“Ini bukan pekerja biasa-biasa. Ini assistant you. I tak akan hire dia kalau dia tak mampu untuk bantu you. You need help, Xaif. And Amaya... Can help you. Afterall... Dia pernah tolong you sebelum ni.”
Dan masa tu...
Mr. X angkat kepalanya.
Nina pula menarik aku ke sebelahnya.
Bila mata aku...
Bertemu dengan mata Mr. X...
Mr. X meletakkan pen.
Dia terus bersandar pada kerusi.
Aku mula menelan air liur.
“Amaya sendiri nak cuba untuk tiga hari. Why not you? Please Xaif, kalau you tak nak buat untuk Dexigner, you buat untuk I. You tak nak I berhenti kan? I betul-betul akan berhenti kali ini... I really meant it!”
Mr. X nampak tersepit.
Dia seperti tiada pilihan.
Nina pula bertegas.
Aku semakin cuak.
“Okey... Tiga hari.”
“Great. I tinggalkan Amaya pada you. Ingat you tak boleh pecat dia tanpa kebenaran I. Dia kerja untuk I untuk bantu you. Kalau you buat apa-apa yang menyebabkan dia nak berhenti... I akan pecat diri I. Faham?”
“Yalah. Tapi kalau I dapati dia salah dan cuai dalam kerja dia, you kena pecat dia. We can’t afford pekerja yang careless and effortless, right?”
“You can go now...”
Nina menepuk bahu aku.
Memberikan isyarat semangat sebelum dia keluar dari bilik tu. Aku ingatkan aku pun kena keluar sekali. Tapi, baru nak gerak ke tempat aku...
“Siapa suruh awak pergi?”
Terus aku berdiri tegak.
Aku memandang ke arah Mr. X.
“Ada apa-apa yang boleh saya bantu?”
“Bantu saya untuk tamatkan tiga hari ini kepada tiga jam. Saya akan bayar berapa yang awak mahukan... Beritahu saya, berapa nilai awak? Saya akan bayar lebih daripada harga yang Nini bayar awak.”
Aku pandang Mr. X...
Dia ingat...
Dia boleh beli aku dengan duit ke?
“Bayar saya dengan nilai persahabatan Cik Nini pada Mr. X. Kalau Mr. X boleh kira nilai persahabatan tu dengan nilai ringgit... Saya akan berhenti, tiga saat dari sekarang.”
Dua setengah..
“Tiga... Tet! Masa dah tamat. You... Stuck with me!”
Mr. X...
Welcome to hell!
同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅吳海文 Kevin Wu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,數位發行版本 https://star.lnk.to/f8bZyXkJ 去年11月在Fiverr上面找了5位填詞人來填demo 今天,終於做好了... 恭喜印度小哥Rituraj Gogoi高票勝出👏 裡面全部的樂手都是Fiverr上的音樂人 如果你編曲的想法夠明確的話 其實可以用很低的製作費在...
afterall 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Finally took my 1st jab.
I am guessing many breastfeeding mommies and mommies-to-be are as confused as i am, as to take the vaccine or not. Afterall, earlier we were adviced not to take it, and then to take it and throw away the milk for the first 5-7 days. And only recently were bfeeding moms and moms-to-be adviced to take the vaccine.
To eliminate all confusion, i asked my gynae about it directly.
So, latest evidence from 5000 mommies-to-be and bfeeding mom shown that antibodies found to have crossed over through breast milk, therefore also protecting baby.
Upon hearing that, i registered my jab immediately.
1 down. 1 more to go.
afterall 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
有誰的旅遊是以「食」為重點?🙋 😋🍴
當初本來要從伊朗一路陸遊至陝西古都西安,就把「肉夾饃 rougamo」跟「彪彪麵 Biang Biang noodles 」(原本的 ㄅㄧㄤˊ 字複雜到我的手機無法顯示字體😅)放入美食清單🥢 卻因疫情的關係而留下遺憾😓
沒想到居然會在 Biang Biang Melb 找到這兩項陝西料理!而且一吃我就愛上了😍
肉夾饃的外皮酥脆,裡頭的肉香而不膩!被稱為「陝西八大怪」的彪彪麵則是又寬又 Q(我本來就愛粗麵)♥️
老實說我也不知道是不是因為懷孕覺得好吃,還是平時的我也會很愛吃😂 以上就是 Winny 不專業食記報導😛
#陝西美食 #墨爾本生活
Who's travels are revolved around eating? 🙋
Our travel style has certainly involved with age, from adventure to food😛 Afterall, food is an important part of the culture isn't it??? 😆
Originally we were planning to travel from Iran to Xian in China, that plan backfired due to Covid, hence missed out on "rougamo" and "Biang Biang noodles" 😅
To my surprise, we were able to find them in Melbourne😲 OMG they tasted so good!!! Especially the rougamo was so crispy! The Biang Biang noodles were chewy just the way I like it 😍
I don't usually want to go back to the same eatery in Melbourne as there are so many places to try, but can't wait to go back to this one for sure 😋
📚《跟著Winny勇闖中美洲》2019 → http://goo.gl/RYPSTp
📚《地心引力抓不住的冒險家》2018 → https://bit.ly/2kYdpgt
📸 歡迎跟蹤 IG 👉 https://www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny
🎧 Podcast ➡️ https://anchor.fm/travelwithwinny
afterall 在 吳海文 Kevin Wu Youtube 的最佳解答
恭喜印度小哥Rituraj Gogoi高票勝出👏
作曲: 吳海文
作詞: Rituraj Gogoi
製作人: 吳海文
編曲: 吳海文
木吉他: Hugo Iglesias
電吉他: Hugo Iglesias
電貝斯: Hugo Iglesias
電鋼琴: Konstantin Iliskiy
爵士鼓: Silvio Centamore
弦樂編寫: Konstantin Iliskiy、吳海文
第一小提琴: Konstantin Iliskiy
第二小提琴: Konstantin Iliskiy
中提琴: Konstantin Iliskiy
錄音師: Samuel Tseng
錄音室: Nora Says Production錄音工作室
混音: 吳海文
Rituraj Gogoi
Hugo Iglesias
Konstantin Iliskiy
Silvio Centamore
#吳海文 #Fiverr #AfterAll

afterall 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的最佳貼文
Decided to bring you guys along on a trip to the supermarket to shop for hotpot ingredients for Chinese New Year dinner! No idea why I struggled so much finding the vegetables I needed.
EDIT/ You guys have been telling me that I got the WRONG chinese spinach afterall ??Fail. ahahhaha I'll work harder at becoming more domesticated ok HAHA!!
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong
► Snapchat: @mongabong
► Blog: www.mongabong.com
► Email: hello@mongabong.com
Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. In this VLOG, i go grocery shopping alone and i'm sure you guys can see that I hardly do that (judging from how lost I was lol) so yeah.. appreciate and hug your moms rn :'( heh
This video is not sponsored. All content ideas and opinions are my own, and I do not make money out of any purchases.

afterall 在 Dong ASMR Youtube 的最佳解答
well honestly i tried to make an interesting rapid tapping and fast asmr AND FAILED IN lots of ways... manage to crash several times and have technical problems...
videos aint that superb afterall as i have difficulty learning the whole editing shit.

afterall 在 【常見錯誤】是afterall 還是after all?... - English Flow 英文涓流 的必吃
【常見錯誤】是afterall 還是after all? . 在社團「英文寫作能力培養與交流」裡,看到團友Lly Jly 的另一則發問, 覺得很有意思,所以也把我的回答貼在這邊給大家參考 ... ... <看更多>