This #GivingTuesday I’m supporting Stopping Traffic as my charity and cause of choice. I'm determined to end human trafficking. A few years back I executive produced Stopping Traffic. With the momentum and impact from it, we’re now working on Stopping Traffic 2 — a film dedicated to helping the 1% of survivors who managed to escape and the vast majority of them who are surviving without resources. Just a month ago I was in Hungary meeting and filming with survivors and next year we will continue to film internationally. Stopping Traffic truly went from movie to movement and has become its own non-profit org dedicated to making films to raise awareness and directly help survivors.
This #givingtuesday, please consider contributing to Stopping Traffic and help us reach our goal of 25k to cover some of their initial production costs including survivor research, equipment, location, and venue rentals, and to provide direct support to the survivors we come across. 100% of funds raised will be utilized for anti-human trafficking efforts.
I’m proud to volunteer for Stopping Traffic and be a part of making the second film. Please consider donating what you can, whether it is $5 $25 $50 or $100 — every donor and every donation counts. Facebook is matching dollar for dollar on a first-come, first-serve basis today. Thank YOU for being a part of our movement to end sex-trafficking.
#stoppingtraffic2 #everysoulcounts #charity #philanthropy