之前接過幾單job,都由大判負責UI/UX設計,我地負責製作。好多時見到UI/UX有問題,向大判designer提出之後,佢地都係堅持用華而不實,完全冇諗清楚嘅設計(好多人會參考web或者game嘅設計,東拼西湊左抄右抄,並且完全無視「好用」、「實用」、不同款式嘅手機硬件嘅種種限制,及不同OS嘅guideline同best practice),結果programmer要用好多workaround先做到對方覺得「web好容易做到」嘅(所謂)「華麗」效果。
呢個係好典型嘅案例,因為客同agency都唔係專門做手機App嘅UI/UX,但係又好直觀咁想抄一啲好fancy嘅design直接放落手機度,冇諗過其實手機介面要方便好用,根本唔需要多餘嘅wow factor,所以好多客會跌落「華而不實」嘅陷阱,令用戶覺得個App唔好用之餘,仲加重咗programmer嘅負擔,例如要處理細mon嘅情況,因為個客嘅design根本冇考慮過原來世界上仲有好多iPhone SE。
另一個問題係,當你hack到個UI好似DVD menu咁fancy,啲OS一更新,或者iPhone又變長咗,就有走位或者library唔再support嘅風險,會增加咗maintenance嘅effort。
好多客中過招之後,因為以上種種原因,最後都會反璞歸真,換一個簡潔、清晰、直接,而又不失個性同格調嘅設計,捨棄當初追求嘅wow同fancy,結果用戶反而覺得易用又順眼,programmer亦唔需要監硬hack啲DVD menu出嚟,往後maintenance又易咗,出個再長啲嘅iPhone都冇問題。
廣告時間:1月24日我將會到 BLOOM co-working space by jumpstart 同大家交流下UI/UX Design嘅經驗,希望到時會見到你:
【 2019 頭炮活動: 初創企業不能忽略的UX/UI !】
屢獲殊榮的本地薑 Innopage 的CEO及
共同創辦人 Keith (偉大航道-李勁華)將於 1月來臨 BLOOM作分享。
地點:BLOOM (尖沙咀新港中心2期9樓905-6室)
題目:《How Do Startups Need Great UX/UI Design》
「web design guideline」的推薦目錄:
- 關於web design guideline 在 偉大航道-李勁華 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於web design guideline 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於web design guideline 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於web design guideline 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於web design guideline 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於web design guideline 在 UI | DESIGN GUIDELINE - Pinterest 的評價
web design guideline 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
昨天我帶團隊到谷歌請他們給我們產品設計建議。每個公司都設計網站或App,但很少人知道谷歌和蘋果的設計師其實會提供企業產品建議和諮詢,當然,這是給極少數公司的特權,不是人人都有。過去五年,我已經請他們幫我服務的企業做Design Review(設計檢視),讓我教你怎麼爭取特權!
你可以這樣做 -
1. 找出蘋果谷歌最新的最新功能或設計規範
a. 他們的網站有詳細說明,年度發表會也會列出他們最在意的新功能, 比如說:谷歌瀏覽器的單位有像網站卻有App功能的「原生應用網站」Progressive Web App,蘋果App的單位的關於蘋果支付Apple Pay最新的功能等等。
2. 選出對你的用戶最有幫助的功能或設計
3. 當你完成功能,試著聯繫你當地,甚至矽谷總部的谷歌和蘋果單位。但一定要先做功課,才不會壞了難得有的機會
你或許會覺得很難,其實不,因為谷歌蘋果推出的功能很多, 如果只是專精其中一樣功能,其實並不需要很多資源,像是我幫針對百貨跟蘋果支付合作,幫麥當勞跟谷歌免拿手機感應支付合作,幫eBay跟谷歌原生應用網站合作,幫eBay跟臉書登入合作。
#Google #Apple #DesignReview #PWA #DeveloperPartnership #谷歌 #蘋果 #矽谷公司 #設計 #產品管理 #工程 #科技 #SiliconValley
Google Apple Designer Design Review for your Web/App. Here is How –
Every company has website or app, but not many people know Google and Apple actually provide service to help review the design for you – of course, only for very limited company. Here is how to get into special group –
Before I tell you how, you should think of why they do so and how you can help them.
Google and Apple wants companies build better website and app, so users will use more Google and Apple. What’s “better?” In their mind, using their feature and design guideline is better. In another word, if your company use their feature, and have data showing that benefits your company, they would consider to use you as successful case to help the promote their feature. Before they use your case, they would help you to do even better.
Here are tangible steps –
1. Find out Google/Apple’s latest functions
a. Their website shows all latest function, and they usually call out those that they care most at their annual product announcement.
2. Pick the one that most beneficial to your users
3. Once you are done with implementation, try to contact local or even Silicon Valley headquarter Google/Apple contacts
You may think this is hard. Not at all! Google/Apple has lots of functions, so if you just master one of them, actually is quite doable for any size of companies. For example, I helped Target to partner with Apple Pay; helped McDonald’s to partner with Google Hands Free; helped eBay to partner with Facebook Account Kit and Google Progressive Web App.
One more secret – if you done well of above, they may even invite you as private partner to test out beta product that they haven’t announce yet. You may feature you on their annual product announcement as case study – then you will get free global marketing!
web design guideline 在 UI | DESIGN GUIDELINE - Pinterest 的必吃
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