周:「光時口號,梁天琦是創作者(creator)?」Eliza強調, “creator”只適用於聖經形容創造天地的上帝,但漠視了梁天琦參選之前,『光復」二字已經在社會上有人使用,故她認為應稱梁為 “improviser”(有二次創作的意思,或在前人的根基上再創作的含意)。
周:「Does slogans represent political agenda?」(口號是否代背後有政治議程?) Political Agenda可解作一些潛在政治訴求。
Eliza追問:「甚麼叫represent?」周天行於是提出兩個詞語代替represent. “regarded” “considered”. Eliza有點莫名奇妙,她回應道:「口號是口號,政治議程是政治議程,兩件事是不同的。」這個問題最後不了了之。
周專員再追問:「若我問妳,要從中華人民共和國中去光復主權,是否代表必然要推翻政權?(To reclaim the sovereignty from the PRC, does it necessarily mean to overthrow the Regime?)」
三位法官之中兩位,陳嘉信和杜麗冰均追問周專員:「那一個政權(Which Regime)?」周專員垂頭找文件約六秒,再說:「香港的政權。」
周再指,若說話的人從來不接受香港是中國一部份呢?Eliza指:「這裡要涉及太多假設,才達致你所說的總結,對我來說 doesn’t make sense。」
周堅持要問:「我問正統的中史訓練。」Eliza如此回應:「如果你硬要這樣問(If that’s how you like to put it.)我沒有教過中國歷史科,我博士研究也不是中國歷史,你可以說我『正規中史訓練是到中三』」。
Eliza說:「我要強調,這些活動中的確出現了很敵意的行為,對內地遊客和水貨客,而水貨客亦不只有內地人,也有香港人從事水貨活動。示威裡,有語言暴力(verbally abusive),很強敵意(very hostile),我認為這些口號很不恰當,富侮辱性,甚至涉及歧視(racist)。」
Eliza答:「字面可解作『恢復英治時代香港』,但我們要問,這句不夠具體,『港人政府』究竟是指,『香港人由香港人去領導』(government led by Hong Kong people),還是『香港人的政府』(government of the HK people)?」
Eliza說:「如此這般,表達意思不明。而很多示威者都有點『詞不達意』(not coherent), 他們也不太清楚自己想要甚麼,但他們憤懣很大,就弄一點東西出來表達一下。」
國安法首審專家證人系列(六之一):[Regime & Redeem]
國安法首審專家證人系列(六之二):[Just Do it]
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ABC英文 學習英文字彙125 (Expand your English words 125) You can learn English words and sentences days by days. 每日學習英文單字!! It's amazing! 若是無法將單字一次背起來, 請反覆練習...
absurd意思 在 Into the Wild 流浪記 Facebook 的精選貼文
昨日我回母校開舊生大會,門口附近有30 防暴幾架警車,老師立刻提醒大家離開時要千萬小心。眾人包括我都緊張,有舊生說等一下一起繞後路走。
可惜現在警暴什麼荒唐無理的事都能做得出來,我怕他回不去機場接下一班機。香港戒嚴,跟很多第三世界戰地差不多,跟他說還是不要出來為妙。我沒有信心可以保證他們的安全。這是何其悲哀憤怒傷心的心情。是啊,本來維港很美。 可惜我們現在只能以淚目模糊的眼光去看,這個不知道還能維持多久的美麗海港。
另外,831 太子事件,無記者真空兩小時,雖港台說已查出三名傷者下落;但憑黑警過去所作所為,消防署口供又改來改去,唔好意思,我唔信。寧願炒車,希望手足無事。
而事件其實橫跨9月1號,港鐵應該原原本本將831 至整段封站時期的cctv都保留與公開才是!怕是已有關鍵時刻被隱藏煙滅。
Worse than the Martial Law: Hong Kong has become a police state, trampling of personal freedom will become a common phenomenon
Chitchat Philosophy:
"I would like to make a statement to everyone here. The consequences of police’s abuse of force may be far severe than the implementation of the martial law by the government, and would pose devastating consequences to the daily lives of Hong Kongers. But why?
When the martial law is imposed, the extreme measures/actions will taken by the police force, and the foundation of their power comes from the official announcement of the government stating that the society has fallen into a state of chaos, and hence granting more power for the police to stabilize the society. When order is restored, the power of the police would be revoked.
