我係Wine Luxe 酒派雙月刊嘅酒專欄 - 「如何從酒標分辨優質葡萄酒」
如果你冇試過那款葡萄酒,唔知買唔買好,除咗參考著名酒評人嘅評分外,我覺得對一些有認受性嘅葡萄酒企業品牌旗下嘅葡萄酒,亦可以投上信心一票。分享咗葡萄酒企業品牌Barton & Guestier (B&G)及AdVini旗下嘅葡萄酒,亦試一瓶舊年份葡萄酒Chateau Leoville Barton 1967年!🍷😍
My wine column in Wine Luxe bi-monthly magazine - “How to Recognize a Good Quality Wine from its Label”
If u have not tried the wine & not sure if u should pick this wine, apart from renowned wine critics’ wine scores, I'd say you can also give more confidence towards the reputable wine merchants' wines, as they also concern a lot on the quality of wine that they produce. I’ve shared two reputable wine merchants, including Barton & Guestier and AdVini in the column. I also shared about the Chateau Leoville Barton 1967 that I tried! 🍷😍
#wine #winetasting #wineluxe #winelover #bartonandguestier #advini #leovillebarton