Foreigners who live and work here contribute to our economy and society. They are very much a part of our local community.
Yesterday in Parliament, Lawrence Wong moved a motion for Singapore to stay open in a globalised world. He also asked Parliament to support the government’s management of the foreign work pass numbers, and to deplore the spreading of misinformation about FTAs like the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) to stir up racism and xenophobia.
Our policies on foreign workers have created many jobs and opportunities. Still, Singaporeans are anxious and concerned about competition from the foreigners working here. We are addressing these concerns, and the problems caused by having a large foreign population in our midst. But as I said at the National Day Rally recently, we must remain open and welcoming to foreigners. If we turn inwards and become hostile to them, it would ruin us as a global hub and cost us investments and jobs (
The debate stretched past midnight. It was an important debate. At stake were not just our policies on foreigners, but the values of our society, and our confidence and resolve to face an uncertain world, and chart our way forward together.
I am glad MPs took a firm and unequivocal stance against racism and xenophobia, and firmly rejected attempts to use Singaporeans’ fears and anxieties to divide and weaken us. It bodes well for our future. – LHL
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「world population day」的推薦目錄:
world population day 在 Benny Price Fitness Facebook 的最佳解答
This video was filmed on my very first day in the gym with @tompurvisptrts at the tail end of May. He’d never met me before, and we were on the back of an impromptu 1-hr whiteboard lecture 📝 on what most of the world calls “warming up” and at RTS we generally refer to as “exercise preparation”.
A lot of our later conversations were much more technical 🤓 but I thought this was a really accessible way to introduce Tom to many of you who won’t be aware of the man who is behind so much of the accurate information you’ve learnt over the years.
Tom’s a big proponent of his own RTS motto of “Think science, speak client” and meeting the person you’re talking to “where they’re at” 🗣 You’ll note how casual his terminology was here because he wasn’t sure yet what I was comfortable with. A month later it would probably sound like French to most of the general population 😂
Anyway, here he’s putting in quite simple layman’s terms what is happening during a warm-up set ⚡️ He’s just getting his muscles “used to” contracting, because 5 minutes ago they were doing nothing 😴
Think of those sets in terms of their purpose. They’re to prepare your joints for the range they’re going to have to explore, your muscles to contract and the force they and their connective tissue are about to produce and translate respectively, and your neural system to make all of this happen with maximal effort 💯 Yes, the process will encourage increased blood flow so don’t worry about that🫀
Lastly, they represent your opportunity to focus on what feels good today and what doesn’t 🤔 and what cues you’re going to focus on delivering in your set this session (based on either an intention bias or something in particular you’re working on or experimenting with) without the distraction of managing and controlling heavy load 🥵
If you start thinking about your “non-working” sets in this manner, you might just find you stop wasting too much energy “getting warm” 🤒🤦🏻♂️ and instead spend it improving the readiness of your mind 🧠 muscles 💪🏽 and joints 🦾 to execute the sets ahead of you.
Bonne courage, mes amis préparés. Go forth and contract.
world population day 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
[天花亂墜DSE]DSE嘅嘢,還是要考好。因為大學還是要讀。Maximize your options
TLDR:唔好玩skim reading,睇晒佢。當然你貪心當睇四仔嘅,睇第21段啦
1. 舊年放榜,都有寫DSE文。昨晚手痕走去睇返,大鑊。唔係汗顏寫得差,而係自己覺寫得幾好。咁可能係我已經退步中,但自問未必寫得好過之前兩篇(
2. 繼續,都係寫畀啲考得唔好嘅人。考得好嘅,你本人或貴子弟應該唔會pathetic到要睇我嘅文。雖然呢,我又一盤冷水照頭淋,「其實今時今日要考DSE嗰啲,都等於開波已經輸咗一球先」。點解?我書中有講,我將社經地位分為九等,草根中產富有,我屋企當年應該係下級中產,而家應該係中級。而考得DSE嘅,照計都係中級中產或以下嘅小朋友。咁不幸地,你老豆唔係李嘉誠呢,你就搞唔到Viu TV食唔到郭家文的
3. 有啲人話起跑線好難聽,咁就係你的問題嘛,現今世界一大問題就係啲人只會圍爐聽啲自己感覺良好嘅嘢,你可以繼續飛機話「窮唔代表冇得發圍」「幾百億身家唔代表乜」「食郭家文唔代表乜」「一開波輸一球唔代表乜」,你開心就好。但現實係你一開波整個「全餐」嘅,賠率即時轉,市場好有效率,唔會理你咩「食全餐唔代乜」。記唔記得我係讀精算嘅?我地講概率,population,咁你可以話日日食一包煙都好長命嘅。我城嘅問題就係好多人鍾意將特例變為通例仲去論證。然後個個高估自己。
4. 講返,呢個唔係要「睇唔起」「歧視」,我只係指出個事實。你當我好似啲冷面軍醫或教練咁,睇個小朋友嘅質地,唔似會成功 —但的確唔代表不可能,更不代表你要自怨自艾—反正都發生咗啦
5. 甚至好多人都知道,劣勢反勝仲開心,更加有排飛機。正如我一個仙都冇撚拎我屋企,亦都唔謀住佢副家產,「白手興家」,就有型過老母出首期嘅人啦。雖然有得揀,我都希望我老豆係李嘉誠,冇乜人為咗想激發鬥至,而自己踢個波入龍門先
6. 講返,既然考得DSE嘅,一般屋企都唔富貴,咁你考得差,係更加大鑊的。有錢人可以afford讀書唔掂,嘻咪去追夢焗蛋糕整公仔自己做設計師,甚至簡單啲嘅,咪話老豆留返三個太古城單位畀你,一個住一個收租一個炒,然後你大可以上網日日指點江山,幾好的。
7. 但唔富貴嘅人(例如我當年),考得差嘅,係更大鑊的。因為作為一個唔富貴嘅人,讀好書入大學呢個,都係還可以嘅脫貧方法。雖然似乎個效力越嚟越低。
8. 考得唔好嘅,正路你都係應該下年嚟過,雖然舊文都講過,最緊要檢討,可能你柒,可能你懶,可能你廢。三樣唔同嘅嘢,雖然有一定正相關性。
9. 講咗咁多,其中兩個好大嘅關鍵:第一,而家係1.4個人爭一個大學學位(聽講),第二,大學學費廿年年冇加過價,大家樂人工都升咗唔少啦下話?所以讀大學係易咗,亦都平咗。(不過而家四年,好一個惡政)
10. 相反去睇,你讀唔到(應該唔會有乜人讀到而唔去讀架?),問題就更大。大學嘅嘢,似乎讀咗都冇乜用,最低消費入場券咋,但唔讀就好擇洗—所以都係讀左幾有用。
11. 讀大學嘅原因,好簡單,錢。就係人工高啲,學位都冇個,你係幾難撈的。況且唔一定我要去做律師醫生或乜,但至少可以Maximize your options,好似龍應台同個仔都講類似嘅嘢,亦係我人生嘅核心價值。你揀人當然好過人揀你,你大可以拎個First Hon去做消防員或者開巴士,但呢個係你嘅選擇。掉轉頭,冇個學位嘅,好多嘢你根本冇得揀。
12. 而更重要嘅係,講真,我認為好多人,特別係男仔(包括我),三十歲前都係一舊飯,唔知自己想點。咁你十幾歲嘅小朋友,嗰啲「追夢」,得罪講句,有幾大含金量?你冇接觸過社會,冇接觸過個行業,冇接觸過啲社會上嘅仆街(例如我),太早覺得自己應該點點點,未必係好事。
13. 再次強調,雖然我好憎講,但都係要利申返,本人是一個學霸,夠晒maximize option.我要講呢樣嘢,係不停提防自己跌入嗰種「吳彥祖教你溝女」「美斯教你踢波」嘅「其實唔難」。記住人地唔係專登喎,但吳彥祖真係覺得,喂我開口約啲女就得架啦,美斯真係發現,喂我一推就過架啦,「其實唔難」。
14. 不過,入大學嘅嘢,真係,「其實唔難」。
15. 我教過成績唔好嘅學生,repeaters.當然事實我似乎應該教精英班(同事話阿媽係女人喎),當年成績冇咁好嘅學生,同我亦冇咁親近。但至少,我知道,教班霸同教護級係唔同玩法,你想拎A嘅玩法同拎pass又唔同。
16. 咁都係嗰句,在top level,我唔信咩「努力就成功」「人人可以成材」,人人可以做美斯美斯就唔係美斯啦,根本陳美詩繆美詩紐奴高美你都做唔到(冇錯,樓奴都做唔到)。
17. 但,我地係講拎個大學入學資格喎,照計呢啲位呢,係努力或正確態度幫到你好多的。因為同投資一樣(我本書都有講),高水平嘅競技當然係天才對決,但低水平嘅競技,一般都係Loser’s game,啲人個個自殺,開波出界,好多啲分係對手失,唔係你拎返嚟。所以你正正常常打好基本功,已經可以贏晒啲落場自爆嘅人。
18. 讀大學嘅好處,都係嗰句,人工高啲,同埋地位高啲。我知一街都大學生,事實。但正係因為咁,你「唔係大學生」,就更加顯眼。當然你又可以用特例駁我,我知,邊個邊個都冇讀完大學嘛,你咪去學下。我就講整體啫。BTW,你講呀朱生蓋生嗰啲,聽聞人地屋企點都係上級中產甚至低級富豪,人地係入到哈佛然後中途唔讀,就真係唔撚同你「連XX大學都唔收」。
19. 另一樣嘢,我諗都係識嘅人唔同,雖然而家又好似冇咁明顯。大學就中學化,成個社會都扁平化,太多有學位嘅七碌。我亦係好冷酷咁話你知,好多柒頭換咗廿年前點會有大學讀?呢個亦係好多咩「大學生收入」統計嘅虛妄,三十年前中位數大學生可能係最勁3%嘅學生(冇實數,舉例),而家中位數大學生係15%嘅,如何比較?
20. 至於咩「獨立思考」「critical thinking」之類就算鳩數啦,你要靠大學先有,你都肯定係冇的。你由一街都仲要講「邊個邊個冇讀大學都搵到錢」「行行出狀元唔係讀醫嘅都可以好高人工」,知你啲網友有幾「獨立思考」「critical thinking」
21. 仲有,「讀唔到大學」,帶嚟嘅打擊,都真係唔細。首先十分現實,大家都知come on James,條女入到大學而你入唔到嘅,基本上你一定被飛或者戴帽,我晚晚同你賭都得。我話知你識轉彎定靚仔過阮民安,there are many guys like you all over the world,條女入咗大學,面對一大堆禽獸組爸之類(我冇做過,我可以掟石),真係同拍AV人間廢業差不多的。正面啲講,條女眼界都唔同咗,再唔係以前大西北嗰個食爭鮮都好感動畀你中出嘅小妹妹啦。同樣地,啲女由大學到出嚟做嘢,又係另一個重災區,原因同上。掉轉呢?條仔入到大學條女入唔到呢?「就反而冇乜所謂」「你條仔唔會飛咗你的」「因為啲仔唔介意條女唔識嘢,最好乜都唔識」「條仔搵到錢唔止食爭鮮可以食名將,你更加獎勵佢添」「況且好多人鍾意玩校服」「咁我知啲人入到大學都係玩返中學件校服」「但就係唔同嘛,你條女柒個金毛笠件Hall Tee在底仲扮學生妹咩」「咁都得嘅你去油麻地一樣有校服玩添」「正如啲人約空姐都要睇證件嘛,唔只係要件制服咯」
22. 呢段完全過火,但真係示範,你再叻都好,你入唔到大學呢,都係要面對一定壓力。咁當然千金難買少年窮,都係經歷,你捱得過嘅之後仲強大 — 但有啲人就捱唔過自此自暴自棄一世嘛。都係嗰句,有得揀嘅,我唔會揀一開波輸兩球先然後激發鬥志咯,梗係開波對手趕一件出場再輸全餐,然後再自爆輸多球,我拎住兩球在手練波咁踢試下新人試下戰術,玩到你完場最開心。
23. 你見我呢篇文,係唔得assertive,充滿猶豫。因為個世界真係唔同咗,我唔sure嘅嘢我就寫唔sure.十年前我可以好肯定咁話你知,梗係讀大學搵份好工啦。但世界一路變。呢刻我都仲相信讀大學係個好選擇,因為人工高啲,識嘅人正常啲。但呢個溢價係一路縮緊嘅,扁平化嘛。你學好多嘢亦唔使經大學。
24. 況且,新書都有寫,傳統嗰種爬corporate ladder嘅玩法,越嚟越難玩。特別係香港。特別係你係一個考DSE嘅非富貴家庭。我就係有咁嘅自覺,我當年係行呢條路,雖然唔係完全一帆風順,但大致條路都係 讀好書入間好大學搵份牛工 入商業機構 升職上位加人工 儲錢投資 再搞其他嘢。但唔等於你而家你照行都會OK。我大學畢業係2000年喎大佬
25. 呢篇的確寫得唔係幾好,不過大家應get到我嘅意思。有啲人話我寫文冇重點,我嘅重點就係冇重點,sorry我係唔興好似伊索寓言咁話你知有乜教訓。嗰啲文我都識寫,打工成日寫,Tell the audience what you're going to say, say it; then tell them what you've said嘛。但在某天我已拒絶再玩。See?呢啲就係maximize your option,我知道點玩,但唔跟佢。同你完全唔識係兩回事。
26. 我新書有講,你睇好多戲都可以谷阿莫三分鐘講完,但你唔係浸住兩個鐘,就唔係嗰回事的。正如好多書都可以幾句講完,但就係你要睇晒先浸到嗰種味。唔係你楊丞琳大閘蟹咁濕一濕水就得。
27. 而即係,留到最尾先講,屌你老母睇三千幾字都冇耐性,就咪撚讀大學浪費社會資源啦。我講真的,我啲讀者好多都兩三日睇完我本7萬字大作,完全唔難入口。咁你睇幾千字都搞唔掂嘅,你同我講咩創意咩知識型社會?即係你係日日在whatsapp send voice message嗰啲撚樣啦下話?
28. 下篇實用啲,教你揀乜科。不過好忙,過兩日先寫。呢篇照顧咗啲考得唔好嘅先,唔係我大愛左膠,只係有緩急。「女人就係唔明,我睇埋場波先得閒執勞蘇,唔等於場波緊要過勞蘇」。
29. 我from day one 都係精英主義的,但處理先後同重唔重要,唔係同一回事。我教書時都係搵啲考得唔好嘅學生傾計先的,即時平時可能唔係太多計傾。考得好嗰啲,你自己有排鳩威啦,暫時唔使我錦上添花。
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world population day 在 Kento Bento Youtube 的最佳解答
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Channel Description:
We do videos on intriguing & thought-provoking Asiany topics, including stereotypes, history, culture & geography.
Researcher/Writer/Narrator/Video Editor: Kento Bento
Official Cheerleader: Nina Bento
If McDonald's were a country, it's revenue would make it the 105th largest economy in the world, surpassing the GDP of Estonia, Cambodia & Afghanistan.
The number of McDonald's employees worldwide would be more than the entire population of Iceland, Barbados and Samoa.
It's a big company, but it wasn't always that way.
McDonald's was founded on May 15th, 1940 in San Bernardino, California - that's over 77 years ago - and has since expanded to a 120 countries and territories around the world, serving 68 million customers each day.
It took 27 years for the first McDonald's to appear outside of the US, and 31 years to make it's way to a second continent.
THIS continent was Asia, and in this video I'm going to take you through the next 46 years of McDonald's' Asian ascension.
So, which Asian country was the FIRST to open a McDonald's? What did McDonalds have to sacrifice in order compete with local markets? And how much of Asia is there still left to conquer, as of today?
We'll get into all of that, so grab a double cheeseburger (maybe some fries), and we'll explore every Asian country to have ever had a McDonald's.
Welcome to McAsia.
Some notable McDonald's branches in Asian countries are:
- McDonald's Japan for being the first Asian McDonald's ever.
- McDonald's Singapore for having the oldest McDonald's employee worldwide at 93 years old.
- McDonald's Malaysia for being the first McDonald's in a Muslim-majority country.
- McDonald's Turkey for being the first McDonald's in West Asia (Middle East).
- McDonald's South Korea to be the first to sell alcohol (beer).
- McDonald's Russia for having the largest McDonald's outlet in Asia in Pushkin Square, Moscow.
- McDonald's Israel for having the healthiest McDonald's in the world.
- McDonald's Saudi Arabia for oddly taking out a full page ad in a Saudi national newspaper swearing loyalty to the new crown prince.
- McDonald's India for being the first McDonald's in South Asia, as well as having the first vegetarian McDonald's in the world.
- McDonald's Pakistan for having served the Taliban at one point in time.
- McDonald's Georgia for having the chain's most exquisite outlet.
- McDonald's Iraq for only having ONE McDonald's outlet for the US Army stationed in Baghdad.
- McDonald's Kazakhstan for being the first McDonald's in Central Asia.

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