▌趣味分享 ▌
語言學家認為語言會隨著社會演變而演化,這包括因為新科技發明而創造的詞彙,如臉書的 “unfriend”「刪除好友」功能,還有bitcoin, AR, VR 等專有名詞。
➤ Hangry (adj.): hungry + angry
The state of being in a bad mood/angry as a result of being hungry.
Working long hours under high pressure, health workers could be hangry sometimes.
➤ Textpectation (n.): text + expectation
The anticipation felt when waiting for a response or a text.
In this life of quarantine, my textpectation has grown; I would be thrilled to receive any message, even bill notification.
➤ Ear-worm (n.):
A song/melody/tune stuck in your head/ear.
Youtuber Chris Mann's quarantine-style adaptation of Adele's 〈Hello〉 has become a phenomenal ear-worm.
網紅 Chris Mann 改編 Adele 的名曲〈Hello〉,成了最新防疫燒腦神曲。
➤ Suckrifice (n.): suck + sacrifice
Doing what you absolutely must do, even though you really, really hate it.
Since no one was willing to take the job, I had to make the suckcrifice.
➤ Nonversation (n.): none + conversation
A completely meaningless or useless conversation.
We expect to see professional discussion at the conference, not some evasive, politically-correct nonversation.
➤ Clusterfuckery (n.):
The result of a clusterfuck; an unmanageable mess that makes one experience a rage blackout.
Due to its quick response to the disease, Taiwanese government succeeds in avoiding the clusterfuckery that occurs in many other countries.
➤ Presstitute (n.): press + prostitute
A biased or one-sided journalist.
The presstitute’s article was full of misinformation and smearing about the candidate.
➤ Blamestorming (v.): blame + storm
The act of attempting to identify the person who is most at fault for a plan’s failure.
Mass media is blamestorming Dr. Tedros for WHO’s passive response to the virus and withholding crucial information.
來源|The Language Nerds
整理|有事旁編喬 @強尼金口筆譯教學日記
candidate adj 在 Patrick Sir Facebook 的精選貼文
#PatrickSir #HKEdutainer
【#細說新語】佛系 | #2
「佛系」Pat Pat English,不刻意推 post,不重視 like 數,不主動與讀者互動,如果緣份到了,自然多人學懂英文精髄。
1. let it be (idiom)
let it be 直譯「由它去吧」,意思是讓事物順其原來的情勢發展下去,或者維持現狀,不加干涉,正正是佛系的精髓。如果要表明「佛系」生活態度,我們可以把 let it be 這三個詞用開關引號括著,形容名詞 lifestyle (生活方式、態度),即 a ‘let it be’ lifestyle,又或者名詞 approach (處事方式),即 a ‘let it be’ approach。例如 Yes I wish to lose a pound or two but I adopt a ‘let it be’ approach. (係... 我想減肥,但我用「佛系」減肥法囉!)
2. laid-back (adj.)
形容詞 laid-back 解作輕鬆悠閒、不慌不忙,不擔心別人的眼光,不著急要做的事情。由於是形容詞,所以很適合用來描述不同種類的「佛系」,例如不動腦袋,不理主管的 laid-back colleague (「佛系」同事)、不上進,不溫習,不趕功課的 laid-back student (「佛系」學生) 和什麼都不做但緣份到了就會結婚的 laid-back boyfriend (「佛系」男友) 等。
3. leave it to fate (v. phrase)
「佛系」重視「隨緣」,所謂緣份到了,想發生的事情自然會發生。動詞詞組 leave it to somebody / something 有把事情交付給某人或某事的意思,而 leave it to fate 就解作把事情交付給命運決定,也就是「隨緣」了。例如: Speaking of the exam, I just leave it to fate; I am a laid-back DSE candidate. (作為「佛系」文憑試考生,我覺得考試呢回事,一切隨緣啦。)
#PatPatEnglish #AnywhereAnytime
(Photo source: 網上圖片)
【#細説新語】餓到發火 | #1
【#細説新語】佛系 | #2
【#細説新語】黑人問號 | #3
candidate adj 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
<時事英文- 沸沸揚揚的政治相關字彙整理>
party (n.) 政黨
Democratic Party 民主黨 [美]
Republican Party 共和黨 [美]
Chinese Nationalist Party 中國國民黨 [台]
Democratic Progressive Party 民主進步黨 [台]
candidate (n.) 候選人
political opinion = politics 政見
dark horse (n.) 黑馬
chairman (n.) 主席
leadership (n) [U] 領導能力; 領導人員; 領導能力
hardships of the people 民間疾苦
of the people, by the people, for the people. 民有、民治、民享
former president 卸任總統
first family 第一家庭
Right-wing politics 右派(較保守)
Left-wing politics 左派(較激進)
legislature (n.) 立法院
legislator (n.) 立法委員
senate (n.) 參議院
senator (n.) 參議員
House of Representative 眾議院
representative (n.) 代表; 眾議員
Cabinet (n.) 內閣
the ministry (n.) 內閣
Department of State 國務院 [美]
federal (adj.) 聯邦的
government (n.) 政府
federal government 聯邦政府
executive department 行政院
Ministry of National Defense 國防部 [台]
Ministry of Economic Affairs 經濟部 [台]
Ministry of Education 教育部 [台]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 [台]
Supreme court 最高法院
defense policy 國防政策
fiscal policy 財政政策
asset 資產
State Affairs Confidential Expenses 國務機要費
Discretionary Funds 特別費
public fund(s) 國家公幣
impeach (V.) 彈劾 ; impeachment (n.)
bribe = suborn (V.) 賄賂
corruption (n.) 貪腐
the resignation of the cabinet 倒閣
political asylum 政治庇護
foreign affairs = international relations 外交關係
social movement (n.) 社會運動
go on strike 抗議
go on a hunger strike 絕食抗議
candidate adj 在 08 Positive Personality Adjectives for a job Interview - YouTube 的必吃
Therefore, I believe that job candidates should use positive adjectives during an interview to demonstrate their skills and accomplishments. ... <看更多>