#煩躁星期一 Daniel Craig 說他完全忘了跟Mads的初(次)見(面)。可憐的麥子,他最喜歡四處跟人家高談闊論自己跟Daniel的007 casting多有趣,動不動就拿來炫耀,我聽到耳朵起繭了-----可是麥子啊------人家完全忘記你了呢~~~~~~ (((( 麥式慘叫)))) (((可能拿個鞭鞭和破櫈可以幫助回憶))) #迫供 #打到你記得w #如果你忘了星期一星期一也會拿起鞭鞭
#unstableMonday Mads always loves bragging over how he first met Daniel Craig, he can’t stop talking about how funny Daniel was. But, very unfortunately, Daniel share zero memory with him LOL
Mads ‘You are breaking my heart!!!’ (scream intensely) (actual conversation LOL)
Monday will hit you in the balls. Always remember Monday, so you won't be late in the morning.
#daniel_craig #JamesBond #casino_royale
#madsmikkelsen #mondayMood #monday_blues #星期一 #BlueMonday #monday