時序剛過中秋節,眼看2021年還剩下三個多月就要開始進入2022年,然而全球仍受到疫情影響,大部份地區均未開放旅遊;在這種大環境下,無論到五星級酒店Staycation/ 豪華郵輪Cruiscation,亦或人均消費上千港元的fine dining菁英美饌,皆成了香港朋友一解煩悶的普遍景象。在佳節期間,好友跟貓兒相約到位於銅鑼灣商圈核心、雄踞香港柏寧鉑爾曼酒店 27樓的SKYE Roofbar & Dining,品味帶有日式風情的法國餐酒饗宴;結合了維多利亞港及維多利亞公園這兩大港島景緻優勢,SKYE Roofbar & Dining自營運以來(餐廳開幕至今剛好滿5年),便一直受到時尚港人歡迎,而英籍主廚Lee Adams和侍酒師Dolphin近期還精心策劃了一份囊括8道精緻料理(搭配8款葡萄酒和日本清酒)的wine-pairing degustation menu。趕在晚餐登場前,貓兒先來到戶外區,感受SKYE著名的海景午茶時光,由於晚宴套餐份量十足,此時貓兒只淺嚐了西班牙Bellota火腿牛油果三文治(佐Miso Mayonnaise,另加上薯條及小點),搭配特製調酒,感覺可說相當愜意,伴隨著維港海風徐徐吹來,實在令人好不快活啊(而這也是港島的景觀餐廳最為迷人之處)。
嚐好天台酒吧的三明治(佐四川風味薯條)與融合各地元素的調酒之後,貓兒回到SKYE室內用餐區,以當代法式佳餚為基礎、並融入日式料理精蘊的degustation menu也隨即登場。首道美饌吉拉多生蠔端出來時,煙霧繚繞的上菜秀,就讓貓兒獲得了視覺饗宴,蠔味細膩甘甜的Gillardeau Oyster,其鮮美的口感更是不在話下。美味的肥肝向來深受歐美饕客歡迎,主廚拿手的鴨肝料理濃郁醇馥,經由葡萄和可可(還有黑麥多士)的伴襯,嚐來層次交疊、滋味豐富立體;緊接著,兩款蝦肉料理依序奉至,首先上桌的是紅蝦與海膽組合(光看賣相就令人驚艷),融入紅蝦做成的餅皮,搭配Uni呈現出飽飫海味;而結合法式焗烤和日式天婦羅烹飪方式的加拿大龍蝦兩吃,嚐來一彈牙一香脆,讓味蕾同時獲得兩種滿足。
加拿大龍蝦、雞肉和牛排是今晚的3大主餐,SKYE主廚選擇新鮮本地平原雞作為家禽類菜式的主角,當主廚將烤雞端上桌之際,瞬間香氣四溢,令人食指大動,將卜卜脆的雞皮和雞肝炒飯伴襯雞肉一同享用,口感簡直絕配,也完美地把前後的龍蝦與和牛銜接起來;經由45日鴨油熟成的澳洲極味和牛沙朗,採用木炭烤烹而成,口感外脆內嫩、肉味十足,乾式熟成牛排的愛好者尤其不能錯過。今晚另一重頭戲是甜品,甜點主廚以白巧克力配魚子醬千層酥,為wine-pairing degustation menu來個甜蜜收尾。值得一提的是:許多SKYE Roofbar & Dining菜餚所用到的新鮮香料,皆來自酒店頂層的「秘密花園」,主廚秉持著「新鮮永遠是最好」的原則,決定在酒店屋頂打造自家農場,因此許多香草和蔬果都是自家種植(確保新鮮安全,又兼顧環保),也讓這片菜圃在喧囂的港島都會核心~高樓大廈林立的銅鑼灣商圈裡,形成了一片綠意盎然的自然景觀。
八道式wine-pairing degustation menu內容:
Apertif 餐前小點,
Gillardeau Oyster/G&T/Cucumber/Balsamic(法國吉拉多生蠔/氈酒沙冰/青瓜 / 意大利巴薩米可醋),
Foie Gras/Grapes/Cocoa/Parfait/Monbazillac/Rye(鴨肝/提子/可可/芭菲/甜酒/黑麥多士),
Red Prawn/Sea Urchin/Lemon/Potato/Espelette(紅蝦/海膽/檸檬/薯仔/辣椒粉),
Canadian Lobster/Vanilla & Anise/Tempura/Butternut/Baby Gem/Jus (加拿大龍蝦 / 香草八角/天婦羅 / 黃金南瓜 / 寶石生菜 / 醬汁),
Ping Yuen Chicken/Baby Spinach/Chicken Skin/Foie Rice(新鮮本地平原雞/嫩菠菜/雞皮/雞肝炒飯),
Kiwami 9+ Wagyu/45 Days Duck Fat Ageing/Chard/Turnips/Aubergine/Kalamata Olives(澳洲極味和牛<45日鴨油熟成>/甜菜/白蘿蔔/茄子/卡拉馬塔橄欖),
Aneo 34% White Chocolate/Caviar/Basil/Feuilletine/Hazelnuts/Lemon(白巧克力/魚籽醬/羅勒/薄脆/榛子/檸檬),
Mignardises & Nespresso Coffee/TWG Tea
#SKYEhk #SKYEParkLane #ParkLaneHK #Pullman #ChefLeeAdams
