最近早上在讀 Sally Rooney 的新書 “Beautiful World, Where Are You”
Sally Rooney 前兩本書《正常人》和《聊天記錄》之前討論度很高,但我對這兩本的故事背景比較沒興趣,再加上最近待讀清單實在太長,所以一直在觀望中。但最近在書店看到 Rooney 這本新書,封面設計可愛不說,讀了背面書籍介紹一下就被打中,於是買回來拜讀:
“Alice, a novelist, meets Felix, who works in a warehouse, and asks him if he’d like to travel to Rome with her. In Dublin, her best friend Eileen is getting over a break-up and slips back into flirting with Simon, a man she has known since childhood.
Alice, Felix, Eileen and Simon are still young- but life is catching up with them. They desire each other, they delude each other, they worry about sex and friendship and the world they live in. Are they standing in the last lighted room before the darkness, bearing witness to something? Will they find a way to believe in a beautiful world?”
20 歲大半時間,我和身邊同齡的朋友們,從封閉的學校系統被拋到廣大的世界後,常常也產生這種四顧茫然的情緒。有段生澀的時間,常常感嘆生不逢時,對比已經逝去的年代,總覺得我們的時代如此貧脊,卻沒想到我們是身在其中,對於過去不過是戴上了玫瑰色的濾鏡。
於是一眾對於「意義」感到焦慮的年輕男女,在世界的遊樂場裡玩耍,試探微妙的男女關係,挑逗早該塵封的過去,希望與幻滅交替,時而擁抱生命時而質疑所有...... 像站在霧氣濃厚的懸崖頂端,離危險很近,像站在刀尖上,卻對那尖銳的腎上腺素感到著迷,同時屏息等待著,等待雲霧散去之後,揭曉世界究竟是醜陋還是美麗。
✨歡迎追蹤我的 IG:abby_chao_
✨2021 散文新書《寂寞作為一種迷人的慢性病》
誠品: https://bit.ly/3ryMu8N
誠品【限量簽名版】: https://bit.ly/36ZO8a5
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