一個來自NEJM的個案,一位67歲曾接受過肺臟移植的女士出現運動性呼吸困難(exertional dyspnoea)。血液檢查顯示貧血,血色素只有6.9g/dL,骨髓檢查顯示以下的異常細胞,診斷是甚麼?
A 67-year-old woman presented with a 6-week history of progressive exertional dyspnea. Her medical history was notable for lung transplantation that had been performed 8 years earlier. Laboratory studies showed normocytic anemia, with a hemoglobin level of 6.9 g per deciliter. White-cell and platelet counts were normal. The reticulocyte index was 0%. Bone marrow aspiration was performed and showed giant proerythroblasts with basophilic and vacuolated cytoplasm, uncondensed chromatin, and large, intranuclear, purple-colored inclusions. What is the diagnosis? http://nej.md/206y4a1
bone marrow aspiration 在 Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy from the iliac crest • Oncolex 的必吃
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