👉🏼Poetic Devices👈🏼
Tale as old as time, a-a-ay
Tune as old as song, oh
Bitter-sweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong, woah
Certain as the sun
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
1️⃣ RHYME (押韻)
1. song & wrong
2. strange & change
3. time & rhyme
4. east & Beast
🔧Function: 節奏感、好聽
可以跳行,例如east and Beast
同字唔當rhyme, 所以"sun"同"sun"唔係rhyme
“Certain as the sun
Certain as the sun”
🔧Function: 強調某個idea (大大joke: 可能佢填詞諗唔到多一句🤷♂️)
3️⃣ OXYMORON (矛盾)
“Bitter-sweet” (Meaning: Arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain 苦樂參半)
🔧Function: 造成具層次感的感受及意思
4️⃣ SIMILE(明喻)
➡️ 用"like", "as"把兩者扣起作直接比喻
1. Tale as old as time
2. Tune as old as song
3. Song as old as rhyme
5️⃣ HYPERBOLE (誇飾)
➡️ 用誇張手法來強調主意
"Certain as the sun rising in the east"
Meaning: (美女與野獸的愛)確切、永恆(everlasting)如太陽從東邊升起的定律。
大大: 早排睇beauty and the beast已經話想用首歌share poetic devices,講到依家終於出到post。想揾到beauty/其實好靚仔嘅beast就俾個like我地啦。<--打得咁辛苦係要呃下like㗎啦。🤦♂️
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