◎ 門票於 1 月 6 日上午 10 時起公開發售 ◎
【唱出自己的歌:音樂電影節 2017】25/2 - 26/3
▼ 文藝復興會員門票優惠 ▼
UA iSquare | UA Cine Times
—— 唱歌,就要唱出自己的歌。
繼成功舉辦「他們在島嶼寫作 2 : 文學電影節 2016」後,2017,文藝復興基金會再度出發,聯合 UA CineHub 舉辦與音樂跨界的主題電影節。
無論冰島 Sigur Rós 的靈性謎音,Björk 的天籟之音,住家阿婆的 Lo-Fi 造音創作,傳奇樂隊 Nirvana 主音 Kurt Cobain 的短暫一生,還是中國大陸搖滾樂三十年的變遷,台灣民歌運動四十年的回望,原住民音樂的暗潮湧動,跨越身份界域,音樂,幫助人們追尋真實的本我、自由的靈魂。連串音樂紀錄片,傳遞獨一無二的音樂精神。
【唱出自己的歌:音樂電影節 2017】25/2 - 26/3
◎ 門票於 1 月 6 日上午 10 時起公開發售 ◎
▼ 文藝復興會員門票優惠 ▼
UA iSquare | UA Cine Times
—— 唱歌,就要唱出自己的歌。
繼成功舉辦「他們在島嶼寫作 2 : 文學電影節 2016」後,2017,文藝復興基金會再度出發,聯合 UA CineHub 舉辦與音樂跨界的主題電影節。
無論冰島 Sigur Rós 的靈性謎音,Björk 的天籟之音,住家阿婆的 Lo-Fi 造音創作,傳奇樂隊 Nirvana 主音 Kurt Cobain 的短暫一生,還是中國大陸搖滾樂三十年的變遷,台灣民歌運動四十年的回望,原住民音樂的暗潮湧動,跨越身份界域,音樂,幫助人們追尋真實的本我、自由的靈魂。連串音樂紀錄片,傳遞獨一無二的音樂精神。
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25/2 六 14:30 UA iSQUARE
26/3 日 14:30 UA Cine Time
#SigurRós 謎之音
5/3 日 15:40 UA Cine Times
25/3 六 15:40 UA iSQUARE
#Björk 的音樂宇宙
11/3 六 16:00 UA iSQUARE
19/3 日 16:00 UA iSQUARE
#冰島LoFi │ 住家阿婆愛作歌
19/3 日 14:30 UA iSQUARE
#台灣民歌 │ 四十年
26/2 日 14:30 UA iSQUARE *導演侯季然將出席映後座談會
12/3 日 15:20 UA iSQUARE
12/3 日 18:00 UA iSQUARE
22/3 三 20:00 UA iSQUARE
#少年心氣 #中國搖滾 三十年談話錄
27/2 一 19:30 香港大學黃麗松講堂
* 免費入場,留座方法將於稍後公佈:http://goo.gl/7z4bLa
主辦:文藝復興基金會、UA Cinehub、人人映像
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▼ 文藝復興會員門票優惠 ▼
文藝復興會員憑會員卡於 UA iSQUARE / UA Cine Times 票房購票正價門票可享八折優惠。
.UA iSQUARE 或 UA Cine Times 只發售該場地放映場次之門票(如 UA iSQUARE 放映場次之門票不可於 UA Cine Times 購買)。
如未取會員卡之文藝復興會員請電郵至 info@rfhk.org.hk 查詢。
【 Sing Our Own Song - Music Film Festival 2017 】25/2 - 26/3
★ Tickets available starting Jan 6 10am ! ★
▼ 20%-off discount for RF members ▼
-- Sing our own songs.
Join us. Visit the majestic world of Iceland through the eyes of music giants Sigur Rós and Björk, but also see another side of the country through unassuming lo-fi tunes sung by Icelandic natives. Go back and relive 90's Seattle grunge through the short but brilliant life of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. Or explore the 30 year long revolution of Mainland rock, and the 40 plus year aboriginal folk song movement of Taiwan. Roots in one's own land, let the indies ring.
This 2017 spring, turn music up in the theatres.
#Cobain : Montage of Heck:https://goo.gl/etEQnL
#SigurRós │ Inni:https://goo.gl/7mJaxT
#Björk : The Creative Universe of a Music Missionary:https://goo.gl/QlWAwi
#HomemadeTunes │ Grandma Lo-Fi:https://goo.gl/J3wBdK
#TaiwanFolks │ Ode to Time:https://goo.gl/NK8XtO
#AboriginalVoices │ Naluwan:https://goo.gl/2eEbUU
A post screening talk by director and music critic sharing session will also be arranged.
Co-presented by UA CineHub, Renaissance Foundation and Human Images.
Supported by General Education Unit, The University of Hong Kong.
▼ 20%-off discount for RF members ▼
RF members shall present your membership card (photocopy not valid) to enjoy a 20%-off discount on full-price tickets at the box offices for the screenings at UA iSQUARE and UA Cine Times.
.Please note that the screenings at iSquare can only be purchased at iSquare, Cine Times will not sell tickets to be shown at iSquare and vice versa.
.Each member could purchase an unlimited number of discounted tickets.
.Please bring along your membership card to the screening, you might be asked to show your membership card upon admission.
.The discount is not available for internet booking, mobile app booking and credit card telephone booking
.The discount cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts.
.The Presenters reserve the right of final decision in event of dispute.
RF members who did not get their membership cards could contact us at info@rfhk.org.hk .
最新消息請留意 For latest updates please follow us :
UA CineHub
文藝復興基金會 Renaissance Foundation
taiwanfolks 在 spring time is upon us的網友經驗文分享跟推薦,在Facebook ... 的必吃
#TaiwanFolks │ Ode to Time:https://goo.gl/NK8XtO #AboriginalVoices │ Naluwan:https://goo.gl/2eEbUU. A post screening talk by director and music critic ... ... <看更多>
taiwanfolks 在 串音樂紀錄片,傳遞獨一無二的音 - فيسبوك 的必吃
#TaiwanFolks │ Ode to Time:https://goo.gl/NK8XtO · #AboriginalVoices │ Naluwan:https://goo.gl/2eEbUU. A post screening talk by director and music critic ... ... <看更多>