就係一句"It’s a betrayal",呢位留學生就揚威國際喇。
“Chinese international students make up the largest international group for the (Australian) education industry – we contribute so much money to Australia every year.”
“International students, we feel very angry about it. We feel like it’s a betrayal to our international students.”
然後,個BBC訪問就去咗澳洲傳媒(包括英國同澳洲版嘅Daily Mail),再去到美國嘅《New York Post》,可以話係....
《Daily Mail》
《New York Post》
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travel article for students 在 國立清華大學National Tsing Hua University Facebook 的最佳貼文
因應新型冠狀病毒肺炎公告 :
一、自中國大陸返台之教職員工生,不論有無症狀,請戴口罩自主健康管理,進行早晚體溫監控14天,避免出入公共場所,並主動至「國立清華大學衛保組校園傳染病防治調查」( http://0rz.tw/kZFPt ) 填報。
(1)一般的環境:如教室桌面、電腦鍵盤、電梯按鍵與面板、樓梯公共把手、家具、廚房,消毒使用1:100的稀釋漂白水(500 ppm);
(2)浴室或馬桶表面:使用1:10的稀釋漂白水(5000 ppm)消毒;
七、校園傳染病防治及環境消毒注意事項提醒 http://0rz.tw/Csnsd
(二)針對2020年1月26日前已自大陸返臺之同學,依「是否到過武漢地區」分成「自主健康管理」及「集中檢疫管理」兩類,必須配合法令進行14日之防疫管理,如未確實遵守各項健康監測規定,係違反「傳染病防治法」第 48條,依同法第 67條可處新臺幣 6萬至 30萬元不等罰鍰。
【若同學於1月26日前已自大陸返臺,並請同時配合通報本校衛生保健組的「校園傳染病防治調查」,通報網 http://0rz.tw/kZFPt 】。
九、彈性修業方面,本校將參考教育部建議,視疫情發展考量個案特殊性酌予安排,同學因防疫無法如期返校者,開學註册時間可專案處理,至多延後6週;學校刻正研擬彈性修業方案,屆時若無法於延後之6週內返校且無修課替代方案時,因已有三分之一課程無法參加,始建議同學辦理休學,休學不計入學則規定休學期限。其他選課、成績考核、請假等彈性措施,請同學隨時留意本校網頁最新消息公告。修業相關問題,可寄信到教務處信箱洽詢: academic@my.nthu.edu.tw ,或於上班時間電洽+886 3 5719134。
同時,也提醒大家最近應注意營養、睡眠、運動、情緒、飲水量、作息等,以維持良好免疫抵抗力,勤肥皂洗手,戴口罩,減少出入密閉空間及通風不良場所,若有發燒、咳嗽、腹瀉、肌肉酸痛與身體不舒服症狀,請務必撥打本校衛保組03-5743000 (上班週一至五8-17)或校安中心專線(生輔組) 03-5711814 (24小時)。
身心康泰 平安喜樂
校園安全傳染病防治小組 敬上
In view of the recent spreading of 2019 new coronavirus (2019nCoV), please attend to the following notices so as to maintain the health and safety on campus.
1. All NTHU faculty, staff, and students returning from mainland China, regardless of symptoms, please wear surgical masks, monitor body temperature for 14 days in the morning and evening, avoid public areas, and make a report on the NTHU Website for Disease Control (http://0rz.tw/kZFPt).
2. In case of fever or flu-like symptoms ( > 37.5°C, running nose, sore throat, etc.):
(1) Within 14 days after returning from high-risk areas (e.g. Mainland China): Please dial 1922 for medical treatment and wear surgical masks according to the instructions. When you seek medical treatment, please inform the doctor of your travel history, contact history, and symptoms.
(2) After returning from other areas: Please wear surgical masks and seek medical treatment. Inform the doctor of your travel history, contact history, and symptoms.
3. Hotline on campus:
Division of Health Service 03-5743000 (Monday to Friday 8-17)
Division of Student Affairs 03-5711814 (24 hours).
4. Continue to wear a surgical mask if respiratory symptoms persist.
5. Classrooms and large-scale activities should be disinfected with diluted bleach. Single exit should be maintained and everyone should take temperature on entrance. Anyone with a fever, should be notified immediately through campus infection report channel.
6. Suggestions for environmental disinfection:
(1) General objects: such as classroom desktops, computer keyboards, elevator panels, stair handles, furniture, kitchen utensils: disinfection using 1:100 diluted bleach (500 ppm)
(2) Surface in bathroom or toilet: disinfection with 1:10 diluted bleach (5000 ppm)
(3) Disinfect the environment at least once a day and use the bleach made that day.
(4) Maintain well cleansed and ventilated indoors.
7. For more information on infectious disease prevention and environmental disinfection on campus, please visit https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En.
8. According to the new regulations of the Ministry of Education, students from Mainland China are asked to cooperate to void violation of the law.
(1) Entrance to Taiwan is suspended until February 9.
(2) Students who have returned to Taiwan before January 26 need to exercise autonomous health management or centralized quarantine management depending on whether they have been to the Wuhan area or not. Failing to abide by the health monitoring regulations is a violation of Article 48 of the "Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law", and can be punished with a penalty ranging from NT$60,000 to 300,000 in accordance with Article 67 of the same law. For NTHU students, please also make a report on the NTHU Website for Disease Control (http://0rz.tw/kZFPt).
9. For those students who are affected by the disease and cannot return to continue their study on campus in time, we will refer to the Ministry of Education's recommendations and make special arrangements. Registration for the semester may be postponed up to 6 weeks. In the event that registration within 6 weeks is not possible and there is no other alternative course plan in place, it is recommended that students take a leave of the semester because one-third of the semester has passed. The leave of absence will not be counted towards the graduation regulation. More information on course selection, performance assessment, and leave of absence, please refer to the announcements on our website. Questions related to courses can be sent to the Academic Affairs Office: academic@my.nthu.edu.tw or contact us at +886 3 5719134 during office hours.
Once again, please be reminded to attend to you nutrition, sleep, exercise, mood, water intake, and rest in order to maintain immune resistance. Wash your hands with soap, wear a surgical mask, reduce access to closed spaces and poorly ventilated areas. Any symptoms of fever, cough, muscle ache, and physical discomfort, please call Division of Health Service 03-5743000 (Monday to Friday 8-17) or Division of Student Affairs 03-5711814 (24 hours).
travel article for students 在 同志人夫鄒宗翰 Facebook 的精選貼文
【女权工作者、记者 #黄雪琴 失联一周,疑被刑事拘留】
(Please scroll down for English)
2018年初,协助北航罗茜茜实名举报陈小武教授性骚扰,后又协助北大沈阳教授案、武汉理工大学王攀教授案、河南大学肖开愚教授、中山大学张鹏教授案等性骚扰案的曝光、维权、报道,为中国的Me Too运动作出了贡献。
《专访黄雪琴 | 女生如何能够逃开教授的手》https://terminus2049.github.io/…/20…/07/09/mei-tong-she.html
【Missing for a week, journalist and feminist rights defender Huang Xueqin is suspected of being criminally detained】
24 October 2019
Renowned defender on women rights and independent journalist Huang Xueqin is suspected to have been seized by the police in Guangzhou on 17 October 2019. Huang’s close friends believe that she is being criminally detained in the Baiyun District Detention Centre under the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau.
Huang used to be an investigative journalist for the New Express (Xinkuaibao) and the Southern Metropolis Weekly (Nandouzhoukan), following issues on gender, equality, corruption of public officials, corporate pollution and the socially disadvantaged groups etc. She also launched an investigation on the sexual harassment of women journalists in China.
In early 2018, Huang assisted Luo Qianqian of the Beihang University to file a complaint in her real name against the sexual harassment committed by her professor Chen Xiaowu. Huang later helped also to expose more sexual harassment cases including that of Prof. Shen Yang at the Peking University, Prof. Wang Pan at the Wuhan Polytechnic University, Prof. Xiao Kaiyu at the Henan University and Prof. Zhang Peng at the Zhongshan University. She contributed to the Me-Too movement in China by reporting the cases and by defending the rights of the victims.
From February to August 2019, Huang Xueqin was a visiting fellow in Hong Kong and Taiwan. On 11 June, she posted the following message on social media:
“Because of this article that I have written, the Guangzhou police have again come to my house late at night. My family members are harassed and my parents are petrified.”
Several of Huang’s close friends said that Huang had planned to attend a post-graduate degree course at the Law Faculty of the Hong Kong University. But she could not have made it after being summoned by the Guangzhou police in late August. Her passport and travel documents were confiscated.
On 17 October, Huang’s friends could not get in touch with her. After some attempts to locate her, they believed she was detained at the Baiyun District Detention Centre. Lawyer Wan Miaoyan, who has gone to Guangzhou from Chengdu for already a few days, is believed to be handling the case. When Huang’s friends tried to ask Wan on the phone, the lawyer seems to be hesitant and ambiguous in her reply.
Links to more background information
• An interview with Huang Xueqin: How do female students flee from the hands of the professors?
• Huang Xueqin, advocate on the investigation of sexual harassment: if we continue to stay tacit, we shall be the accomplice
For enquiry
Lawyer Wan Miaoyan, Sichuan Kingverse Law Firm (tel. +86 [28] 8288 0148)
Guangzhou Baiyun Detention Centre (tel. +86 [20] 8198 5636)
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