在墨西哥待了將近一個月,終於要過境到瓜地馬拉了🇬🇹 沒想到過境卻是那麼的精彩😝 不只需要搭乘小船過到對岸,還與海關鬥智,整整幫我們兩人省了將近 NT$2000😆
原因是因為進來墨西哥的旅客需要繳遊客稅,通常你買機票的時候就會包含這筆費用✈️ 可是當你走內陸離開的時候,海關通常都會再跟你收一次💰 不知情的遊客常常就這樣把錢送到海關手上😨 還好我們做了完全準備,機票明細印出來,寫上紐澳大使館電話。當海關要收錢的時候,我就用指著大使館號碼說他們說不用,墨西哥海關馬上蓋了章讓我們走😅 可惜後面的德國情侶就沒那麼幸運,多付了每人台幣$900的費用...😓
接著到瓜地馬拉的海關時,司機跟我們說每人要準備 100MXN 給海關💰 全部的人都覺得這是應該付的,只有我們有做功課的人知道這也是假的😠 所以我們兩個又第一個進海關,瓜地馬拉那個海關用西文說了些東西,並不還我護照。 同樣的我又說「大使館」等等,護照就這樣被還回來了,接下來的其他背包客們也都不用付錢☺️ 那種不用付冤枉錢的感覺真的是爽啊!!! 就這樣我們到食物貴的要死的瓜地馬拉😂 #再見墨西哥 #哈囉瓜地馬拉
The feeling when you bet border custom scams and saved AUD$90 between the two was AWESOME 🇲🇽😎💪❤️🇬🇹 So... the border crossing from Mexico into Guatamala was more adventurous than we thought😅
First we had to threaten the Mexican customs by telling them we will call our embassy so we won't need to double pay the "tourist tax" which was included in our flights ✈️
Then we had to go on this tiny boat that took us into Guatemala 🇬🇹 The lady kept telling us the bus will come in 10 mins despite that fact we waited for 1.5 hours😅 The German couple was getting very impatient...🚌
Three other backpackers joined us on our "private transport" and half an hour later we were taken to the customs where the bus driver said we have to pay AUD$7 each💰 Everyone thinks it was legit but we knew we shouldn't paid anything, so we went first with our passports🇦🇺
Again, the guy refused to give our passport back until we gave him the money 💵 With my limited Spanish I kept saying "Embassy" with "to call" gesture🤙 He got a bit annoyed and chucked our passport back and proper immigration papers and stamped our passports 📝 So ya, here's our first "real" Central America adventure 😆 #byemexico #higuatemala #backpackinghoneymoon
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