蘇格蘭威士忌旅遊第5站- Arbikie Distillery! 好多名廚都推崇from farm to table,其實威士忌都有from farm to bottle! 去咗新開嘅精品威士忌酒廠Arbikie,參觀他們的農莊看看大麥田,再了解他們如何原汁原味地係同一個terroir 種大麥,以那裏水源蒸餾威士忌,亦再係同一個地方陳年威士忌,有別於一般大廠在蘇格蘭各區買大麥。參觀完生產線之後,再一齊試2款酒,一款係3年嘅單一黑麥威士忌,另一款係3年嘅單一麥芽波本桶威士忌,仲同酒廠嘅媽媽合照,欣賞佢係酒廠隔離嘅大屋同無敵海景。蘇格蘭真係好靚呀!🥃🎉🏴
Scotland whisky tour 5th stop - Arbikie Distillery! Many renowned chefs showcase their delicacies from farm to table! Whisky also have the similar concept of “from farm to bottle”! Visited the new Arbikie distillery to view their barley farm & understand how they make whisky from the terroir, using the barley they grow, the same water in the area for distillation & mature the whisky in the farm! We also tried 2 drams in the distillery- 1 three years old rye whisky & 1 three years old whisky from bourbon cask. I also visited the invisible decision maker of the distillery (owners’ mum) & her home is just next to the distillery with panoramic sea view! Scotland is so beautiful!🥃🎉🏴
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