First stop in Taiwan: Taipei Main Station, where immigrants from Southeast Asia gather.
Taiwan now heavily relies on foreign workforce, particularly blue-collar labors from the following four countries: Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam. On the weekend, you'd find many of them hang out at the atrium the station, as well as cafes, electronics shops and karaoke bars around the station. Now they make up over 1% of Taiwan's population, and have contribute greatly to this tiny island's diversity.
Shortly afterward, a presidential candidate expressed his doubt on this country's current openness to foreign workers. I might not be the best person to oppose his opinion, but there's one thing I know for sure: had they not worked and lived here, this island would have collapsed already.
* 從五彩繽紛的頭巾可以得知,其中多數是來自印尼的穆斯林女性。似乎台北車站是以印尼籍移工為主的集中區?(相較於中山北路聖多福天主堂附近主要為菲律賓籍。)
* 對移工們而言,台北車站中庭的功能僅止於交誼和手機充電,他們消費的店家都不在車站內,而是聚集在附近兩個區域:(1)東三門外、北平西路以南、天成飯店後的印尼街;(2)市民大道下方台北地下街西端。這些地方除了小吃店之外,最常見的是通訊器材店,當然卡拉OK也是有的。
* 注意到幾個任職看護的移工,各自推著照顧對象的輪椅前來台北車站會合,彷彿讓這些被照顧的本地老人也融入了移民的生活之中?(不過或許只是因為行動受限而不得不如此吧。)
#taiwan #taipei #immigrants #indonesians #station #foreigners
best bars in taipei for foreigners 在 Taipei Nightlife in Taiwan: TOP 10 Bars & Clubs - YouTube 的必吃
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