Feeling and looking fabulous does not mean you have to have a walk-in closet with hundreds pair of shoes and unlimited changes of clothes. Realistically, who has extra cash to splurge these days? So you could be repeating favorite pieces of clothing throughout your week, and if you come from a sense of appreciation (rather than withdrawal), the exact same clothes could feel completely refreshing without any stale energy. So make sure you wash your clothes no matter how much you love wearing them! Or like me, I sometimes buy doubles because I know I would be having fun with them too much!
It is a myth that you have to look different every day to be having fun with styling. You just have to enjoy yourself very much!
A: 將褲嘅長度推高少少,露番出腳眼,鞋底唔好太薄。最緊要係要feel 到同珍惜自己嘅高度。Magic ❤️