女人除左樣之外,身材都要保持完美曲線架!所以我呢個咁內外都着重既女人平時梗係少不免會留意下唔同既美胸方法同不同既bra bra。
用過bra bra既新時代女性都知道平日揀bra、試bra、買bra係十萬個為什麼同煩惱!e.g. 唔同brand的同一size,但都未必啱自己因為每個brand都有自己一set size 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
今次黎到 #bbshadow 既workshop,一次過滿足晒我所有美胸既學習追求,有得玩DIY豐胸膏、學美胸按摩姿勢、聽揀胸圍小貼士講座同參架有獎問答環節🙋🏻♀️
#Bbshadow係個幫你揀bra app,有咗#bbShadow,以後揀bra唔使再孤零零,可以有替身幫手啦~
Choosing bras has always been a brutal struggle for most women as it take tons of time to choose and try every time as different brands of same size still can be of different shape to your breasts.
We literally have to try our breaths to figure out which bra fits us best!
With #bbshadow this struggle could be relieved! It is a platform where users of similar breasts size and shape suggest to you which brand and size you should go for, can totally save your time!!
Stay tuned for more updates from this amazing start up!!!
#lifestyle #bra #fitting #ootd #l4l #massage #seminar #conference #talkshow #DIY #breastcream #breasts #hkig #hker #hkgirl #hkmodel #followme #kol #hkkol #kolhk #startup #instagood #instamood 揀bra用替身#ConnectTheBreasts @mybbshadow @ Causeway Bay
bbshadow係個幫你揀bra 在 A GOOD BRA/FIT|馬太幫你揀BRA無難度!(Pt. 2) - YouTube 的必吃
A GOOD BRA /FIT|馬太 幫你揀BRA 無難度!(Pt. 2). Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. ... <看更多>
bbshadow係個幫你揀bra 在 A GOOD BRA/FIT|街頭直擊! 關於個bra你又識幾多呢? 的必吃
揀一個真係啱身嘅 bra 其實有好多學問!今次突擊路人,睇吓大家對內衣嘅認識有幾多啦! ———————— 網站:https://www.agoodbrafit.com/ ... ... <看更多>
bbshadow係個幫你揀bra 在 bbShadow - 老公/男朋友陪揀Bra???? 成日去買Bra都見到有 ... 的必吃
成日去買Bra都見到有老公/男朋友一齊揀, 我自己比較怕羞...有D接受唔到... 雖然唔係望住我試, 但揀緊D咁私人既野, 都唔係好想有雄性生物係附近... 各位姊妹, 你 ... ... <看更多>