[ 檳城 ] 只須RM16就可以吃到正宗的Nasi Ulam及椰漿飯,除了用料十足,還附送一杯飲料。如果不要吃飯,還可以點原汁原味的泰式叻沙,只須RM9也送埋飲料,而且還可以遇到檳城有名的時裝設計師Richard Rivalee。詳情在圖說,網頁版在此 http://ow.ly/4mNSum
[ Penang ] RM16 for a set of an authentic Nasi Ulam or Nasi Lemak which is served with the kick of spices and a free drink, or even better with just RM9, you get a rich and delicious Thai Laksa which also served with a free drink. There is a bonus where you get to meet the well-known fashion designer in town, Richard Rivalee. Details in caption and blog version at http://ow.ly/4mNRl6
#RichardRivalee #NasiLemak #NasiUlam #ThaiLaksa #BangkokLane #Gibsonspg #Gibson吉神