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Xiiao C 叶怡妏,也在其Youtube影片中提到,不要忘記訂閱我的頻道 打開小鈴鐺?❤️ 每個星期六 6:30pm準時上影片~ #拍摄日常 #winepairing #behindthescenes 更多的Xiiao C? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irene.xiiaoc/ E-mail: ire...
「chocolate wine pairing」的推薦目錄:
- 關於chocolate wine pairing 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於chocolate wine pairing 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於chocolate wine pairing 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於chocolate wine pairing 在 Xiiao C 叶怡妏 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於chocolate wine pairing 在 SiennyLoves Drawing Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於chocolate wine pairing 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最讚貼文
chocolate wine pairing 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答
又係星期一!記得今晚睇 #晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹 第52集 ViuTV 99台 23:30-00:00!今集嘉賓係藝人 裕美 Hiromi🥳🍷! 仲有我詩詩 #品酒師 同 #強尼 及 #娟娟 一齊約定你! 開定支咩酒一齊睇呀?今晚同大家分享 #意大利 #Amarone 及 #Recioto #葡萄酒 🥳🍷!仲有配 #燒乳鴿 及 #朱古力心太軟 😋😋!#Yummy! 記得支持下呀!#Cheers!
It’s Monday again! It’s the 52nd episode of “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink” on ViuTV Channel 99 tonight! We’ll have artist Hiromi as the guest! 🍷🎉🥳U’ll also see me as a wine & spirits specialist together with Johnny Hui & Florica Lin sipping wine & spirits together with our guest! What wine/spirits will you open tonight to watch it together? I will talk about #Amarone & #Recioto wine from Italy tonight ! 🍷😆I’ll be pairing it with roasted pigeon & chocolate lava cake😋😋! please support! Cheers!
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #Foodandwine 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong 強尼 Kerry Wines #KerryWinesHK #RoccoloGrassiWine Azienda Agricola Piccoli #PiccoliWine Buonvino意大利葡萄酒及食品專門店 #BuonVinoWine Masi Wines #MasiWines ASC Fine Wines #ASCFineWines @娟姐 Florica Lin #ItalianWine
chocolate wine pairing 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答
又係星期一!記得今晚睇 #晚吹 - #有酒今晚吹 第36集 ViuTV 99台 23:30-00:00!今集嘉賓係 @林曉峰 Ah Lo 🥳🥃! 仲有我詩詩 #品酒師 同 #強尼 及 #娟娟 一齊約定你! 開定支咩酒一齊睇呀?今晚同大家分享 #AgedRum 🥳🥃!仲有配朱古力同串燒! 😋😋記得支持下呀!#Cheers!
