【Past Events of the Future】
"Feather-light press of the shutter, an extraordinary instant before my eyes is captured with a snap of my fingers. Within that one-thousandth of a second, Earth leaves behind the image it packed to go as it spins along its axis; or perhaps it was a temperate, memorable moment of the present being condensed into a singular frame. Yet, myths surrounding that “present” seem to be our most deeply-rooted misunderstanding of photography.
My fondest works of photography often tell of the rectangular world perceived by the camera’s viewfinder of some ongoing moment on this planet, usually just after or prior to the shutter button’s release. Discovered by the determined photographer’s razor-sharp eyes are the ripples in the wake of story fragments, or details to be yearned after in the future.
There is no present tense in the world of photography—its grammar underscores that moment when the past and the future collide, that wonderful process of blurring the divide between reason and emotion with time.
There exists no other language in this world in which concatenation of past and present tense is permitted, and yet a photograph tells its tale with such nonchalance. On wafer-thin photo paper, a fortuitous event of both the past and the future is deftly pieced together—like the preparation of paints on an artist’s palette or that of a mother’s delicate touch when braiding her daughter’s hair. With such devotion, affection, and selflessness, a photograph can ceremoniously record the fingerprints of time, hazy like moonlight, events of the future already satisfied…
It is my belief that no photo is able to elaborate on a story about the “now”, much like city maps that indicate neither the entrance nor the exit for curious eyes somehow."
- Simon Chang (English translation by Joan Wang)
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輕觸快門,彈指間截取眼前某個獨一無二的瞬間,那千分之一秒地球自轉時忘記打包帶走的畫面,或凝結當下某個帶有溫度並值得紀念的瞬間 - 關於那個 ”當下” 的迷思,似乎是我們對攝影最根深蒂固的誤解。
我相信沒有任何照片能夠闡述一個關於 “現在” 的故事,就像坊間的地圖也從來不替讀者標記一座城市出口與入口的位置
- 張 雍
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Peresno lahek premik zaslonke, neverjeten trenutek pred svojimi očmi ujamem s pritiskom prstov. V tisti tisočinki sekunde Zemlja za sabo pusti že pripravljeno podobo, medtem ko se sama vrti okoli svoje osi; ali pa je šlo za blag, nepozaben trenutek sedanjosti, zgoščen v eno samo podobo. Pa vendar se zdi, da je naše nerazumevanje fotografije najbolj globoko utemljeno v mitih, ki obkrožajo to »sedanjost«.
Moja najljubša fotografska dela velikokrat pripovedujejo o pravokotnem svetu, kot ga prikazuje objektiv fotoaparata, o nekem trenutku v teku, ki se ponavadi zgodi tik pred ali po pritisku sprožilca. Odločne in ostre oči fotografa razkrivajo posledice fragmentov zgodbe, ali detajle, k katerim lahko stremimo v prihodnosti.
V svetu fotografije ne poznamo sedanjika – njegova slovnica poudarja tisti trenutek, ko se preteklost in prihodnost križata, tisti čudoviti proces brisanja meja med razumom in čustvi skozi čas.
Na svetu ni drugega jezika, v katerem bi bila dovoljena združitev preteklika in prihodnjika, pa vendar fotografija svojo zgodbo govori s takšno brezbrižnostjo. Naključni dogodek preteklosti in prihodnosti je na skoraj prosojnem fotografskem papirju spretno sestavljen – kakor priprava barv, ki jih umetnik nameša na paleto ali materin nežni dotik, ko hčeri spleta lase. S takšno predanostjo, ljubeznijo in nesebičnostjo fotografija beleži že udejanjene dogodke prihodnosti, odtise časa, meglene kakor mesečina...
Osebno verjamem, da nobena fotografija ne more razložiti »trenutnega«, podobno kot zemljevidi mest, na katerih še tako radovende oči ne najdejo označenega ne vhoda ne izhoda."
- Simon Chang (Slovenski prevod by Hana Čeferin / Galerija Fotografija)
* * * * * *
* TAM-TAM's Street Gallery enters 2021 with an exhibition by documentary photographer Simon Chang, which was co-produced with the Photography Gallery. A series of color photographs on three canvases of Vegova Street in Ljubljana will be on view between 12 January and 8 February 2021.