But what does it imply when the police display absurd level of violence without bearing any consequences even the martial law is not imposed? It means that all the actions executed by the police would set a precedent on what would be seen as “normal” and “a common phenomenon” in the future.
Up until now, Hong Kong police could unreasonably inspect, arrest and beat up citizens. They could patrol in major public traffic interchange, metro stations, outsides secondary schools to monitor students. And all of these actions could be understood as “normal” and “regular measures”.
As of today, the personal freedom of Hong Kong citizens will be seriously infringed. Because such infringement and violation of freedom are not granted under legal basis or regular procedures, it implies that Hong Kongers would have to suffer from such a “common phenomenon”. They would live under the terror of the abuse of power and violence by the police, and are unable to investigate into the situation and hold the police accountable under the current system.
Carrie Lam would not dare implement martial law because the government is unwilling to bear the consequences of such a measure, such as rocking the economy which further angers the general public. Therefore she chose to allow Hong Kong fall into anarchy, turning a blind eye and hence allowing the police to do whatever they want.
Because there are no regular procedures, the police do not have to be accountable for any legal responsibilities. Because Carrie Lam avoids the responsibility of being judged by history for her crimes under the name of the government, she has destroyed the rule of law and basis of regulations, and turned Hong Kong to a police state. The consequences of her actions are devastating."
Source: https://chitchitphilosophy.blogspot.com/2019/09/Policestate-in-HK-NOW-Anti-Extradition-Bill-Protest.html?m=1
absurd意思 在 The Little Balu Facebook 的精選貼文
〈完美的一天 A Perfect Day〉
It is almost a perfect day yesterday (21 July 2019).
I am a normal Hong Kong citizen. Born in the 80's, a Christian who lives in Tin Shui Wai. Yesterday was a normal Sunday. I went back to church to join the worship with my wife in Kowloon, joined our friends for lunch in Tsim Sha Tsui, watched Toy Story 4 at the Grand Ocean cinema, and went back home after dinner by West Rail.
At about 10pm, we were at the Austin Station, everything looked normal in the West Rail train. Our train arrived at Yuen Long Station just before 11pm, we heard a screaming, "Someone's hurt, we need backups!", and our train was stopped because of this confusion. I asked my wife to stay in the train, while I got off and went down to the station lobby to see what happened. Inside the gate, there were people holding their umbrellas up, defending from a group of gangsters who were all wearing white-shirts, attacking people inside the gate with wooden sticks, water bottles and baseball bats. People were trapped inside. There were around 40 to 50 white-shirt gangsters, mainly in their middle-aged, some were even older, shouted fiercely in Cantonese foul languages with agitation.
There were fresh blood stains on the floor inside the gate. Outside the gate not far away, there was someone injured, lying down on the floor, constantly threatening by a white-shirt gangster. I did not go out and help him due to the dangerous situation and I tended to go back up to the train. At that very moment, people inside the gate were suddenly moved back towards me. Some rushed into the washroom, others ran passed me and dashed to the platform through the escalators and staircase, and planned to reach the train for safety.
我見身邊有人跌倒,想幫又幫唔到手。然後白衫人已經殺到埋身,我正準備跑上扶手電梯上月台嘅時候就俾人從後襲擊咗後腦一下,我一邊跑一邊回望,睇到一個白衫人拎住枝棒球棍對住扶手電梯上面嘅人(包括我)大聲叫罵「 ___ 你老母」(第一個字聽得唔太清楚,請自行填充。)
Someone fell down next to me, I wished to help but I couldn't. The white-shirt gangsters were fast approaching, and I was about to rush back to the escalator. All of a sudden, I was attacked at my hindbrain, out of nowhere! I kept running and looked back at the attacker, it was a white-shirt gangster who was holding a baseball bat, yelling to the people (including me) on the escalator: YOU MOTHER _______ ! (I didn't hear it clearly, fill-in as you like)
I kept fleeing back to the platform, that white-shirt gangster had stopped chasing us. I went in the train with other passengers, and I did not even realized that I was bleeding until someone told me. Some very friendly passengers helped me to clean and wrap the wound (well, that was the first time I used sanitary pad), and nice enough to give me a seat.