It’s Monday again! It’s the 36th episode of “Night Talk - Chit Chat Drink” on ViuTV Channel 99 tonight! We’ll have artist @Jerry Lamb the guest! 🥃🎉🥳U’ll also see me as a wine & spirits specialist together with Johnny Hui & Florica Lin sipping wine & spirits together with our guests! What wine/spirits will you open tonight to watch it together? I will talk about #AgedRum tonight ! 🥃😆I’ll be pairing it with chocolate & skewers! 😋😋please support! Cheers!
#wine #spirits #talkshow #nighttalk #tvshow #viutv #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #ccspiritsvoyage #Foodandwine 娟姐 Florica Lin 公啟行 Kung Kai Hong & Co. @強尼 #MountGayRum Mount Gay Rum Telford Wine and Spirits #TelfordWineandSpirits Appleton Estate #AppletonEstateRum Metabev Hong Kong Rum Nation #RumNation Liquid Gold Wine & Spirits #LiquidGold #Rum #林曉峰
chocolate wine pairing 在 Xiiao C 叶怡妏 Youtube 的最佳貼文
不要忘記訂閱我的頻道 打開小鈴鐺?❤️
每個星期六 6:30pm準時上影片~
#拍摄日常 #winepairing #behindthescenes
更多的Xiiao C?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irene.xiiaoc/
E-mail: [email protected]

chocolate wine pairing 在 SiennyLoves Drawing Youtube 的最佳解答
Campo Viejo (CV) tapas trail 3️⃣ (last) ~ Gran Reserva @ Havana KL
#siennylovesdrawing??❤️has recently invited for #campoviejo ?? @CampoViejoRioja @CampoViejoWines #campoviejomy?#cvtapastrail 3️⃣ @havanakl #havanakl
Curious about her participation of this CV Tapas Trails?
Rioja's No. 1️⃣ wine Campo Viejo has arrived to Malaysia market with a little gastronomic jaunt around 3 of the KL's popular bar cum dining spaces i.e. PiscoBarKL, ElCerdoKL & HavanaKL with trails 1️⃣ , 2️⃣ & 3️⃣
These trails were all hosted by Mr Darcy Wilkosz, Wine Ambassador of Pernod Ricard Winemakers
Guess what?
The mentioned tapas trails experience will soon be available to the public, interested to join?
Do stay tuned & check out www.campoviejo.com/cvtapastrail for upcoming updates then
What's about the trail 3️⃣ of this video clip?
Wine pairing ~ CV Gran Reserva
(i) Wagyu Beef Strips with horseradish & watercress
Lovely pairing!! Tasty delicious!! SiennyLovesDrawing's favourite pairing with CV Gran Reserva
(ii) Spanish meatballs (Albondigas)
Tempranillo, Graciano & Mazuelo
Winemaking & ageing
Fermentation in stainless steel vats at a controlled temperature around 28 degree
Prolonged maceration with the skins. The wine is aged for a minimum of 5 years & spends at least 24 months in French oak casks & American oak casks before rounding off in the bottle for minimum 24 months
Tasting notes of CV Gran Reserva
Personally she loves this the most among the 3️⃣. A very smooth fruity tasting. She has enjoyed a glass to end her tapas trails of the night
Ruby-red colour, deep & vibrant. Complex nose. It retains extraordinary well the black fruit aromas (i.e. blackberries, blue berries & plums). Gradually, it opens up to reveal smoky, toasted wood nuances, with spices & hints of minerals & tobacco. On the palate is smooth with soft & velvety tannins, great palate weight, extraordinary balance acidity. Elegant & complex aftertaste, with hints of coffee, chocolate, tobacco & dark fruit
Suggestions of food matches
Delicious with red meat, grills & roasts, game, mature & blue cheeses. Great with lamb stew with chestnuts sauce
Best served at 17-18 degree
#tapastrail #wine #redwine #riojawine #PRWinemakers #PernodRicard #pernodrichardmy #blogger #bloggers #influencer #influencers #blog #blogging

chocolate wine pairing 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最讚貼文
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巧克力慕斯 (Chocolate Mousse)
Classy Valentine's Day Dinner Special
Amuse Bouche http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y15nScTVTCE
Appetizer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMKgjO84ppg
First Entree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxKHmqhOCLk
Second Entree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aChgQ0w3ouQ
Dessert http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isc3BMbq1yo