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,960的網紅James Yang 楊永聰,也在其Youtube影片中提到,因妳而燃燒,因妳而窒息 真實、浪漫、甜蜜的。 虛幻、殘忍、暴烈的。 痛苦裡面有著歡愉,喜悅之中藏著失落。 這全都是愛的樣貌。 Silently Violently講的是關於感情的變化,感情中的一方對彼此之間的投入有了變化而帶給對方的影響。 愛情,如同潮水,受到時間週期的影響,有著潮起潮落。 戀...
by the time過去式 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Past Events of the Future】
"Feather-light press of the shutter, an extraordinary instant before my eyes is captured with a snap of my fingers. Within that one-thousandth of a second, Earth leaves behind the image it packed to go as it spins along its axis; or perhaps it was a temperate, memorable moment of the present being condensed into a singular frame. Yet, myths surrounding that “present” seem to be our most deeply-rooted misunderstanding of photography.
My fondest works of photography often tell of the rectangular world perceived by the camera’s viewfinder of some ongoing moment on this planet, usually just after or prior to the shutter button’s release. Discovered by the determined photographer’s razor-sharp eyes are the ripples in the wake of story fragments, or details to be yearned after in the future.
There is no present tense in the world of photography—its grammar underscores that moment when the past and the future collide, that wonderful process of blurring the divide between reason and emotion with time.
There exists no other language in this world in which concatenation of past and present tense is permitted, and yet a photograph tells its tale with such nonchalance. On wafer-thin photo paper, a fortuitous event of both the past and the future is deftly pieced together—like the preparation of paints on an artist’s palette or that of a mother’s delicate touch when braiding her daughter’s hair. With such devotion, affection, and selflessness, a photograph can ceremoniously record the fingerprints of time, hazy like moonlight, events of the future already satisfied…
It is my belief that no photo is able to elaborate on a story about the “now”, much like city maps that indicate neither the entrance nor the exit for curious eyes somehow."
- Simon Chang
(English translation by Joan Wang)
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輕觸快門,彈指間截取眼前某個獨一無二的瞬間,那千分之一秒地球自轉時忘記打包帶走的畫面,或凝結當下某個帶有溫度並值得紀念的瞬間 - 關於那個 ”當下” 的迷思,似乎是我們對攝影最根深蒂固的誤解。
我相信沒有任何照片能夠闡述一個關於 “現在” 的故事,就像坊間的地圖也從來不替讀者標記一座城市出口與入口的位置
- 張 雍
* TAM-TAM's Street Gallery enters 2021 with an exhibition by documentary photographer Simon Chang, which was co-produced with the Photography Gallery. A series of color photographs on three canvases of Vegova Street in Ljubljana will be on view between 12 January and 8 February 2021.
by the time過去式 在 Anchor Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
🔥 A cornerstone event of the year - join us to witness an evening with 100X awesomeness!
😍 Event photos and recap: http://bit.ly/3hhNHw7
#線上線下雙軌進行 #10位頂尖講者 #100位VIP齊聚
A forum that features an all star cast of 10 leaders in the innovation ecosystem - cross-generational and cross-sector. This special evening brings together 100 game changers including VCs, CVCs, entrepreneurs, and tech executives to drive action-oriented conversations for a more open, inclusive and collaborative tomorrow.
📣 You will walk away with insights around:
1⃣ How to Not Miss Out on the Next Billion Dollar Opportunity (🎥 42:42)
- Lisa Lo, Tanna Yang, Cinnie Huang, Lucia Liao
2⃣ Drive Greater ROI Across your Portfolio (🎥 1:12:30)
- Cathy Hwang, Sunshene Tsou, Angela Liu, Alyssa Chen
3⃣ How to Find Your Edge and Turn Adversity into Advantage (🎥 1:43:18)
- Laura Huang, Susan Wu
This is a part of Anchor Taiwan’s Women in Venture Roundtable series, a network of 100+ female investors with bi-monthly roundtable discussions. This Dec marks its 10th congregation.