I was talking to my wife through the phone throughout the whole process. She told me that those gangsters were attacking people inside the train. Passengers around me were extremely worried, we were all afraid that those white-shirt Triad gangsters (now I knew they are Triad) will storme in and attack. We all hope that the train will move out from the station soon. At the same time, people were saying that there were attacks at the train head (I was at the tail), we were all in confusions and panics. After some minutes (looks like the MTR has made a statement regarding the detailed time), the train has finally moved, and I arrived Tin Shui Wai Station at last. I found my wife, we went straight to an Ambulanceman and admitted to the Tin Shui Wai Hospital afterwards, where I had my three stitches done. While I was waiting in the Emergency Room, 5 or 6 more injured people were sent in due to the West Rail attack.
Policeman stationed in the Emergency Room has asked if I need to file a report. I had agreed after some consideration. The Crime Unit has also arrived after 2 to 3 hours to take my statement. After taking my personal information, he asked directly, "Did you join the protest march today?" I said, "No". He looked doubt. I took out the Toy Story 4 ticket stained with my blood and showed him, then he stopped questioning me. Eventually, I went home at about 5am.
It was a very normal day yesterday - shopping with my wife, watching movie, have a great dinner. I know what had happened lately in this city and how desperate people are these days. So I planned to have a relaxed day and free from the news. The ironic part is, on the day I was trying to rest and have a life, it was the day I encountered the indiscriminate attack. There is this saying, "you don't mess with politics, politics will mess with you eventually". I was attacked, so I must have done something wrong? What did I do wrong? Oh, I guess it must have been about me watching the American animation.
我知道我受嘅傷,同喺中上環俾警察無預警下開槍射傷嘅市民比,實在係微不足道(其實佢哋更應被關注!)。不過身邊聽到我經歷嘅朋友都好驚、好忿怒,其實我都係好忿怒、好無助,我地都無辦法明白到底點解坐西鐵返屋企會俾黑社會打,而點解警察又唔嚟阻止?但我更加感受到嘅係市民果種恐懼同絕望感,人群閃躲之際有人跌倒,有人落單,大家衝入車廂果陣會唔會發生人踩人?我老婆都陪伴咗個受驚而情緒失控嘅少女。大家都好驚、好恐懼、好絕望、好furious。人係受威脅之下,會出現figh-or-flight的反應,喺腎上腺素嘅驅使之下,一係會反擊,一係會逃走,但手無寸鐵嘅市民被圍困係車廂中被人撳住嚟打,既不能fight , 又不能flight,果種絕望同恐懼的確唔係三言兩語講得明白,往後嘅心理創傷同陰影烙印,可以係一生之久。
Comparing to those protesters shot by the Policemen without warning in Sheung Wan and Central, I was nothing (we should pay more attention to them instead!). But friends around me were shocked and outraged about my attack. To be frank, I was shocked too. Who would imagine that attack will come when I was just taking the West Rail train back home? And where were the Policemen when we need them? And most of all, I experienced the same fear and desperation with the passengers. People were dodging, falling down, left behind, there could be stampede when we rushed back to the train! My wife had also stayed and comforted a young girl who had almost lost control because of the frightening situation. Everyone was afraid, worried, hopeless and furious. When people are being threatened, there is a response called "fight-or-flight". The adrenaline will drive you to either fight back or take flight. Unfortunately, when we were unarmed and trapped inside the train, we cannot fight back, we cannot take flight, there is no word to describe the despair and fear in that scenario. The psychological trauma and shadow can be life-long.
Some people may say, regardless of how innocent I am, that still, I was to blame. Maybe I ran too slow so I was meant to be attacked. Maybe I passed by Yuen Long so I should have known it better. I do not want to debate with their accusations, it is meaningless anyway. In my believe, there is no hope in taking the attacker down in my case, and I have no intention to take revenge. You see, when there is war in a country, the government will not take it serious when a citizen got killed. Wartime society has its own law of survival, and I have to deal with this reality: Hong Kong is in war now, and I have zero interest in what the HK Police Force and the government will take serious into.
There is one thing I must say. Hong Kong people are really full of passion. During this chaotic time, people are still willing to look after each other. I am blessed with their love: Passengers on the train have comforted me, treated my wound carefully when there is lack of first-aid materials; the professional treatment by the Ambulancemen; some friends have even rushed back after arriving their homes in downtown, one even drove his car all the way to the hospital; my family who have stayed with me in the Emergency Room throughout the whole night; all the comforts, loves and blessings from my friends…I am so blessed.
I will not say that the attack is not important, or lighten it up or paper over the cracks. Anyone have conscious will definitely be heartbroken and ambushed about the attack at the West Rail. But the truth is that, our outrageous has nowhere to escape. Our society system is corrupting, the totalitarianism is raging brutally to a point where no one is allowed to have their own thinking and feeling. When a simple graffiti is an act to test the bottom line of the government's governance, when the Chief Executive ridiculously condemns the destruction of a symbolic device more than the vicious attack to innocent citizen, I know that our lives have absolutely no values to these senior officials. This evil political system is taking lives, creating the chaos and the reason for their stuck-up governance, forcing the people to give up fighting, while eventually the people will worship them as gods with their kingdom lasts forever.
However, in this ridiculous attack experience under the evil conspiracy, there are lovely people around me: passengers , Ambulancemen, friends and family, for their loves and comforts give me the strength to overcome the helpless feeling throughout this absurd situation, the faith to move on, the courage to face the inevitable fear, and the hope to concur the in-depth pressure caused by the desperation of the indiscriminate attack.
I was attacked yesterday, and it made my perfect day imperfect. But I found love and courage in the time of danger and fear. Hong Kong people do watch over for each other.
是的,香港人很有愛,所以我們值得擁有比現在更好的社會領袖和政治制度,We deserve better。因為你們有愛,所以我能夠不再怕遭害。因為你們有愛,所以我能夠堅持這個心願。因為你們有愛,所以我有信心香港人能夠一齊撐落去。
HongKongers are so full of love, that is why we deserve better society leaders and political system. We DO deserve better. Because of your love, I do not fear the danger. Because of your love, I can hold tight to hope. Because of your love, I have faith that HongKongers can stick together and make our own future.
HongKongers, ADD OIL!
absurd意思 在 GreatKidsLearning Youtube 的最佳貼文
ABC英文 學習英文字彙125 (Expand your English words 125)
You can learn English words and sentences days by days.
每日學習英文單字!! It's amazing!
若是無法將單字一次背起來, 請反覆練習, 並將單字寫下來, 最後一定會進步。Practice makes perfect.
You can also make a new sentence according the word by your own. 你也可依據所學的單字自己造句看看。
英文單字倍增法: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbZ3VKhzf4ly1lM4i-Z_eBFv
學習中英文: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbabhNuVvZWgtajYoF9VawC4
唐詩三百首: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbbyg5uLxZotvXfZrK5_t8Br
英文基礎閱讀與聽力: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbbn5adEk87hlxbpMZfQDD5G
英文日常口語(English Daily Conversation): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbbwKGyw-K8f5jh-mIwARCgJ
情人節英文日常口語: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbZp9Al8kBa3iNVONRID_WV9
中文學習: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbbNs2hymyK17oTLLlP0y90w
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中文成語學習: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbaZVeHYfsWTNXgNKymILLIu
ㄅㄆㄇ練習-Chinese Phonics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbY-Svl4p641U-5DCpwlWsXW
ㄅㄆㄇ拼音範例: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbYQ4Dk0xqZ4prAr39bvrs3X
唐代李白的詩: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbaLq6Ilu4ODNAi-926thnIu
英文基礎文法: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbbSMWYX3_CNjd4ZE_lqQppN
英文發音練習 (Phonics): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbZMJTrz59dBXXW0qPDGVdLo
ABC 發音練習-ABC Phonics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbYzUqY70d4A9HYNwMqHMdwR
KK發音清晰版-KK Phonics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbbB-Qh7E3Z3tXQimg3Oh75i
3年級數學-Grade 3 Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbaz_lrxc10dOQPpT-xdZrJ3
4年級數學-Grade 4 Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbZ26Xw9C0rrYX3pVOjYr2-_
2年級數學-Grade 2 Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbYmYY2JWHx492eLB-en9JTG
8年級數學-Grade 8 Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbYjniNhLJOkJqAAhNmoPNY_
7年級數學-Grade 7 Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbYG-7kDr-fCnDVCNWg6Qf9U
5年級數學-Grade 5 Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbY0cQ_J95u69cmOskxqNsGr
6年級數學-Grade 6 Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbaqO07HAxytuNhEr62twSu9
1年級數學 (Grade 1 Math): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xcIE0AQTbY051AXIsmmhDXzvJ1eMr--
absurd意思 在 伯大尼文理補習班- 每日英文習慣用語: 'Back to the drawing ... 的必吃
所以他的字面意思是回到製圖板,重新再畫一次。 Example: My boss is so absurd. We have been working months on this product. And now that he doesn't like the ... ... <看更多>