"Ladies and gentlemen, this is important message from the New York City Police Department. Keep your belongings at your site at all times. Protect yourself.
If you see a suspicious package or activity on the platform or trains, do not keep it to yourself. Tell a police officers or an MTA employee.
Remain alert and have a safe day."
台北捷運今天發生乘客在捷運車廂裡隨機殺人的嚴重不幸事件。類似的事情在紐約也發生過。有時候必需說社會上這樣子的不定時炸彈實在很難去預知何時會爆發。但每個人可以做到的就是讓自己保持警覺,留意公共場所是否有一些不尋常的活動。除了smart phone或 tablet外,其實看看人來人往和四週景物也是蠻有意思的。
My prayers with the victims and families affected by this tragedy.
belongings意思 在 EN English Facebook 的最佳貼文
容易得罪人的十大「英文金句」!EN說過, 語氣用字是非常重要的, 以下的句子, 文法上沒有錯誤, 但卻容易造成對方的不悅而不知噢!
1、Don't forget to carry your thing. 請不要忘記你的私人物品。
如果原句被老外聽見會鬧笑話喔,"your thing" 經常是老外指性器官而不明言時用語...
應該這樣說才對:Don't forget (about) your personal belongings.
2、Can I see your proposal? 我可以看你的案子嗎?
應該這樣說才對:May I see your proposal?
3、I will call your telephone. 我打你的電話。
Call your telephone是打給你的「電話」,不合理。
應該這樣說才對:I will call your number. /I will call you.
4、I cooked my grandma. 我做飯給祖母吃。
cooked my grandma變成把祖母煮來吃。
應該這樣說才對:I cooked for my grandma.
5、How do you feel about me? 你覺得我表現得怎麼樣?
應該這樣說才對:How do you think I did?
6、I will remember you forever. 我會永遠記住你。
應該這樣說才對:I'll always remember you.
7、Give you. 給你。
我們把東西遞給人時,中文有時會說「給你」或「拿去吧」,相當於英文裡的Here you are.。不要直翻成take it或give you。
8、I'm boring. 我覺得很無聊。
應該這樣說才對:I'm bored.
9、What is your meaning? 你的意思為何?
應該這樣說才對:What do you mean?
10、You go first. 您先請
中文說您先請,但在英文裡好像命令人叫他先走,禮貌一點的說法是,我會走在你後面"After you."
支持EN, 不用花錢, 分享就好!
Source: corecorner.pixnet.net
belongings意思 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Are you starving? Lunch time!
電影 The Bounty Hunter –賞金獵人, 10 句精彩對話 Part 16
Nicole and Milo have a deep talk at at Cupid's Cabin. They may have a chance to recover their relationship.
1. We'll get you fresh duds.
我們會拿些乾淨的個人衣物 (fresh duds) 給你們
(duds, clothing, personal belongings.)
2. Pop those in the wash, have them back by bedtime.
把那些丟進 (pop) 洗衣機洗, 睡前就可以洗好取回了 (have them back)
3. Hostess: Excuse me, but what happened to your neck? Milo: She Tasered me.
不好意思, 你脖子怎麼了? Milo: 她用電擊棒電 (tasered) 我!
4. Although I tried very hard to block that out, to be honest.
說實在的, 雖然我試著壓抑這痛苦的回憶 (block out)
(block out, To repress (a traumatic event, for example) from conscious memory.)
5. Maybe everybody's afraid that any admission of guilt would be seen as a sign of weakness.
或許每個人都害怕認錯 (admission of guilt) 會被視為 (would be seen) 一種軟弱
6. I screwed up, and I'm sorry.
我搞砸了 (screwed up) , 而且令我感到很抱歉
7. Lord in heaven.
8. I'll have them up here for you in a jiffy.
我一會兒 (in a jiffy, A short space of time) 就把它們送上來給你
9. Oh, no rush. Might not need them for a little bit, if you know what I mean.
哦, 不急 (no rush), 現在還不需要, 如果你知道我的意思...
10. What can I say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
我能說什麼呢? 有其母 (父) 必有其女 (子) !
Nicole is so confused whether she still love Milo or not.
To be continued...
belongings意思 在 和Cindy學英文, profile picture - Facebook 的必吃
小編今天搭火車時,被一個「貼心小叮嚀」吸引! personal effects為「個人物品」的意思,另外常見的用法是personal belongings! 不管effects還是belongings都恆 ... ... <看更多>