🚩 Date: Dec 17 (Thur)
🚩 Time: 7-9pm (live streaming) | 6:30-9:30pm (in person, by invitation)
🚩 Speakers (in order of appearance; full bio below):
▧ Lisa Lo | CID Group (羅文倩 | CID 華威國際)
▧ Tanna Yang | CTBC (楊上萱 | 中信金控 金融科技投資)
▧ Cinnie Huang | ITIC (黃馨逸 | 創新工業技術移轉 / 工研院創投)
▧ Lucia Liao | GadgeTek | Acer Group (廖幼梅 | 酷碁科技 - 宏碁集團)
▧ Sunshene Tsou | Taiwania Capital (鄒杉玄 | 台杉資本)
▧ Angela Liu | Cherubic Ventures (劉倢伶 | 心元資本)
▧ Cathy Hwang | Zumaya Equity (黃世佳 | Zumaya Equity)
▧ Alyssa Chen | AppWorks (陳敬旻 | AppWorks)
▧ Susan Wu | Angel investor (吳怡佳 | 天使投資人)
▧ Laura Huang | Edge / HBS (黃樂仁 | Edge 作者 / 哈佛商學院副教授)
🚩 Agenda:
7:00 - 7:15pm Opening & Welcome
* Elisa Chiu | CEO, Anchor Taiwan (邱懷萱 | Anchor Taiwan 創辦人)
* Terry Tsao | CMO, SEMI & President, SEMI Taiwan (曹世綸 | SEMI國際半導體產業協會全球行銷長暨台灣區總裁)
7:15 - 7:45pm Panel 1 How to Not Miss Out on the Next Billion Dollar Opportunity
7:45 - 8:15pm Panel 2 Drive Greater ROI Across your Portfolio
8:15 - 8:45pm Panel 3 How to Find Your Edge and Turn Adversity into Advantage
🚩 Powered by Anchor Taiwan. In partnership with: SEMI 國際半導體產業協會 | AVENUE work + space | 我們 Elevate Taiwan | BonMedia蹦影音 | 路人甲影像 Somebody films
😍 Full event info, photos & discussions:
by the time過去式 在 James Yang 楊永聰 Youtube 的精選貼文
Silently Violently講的是關於感情的變化,感情中的一方對彼此之間的投入有了變化而帶給對方的影響。
《Silently Violently》
Time whispers so softly,
On still waters you drift to me,
Winds blow so gently,
Your little boat sails on toward me,
Oh, I love you,
This is love.
I wait so quietly,
Not a sound will come from me,
But time moved so swiftly,
Oh, the currents, they dragged you from me.
Oh, I loved you,
This was love,
And so silently, violently,
You were ripped from me,
Oh so silently, violently,
How I long for thee,
This is love, it’s still love.
Oh, I love you,
This is love.
《Silently Violently》
Song & Lyrics by James Yang 楊永聰
製作人 Producer:陳建騏 George Chen
編曲 Arranger:James Yang 楊永聰
吉他 Guitar:James Yang 楊永聰
錄音師 Recording Engineer:徐振程 Jason Hsu
錄音室 Recording Studio:玉成戲院錄音室 Yu Cheng Cinema Studio
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer:莊鈞智 Thomas Chuang
混音錄音室 Mixing Studio:完美聲音錄音室 Perfect Sound Studio
母帶後期工程師 Mastering Engineer:莊鈞智 Thomas Chuang
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio:完美聲音錄音室
Perfect Sound Studio
導演Director:王柏林 Berlin Wang (柏林創意視覺有限公司)
#JamesYang楊永聰 #SilentlyViolently #LostAndFound

by the time過去式 在 Yachi Chen Youtube 的最佳貼文
唱歌玩吉他 Kiki 陳亞琦 Facebook 專頁
Let It Go
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the Queen
這是個被隔離的王國 看來我就是這裡的王后
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
再也擋不住 上天知道我盡力了
Don't let them in, don't let them see
不能讓他們進來 不能讓他們知道
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel
藏起來 拒絕所有感受
Don't let them know
Well, now they know
但現在 他們知道了
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn away and slam the door
轉身離去 甩上門
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance
這很有趣 當你保持距離
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
試試我的能力 看看有什麼新發現
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
沒有對錯 沒有規則能束縛我
I'm free
Let it go
Let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go
Let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand, and here I'll stay
我就站在這 我將待在這
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
從空中到大地 我的力量無所遁形
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past
我再也不會回頭 所有往事都是過去式
Let it go
Let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go
Let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

by the time過去式 在 傅長膨AnimaJinx Youtube 的最讚貼文
If you like me pls subscribe, or Like my FB Page to suppport me :)
臉書專頁 Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/AnimaJinx
我是男生, 但是女聲,
喜歡感恩, 不喜慢走~
I'm a boy with girl's voices,
thanks for like, haters bye~
但是要我唱的人太多了, 根本是想虐待我^^"
Disney's Frozen
Let it go - Idina Menz
Cover by Pierre
迪斯尼動畫 冰雪奇緣
放開吧 - Idina Menz
Pierre 翻唱
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the Queen
這是個被隔離的王國 看來我就是這裡的王后
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
再也擋不住 上天知道我盡力了
Don't let them in, don't let them see
不能讓他們進來 不能讓他們知道
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel
藏起來 拒絕所有感受
Don't let them know
Well, now they know
但現在 他們知道了
Let it go Let it go
放手吧 放手吧
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn away and slam the door
轉身離去 甩上門
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance
這很有趣 當你保持距離
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
試試我的能力 看看有什麼新發現
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
沒有對錯 沒有規則能束縛我
I'm free
Let it go
Let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go
Let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand, and here I'll stay
我就站在這 我將待在這
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
從空中到大地 我的力量無所遁形
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past
我再也不會回頭 所有往事都是過去式
Let it go
Let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go
Let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway