30an adalah tempoh umur penting bagi kita semua dalam membangun kewangan yang sihat. Rata – rata ramai kawan yang saya jumpa masa baru-baru grad dulu satu ke dua tahun selepas dapat kerja belum buat apa-apa simpanan, duit banyak habis pegi enjoy, beli PC Gaming ke, beli keluaran latest Sony Play Station, yang ni ramai lelakilah buat😎😎.. perempuan pulak ramai abes kat pegi shoping DAN percutian dengan geng2 rap...
Continue Reading* 6 mistakes young people need to know in finance before age 30 *
The 30 s is an important period of age for all of us in a healthy financial building. A lot of friends I found when I was just grad first one to two years after getting a job haven't done any savings, a lot of money went out to enjoy, Buy PC Gaming, buy the latest Sony play station, this is a lot of, For 😎😎.. Women have finished shopping and holiday with their close gang.. When you're studying you'll be able to see their group2 group2. 😏😏
So what is the trap of its..
* 1. Traps to buy a house that you all can't afford.*
Yeah, it's been a while since I've reached the time to be settled down right..'s it's already noisy when I'm getting married,, haha so you guys also need to take a look at the house for the girl who was noisy just now.. So, car, if you want to buy a house, The house is not more than 20 % of the total net worth that you have.. or the monthly house is 20 % of your monthly income. If there's no house price according to 20 % you can pm how to do it.
* 2. Traps to buy a car that you can notice.*
This part I think a lot of my friends and friends are okay, everything is just like that. So my pressure pressure at Pat is like a little relax because the most amine people in this car buy because he wants to impress people around. The more expensive the car the more expensive it is, so be careful
* 3. Not investing @ not investing enough *
Sometimes people in the early 30 s feel like they're still young, then.. Age 40 just about to start investing. If you want to take advantage of the compounded rate you have to start early.. There are a lot of difference if you are 40 just about to start, you will count this sendirilaaaaa.
* 4. Doesn't have high income skills.*
This is important because let's say that every year is a inflation 3%, your salary will increase a lot, a little while going up a little, always not, haha 😅😅. So every year the less income the more you can't buy a house (hehe remember 20 % rules? ). This skill is important to raise your income, details about this skill if you want to know you can pm me it's already a long time to die I've written it
* 5. Doesn't have a financial goal.*
This is a lot of me looking at my friends, just relax, if it's not specific. Spesifikkan, an example I give, I want monthly salary rm15k by end of year 2020 because I want to give my parents rm5k each one so that every year they can go to haji. Haa just a little strong argument to fulfill the request.. Haha, what a religious rider!
* 6. No financial.*
This part doesn't need to be a auditor or accountant, but enough with you know anything that you sign with the bank.. Read, go to class or seminar, upgrade knowledge.
* do they need to know & take action?*
Last but not at least, all your hooves or financial planning are all for the future or I can also call your dreams... so start with protecting it first ‼ ️ ‼ ️ ‼ ️.
Example: taking takaful depends on the budget.
Signla any medical plan or plan2 income protection.
Get advice from which great takaful advisor is, especially me 😎😎... hahaha, think and good deeds!!
* Mohamad Idris bin rafpie *
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