggs
1 tbsp of baking powder
1 tbsp of vanilla essence
1/2 cup of chocolate chips
1 tsp of salt
2 cups of wheat flour
Cooking methods (Banana Cake)
1. Mash bananas using a mixer until smooth. Then, add in castor sugar, oil and eggs. Beat the mixture until fluffy.
2. Sift flour and baking powder altogether and mix well using a spatula.
3. Add in vanilla essence and salt. Mix well.
4. Prepare a bread loaf mold lined with parchment paper and pour in cake batter to 3/4 of the mold.
5. Sprinkle chocolate chips over it and bake at 170°c for 1 hour.
Note: Reduce to 150°c if the top of the cake turns brown.
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