AIT@40最終篇章倒數計時!為慶祝AIT 40歲生日,我們為2019年每個月訂定一個主題,凸顯美台在各個領域的成就。七月是AIT@40「藝文與運動月」,AIT很榮幸邀請到兩位美國大學籃球教練擔任「美國女籃運動大使」,為台灣高中和大學女籃校隊提供指導和訓練,並為原住民和偏鄉孩童舉辦籃球營。AIT也特別邀請到「卡內基音樂廳青年爵士樂團」(NYO Jazz),為台灣樂迷帶來優美的音樂饗宴。除此之外,我們也舉辦了一場電影放映會《尋找約翰柯川》,向台灣觀眾介紹美國爵士傳奇樂手約翰柯川。
July: AIT@40 Arts, Culture, and Sports Month: We’re counting down our AIT@40 highlights month by month as we approach our AIT@40 finale! To celebrate AIT’s 40th birthday, we selected a special theme for each month in 2019 to highlight our joint accomplishments in that area. JULY was AIT@40 Arts, Culture, and Sports Month. As part of the Women’s Basketball Sports Envoy program, AIT hosted coaches from American universities to work with Taiwanese women’s high school and college teams and hold a sports camp for aboriginal and disadvantaged youth. AIT also welcome the Carnegie Hall National Youth Jazz Orchestra for unforgettable performances, and screened “Chasing Trane,” a film about legendary jazz musician John Coltrane, from the American Film Showcase.
「arts envoy program」的推薦目錄:
arts envoy program 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
七月是AIT@40藝文與運動月!我們很榮幸邀請到卡内基音樂廳美國國家青年爵士樂團(NYO Jazz)於7月30日首次訪台交流!NYO Jazz由23名傑出的美國爵士樂手組成,年齡介於16至19歲,並由美國小號名家西恩·瓊斯(Sean Jones)帶隊訪台。訪台期間,NYO Jazz將於AIT青年領袖營、武陵高中及台中二中進行工作坊交流。NYO Jazz此次訪台是由AIT及美國國務院支持,也是美國國務院藝術大使計畫的一環。詳情請見AIT新聞稿: 影片來源:NYO Jazz
#AITat40 #ArtsCultureandSportsMonth #ArtsEnvoy #CarnegieHallNYOJazz #MusicDiplomacy #ExchangeOurWorld #藝文與運動月 #藝術大使 #音樂外交
It’s AIT@40 Arts, Culture and Sports Month, and we are pleased to announce the Taiwan debut of Carnegie Hall's National Youth Jazz Orchestra (NYO Jazz) on July 30! NYO Jazz features 23 of America’s best jazz musicians ages 16-19 and is led by acclaimed U.S. trumpeter Sean Jones. While in Taiwan, the group will give workshops at the AIT SEASAT Youth Camp, Wuling High School, and Taichung Second Senior High School. NYO Jazz’s Taiwan visit is partially supported by AIT and the U.S. State Department as part of the Arts Envoy Program. Learn more:
Video credit: NYO
arts envoy program 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
✅台北美國資料中心將在7月11日(不歇止的舞魂 - 溫蒂韋倫)及7月19日(尋找約翰柯川)舉辦兩場特別的「美國紀錄片薈萃」放映活動,映演時間為晚上6:30到8:30。每場映演將邀請特別嘉賓主持。
✅美國在台協會也很榮幸與「卡內基音樂廳青年爵士樂團」(NYO Jazz)合作,於7月29日至8月2日推出全新的「藝術大使計畫」。「卡內基音樂廳青年爵士樂團」由一群美國16歲到19歲最優秀的青年爵士音樂家所組成;這些青年音樂家將以文化大使的身分來台,透過工作坊、大師班及音樂表演,與台灣聽眾分享獨特的美國音樂類型 — 爵士樂。詳情請見AIT新聞稿: #AITat40 #AITat40Celebration #USTaiwanRelations #ArtsCultureandSportsMonth
July is AIT@40 Arts, Culture and Sports Month! Here’s a preview of the activities we have planned for July:
✅The Taipei American Corner at the Taipei City Main Library will host two special American Film Showcase documentary film screenings on July 11 (Restless Creature: Wendy Whelan) and July 19 (Chasing Train: The John Coltrane Documentary) from 6:30PM to 8:30PM. Each screening will feature a special guest host.
✅From July 17 to 22, AIT will host two U.S. Women’s Basketball Sports Envoys for a series of clinics, workshops, and discussions on basketball, leadership, and women’s empowerment. The U.S. Sports Envoys will be special guests at the 2019 Buddhist Light International Association Invitation University Basketball Tournament at the Kaohsiung Arena. During July, AIT will also partner with the Boyo Social Welfare Foundation and CHOXUE Founder Cheng Ho for a day-long sports camp for youth from remote areas.
✅AIT is also pleased to announce a new Arts Envoy program with the Carnegie Hall Youth Jazz Orchestra (NYO Jazz) from July 29- August 2. NYO Jazz features the brightest young jazz musicians (ages 16-19) from across the United States. These young Americans will visit Taiwan as cultural ambassadors and will share jazz, a uniquely American musical genre, with audiences in Taiwan through workshops, masterclasses, and performances. Learn more about AIT@40 Arts, Culture and Sports Month: