#ITRIEvent ITRI is holding a 1-day webinar for #agriculture technology and #wastewater treatment. Join us to learn about ITRI's new technologies on how to transform agricultural waste into valuable materials and create new business opportunities. Innovative wastewater reclamation technologies will also be introduced, covering subjects such as organic/inorganic wastewater treatment, the removal and recovery of nitrogen and heavy metals, and desalination technologies. Registration is NOW OPEN!
《GREEN DAY》Circular Tech Webinar
👉July 2, 2021 GMT+8
Session 1: Innovation of New Agricultural Technology
Session 2: Treatment and Reclamation of Wastewater
「wastewater treatment」的推薦目錄:
wastewater treatment 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
A total of 33 mobile wastewater treatment facilities will be available by the end of May to treat waste water and generate up to 9,225 tonnes of water per day to tackle the shortage amid the worst #drought in Taiwan in half a century, the Water Resources Agency said Sunday.
wastewater treatment 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最佳解答
NYDeTour週末何處去:10/17-10/18 (Sat & Sun)
*10/17-10/18 (Sat & Sun)OHNY Weekend (Virtual)
今年因為疫情關係,所以只有少數活動(Outdoors)是可以親自參加,其餘都是線上直播。如果對建築設計有興趣的朋友,透過電腦去看一些新建築或室內設計其實也蠻不錯的。另外必須先登記的部分,Brooklyn Army Terminal,New York Transit Museum和Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant都蠻值得去看看。在世界各地的朋友也可以因為這特別的一年來看看OHNY是怎麼一回事喔!
地點:OHNY Online
時間:10/17-10/18 (Sat & Sun)
*10/17 (Sat) OHNY Weekend: Bronx Little Italy/Arthur Avenue
在布朗士區的紐約真正小義大利區是我個人相當喜歡的地方。這次OHNY活動有提供self-guide service,有興趣的人可以到連結網站下載,這樣自己去逛的時候可以更了解這個地方的歷史與趣事。
地點:2396 Arthur Avenue, Bronx
時間:10/17 (Sat)
*10/17 (Sat) OHNY Weekend: Mmuseumm
你去過在Chinatown一條暗巷中,由一個貨運電梯改裝成的紐約市最小博物館Mmuseumm嗎?星期六OHNY Weekend有提供self-guide service,可以讓你知道這個袖珍博物館的歷史與展出內容的故事。
地點:4 Cortlandt Alley, New York
時間:10/17 (Sat)
*10/17 (Sat) OHNY Weekend: Cathedral of St John The Devine: Morningside Height Tour.
在Morningside Height的Cathedral of St. John The Devine是紐約市最大的天主教堂。與相鄰的哥倫比亞大學成為一個不可分割的生活圈。星期六有興趣的朋友可以到連結網站下載self-guide service,到教堂和哥大附近走走,了解這個地區豐富的歷史。
地點:1047 Amsterdam Avenue, NY
*10/17 (Sat) “I wish to say” at Brooklyn Library (Central Library Plaza)
美國總統大選逼近,不論你是川黑,川粉,拜黑或拜粉,一定對下屆總統當選人有許多「期許」的話要說。星期六在Brooklyn Library總館(Prospect Park 旁),將有一項活動可以讓你將你的心聲告訴打字的人,他將把你要跟下任總統說的話打在明信片上,之後集中寄到白宮去。活動中間3pm-4pm還有音樂表演。是很有意義的活動。
地點:Brooklyn Library (Central Library Plaza) 10 Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn
時間:10/17 (Sat) 1pm-6pm
*10/17-10/18 (Sat & Sun) Art Gowanus Artwalk on Atlantic Avenue
星期六日在Brooklyn的Atlantic Avenue將成為一條藝術街,有超過60位藝術家將在Atlantic Avenue上展示他們的作品。週末天氣變好,出來曬曬太陽,看看藝術作品也是不錯的。
地點:Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn (from 3rd Avenue to Hicks Street)
時間:10/17-10/18 (Sat & Sun)
*10/17-10/18 (Sat & Sun) DUMBO Drop 2020: The Great Pivot
星期六和星期天在DUMBO各有一項戶外活動,星期六是Discover DUMBO Scavenger Hunt(尋寶遊戲),星期天是ETSY手作市集活動。有興趣的朋友可以來看看。
地點:Washington Street & Archway under Manhattan Bridge,DUMBO
時間:10/17 (Sat) 10am-5pm; 10/18(Sun) 10am-5pm
好想去參加 I wish to say活動,可是新英格蘭正值顛峰,色彩萬千的景色把我帶來麻州的一個小鎮,所以希望在紐約的朋友都有個健康安全愉快的週末啦~ 😉
Have a great weekend, my friends. Stay safe and stay healthy.
wastewater treatment 在 wastewater treatment | Process, History, Importance, Systems ... 的相關結果
wastewater treatment, also called sewage treatment, the removal of impurities from wastewater, or sewage, before it reaches aquifers or natural bodies of ... ... <看更多>
wastewater treatment 在 Wastewater Treatment - Safe Drinking Water Foundation 的相關結果
Wastewater is passed through a septic tank, filtered, and disinfected with ozone treatment; it is then reused for non-consumptive uses, such as ... ... <看更多>
wastewater treatment 在 Wastewater Treatment Water Use - U.S. Geological Survey 的相關結果
The major aim of wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the suspended solids as possible before the remaining water, called effluent, is discharged back ... ... <看更多>