北京人(遠古人類)生活在五十萬年前,當時生活環境艱鉅困難,大約只能活到14歲。青銅器時期(四千年前)的人,平均壽命只有18歲,而在古羅馬時代(約距今三千年以前的銅器時期),人的平均壽命為23~25歲。在18世紀中期(1750年),人的平均壽命是35歲。19世紀中期(1850年),人的平均壽命約為42歲。1950年代,男性的平均壽命為51歲,女性為54歲。之後,隨著食物產量供應的增加、科技的進步、與醫療衛生資源的擴增,人的平均壽命愈來愈長。21世紀初,人的平均壽命已經達80歲以上。預估到21世紀末,人的平均壽命有可能達100歲。但「百歲人生」只侷限在經濟水準富裕的地區,而在非洲的貧窮國家,人口平均壽命目前還是只有40歲左右, 這說明經濟水準與壽命的關係很密切。
執著而持續的「耐力性」運動(每次至少持續40-60分鐘以上的運動),好處相當多,已知的科學證據如下:(1)可以抗老化,讓DNA保持年輕,延長細胞的壽命(刊登於2016年7月的科學進步期刊Science Advances-e1600031);(2)可以減緩認知衰退,降低失智的機率(刊登於2016年2月的細胞新陳代謝期刊Cell metabolism 2016; 24: 332–340);(3)減少肥胖的發生,調整體內脂肪的分布。英國劍橋大學精神科學的研究發現,肥胖會使大腦白質提早萎縮退化,中年肥胖的人,大腦年齡比無肥胖者老10歲,研究成果刊登於2016年7月的「老化神經生物學期刊(Neurobiology of Aging)」。
「壓力」增加會導致腦部神經細胞損傷,「老化」會增加摺疊異常的蛋白質堆積在腦部,形成斑塊,因此,「壓力」與「老化」都會使認知功能變差。而大腦的一種酵素-NMNAT2,可以保護腦部神經細胞免於受壓力增加所造成的損傷,也可以減少摺疊異常的蛋白質堆積在腦部的斑塊,對大腦的認知功能很重要。美國印第安那大學的研究團隊,發現咖啡中的「咖啡因」能夠促進大腦的酵素NMNAT2的製造,因此可以防止大腦認知功能退化與失智,此研究成果刊登於2017年3月的《科學報告》(Scientific Reports, 2017. DOI:10.1038/srep43846)。每天1-2杯咖啡(黑咖啡)是可以接受的,不加糖,不加奶精,若有需要,無糖豆漿是比較好的選擇。
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▪rapidly growing human populations: dân số tăng trưởng nhanh chóng
▪a population bomb = a population explosion: sự bùng nổ dân số
▪to increase at an alarming rate: tăng ở một mức độ đáng báo động
▪an increase in global birth rates: 1 sự tăng trong tỷ lệ sinh toàn cầu
▪to exceed the carrying capacity of the earth: vượt quá sức chứa của trái đất
▪to put an end to human survival: đặt dấu chấm hết cho sự tồn tại của con người
▪increased demands for water/ food/ fossil fuels/ natural resouces/…: nhu cầu tăng đối với nước/ thực phẩm/ nhiên liệu hóa thạch/ các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
▪to lead to the depletion of natural resources: dẫn tới sự cạn kiệt các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
▪to put heavy pressure on water/food supplies: đặt áp lực nặng nề lên nguồn cung cấp nước/ thực phẩm
▪to pose a serious threat to the well-being of planet Earth: gây ra mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho sức khỏe của trái đất
▪advances in science, technology, medicine, food production/ better medical services/ technological breakthroughs → a increase in life expectancy/ a decline in mortality rates: các tiến bộ trong khoa học, công nghệ, y tế, sản xuất thực phẩm/ dịch vụ y tế tốt hơn/ các đột phá trong lĩnh vực công nghệ → sự tăng trong tuổi thọ/ giảm tỷ lệ tỷ vong
▪to lead to environmental degradation/ air, water pollution/ soil contamination/ global warming/ deforestation/ desertification/ widespread famine/ conflicts and wars/ higher unemployment rates/ higher levels of crime/ other serious social problems: dẫn tới sự suy thoái môi trường/ ô nhiễm không khí, nước/ ô nhiễm đất/ nóng lên toàn cầu/ tàn phá rừng/ hoang mạc hóa/ đói nghèo trên diện rộng/ mâu thuẫn và chiến tranh/ tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao hơn/ mức độ tội phạm cao hơn/ các vấn đề xã hội khác
▪population control methods: các phương pháp kiểm soát dân số
family planning/ limit family sizes: kế hoạch hóa gia đình/ giới hạn kích cỡ gia đình
▪to raise public awareness of … : nâng cao ý thức cộng đồng về …
▪to provide sex education in schools: cung cấp giáo dục giới tính trong các trường học
PHẦN Ý TƯỞNG --> Page mình xem tại đây nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/tu-vung-ielts-chu-de-overpopulation/
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#酪梨 #墨西哥
00:00 前導
01:13 酪梨的歷史
02:14 酪梨變身「綠色黃金」!
04:07 連毒梟都改行
05:30 「綠色黃金」淪為「血酪梨」
06:20 農民的抵抗
07:25 其他地區的酪梨農,也各有困難
08:33 我們的觀點
10:16 提問
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ “Blood Avocados”: The Dark Side of Your Guacamole:https://bit.ly/3hlmIyL
→ 40位中西醫嚴選健康食物,教你排毒減肥、防癌抗老,愈吃愈年輕:https://bit.ly/3hAQmjN
→ 地球圖輯隊:「血酪梨」:餐桌上的酪梨 背後比你想的血腥:https://bit.ly/3hq5XCA
→ 美國人的超級美食,墨西哥人以悲劇澆灌的血酪梨:https://bit.ly/2WDQtTx
→ Are Mexican avocados the world's new conflict commodity?:https://bit.ly/3jvIDVF
→ Avocado History - Domestication and Spread of Avocado Fruit:https://bit.ly/2CyTm0U
→ Avocado: the 'green gold' causing environment havoc:https://bit.ly/32GzAvh
→ Avocados in Kenya: what’s holding back smallholder farmers:https://bit.ly/3jrCbyV
→ Blood Avocados No More: Mexican Farm Town Says It's Kicked Out Cartels:https://n.pr/30DXIfe
→ Boycotting Avocados Won’t Hurt Cartels:https://nyti.ms/39ixrHj
→ Can hipsters stomach the unpalatable truth about avocado toast?:https://bit.ly/2WL9gw7
→ Can You Eat Too Much Avocado? The answer from a functional medicine dietitian:https://cle.clinic/2CAncCm
→ Dillehay, T. D., Goodbred, S., Pino, M., Sánchez, V. F. V., Tham, T. R., Adovasio, J., ... & Piperno, D. (2017). Simple technologies and diverse food strategies of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene at Huaca Prieta, Coastal Peru. Science Advances, 3(5), e1602778.
→ Kenya's ground-down coffee farmers switch to avocado amid global boom:https://reut.rs/2Cr9bHd
→ María Elena Galindo-Tovar, Amaury M. Arzate-Fernández, Nisao Ogata-Aguilar, and Ivonne Landero-Torres ""The Avocado (Persea Americana, Lauraceae) Crop in Mesoamerica: 10,000 Years of History,"" Harvard Papers in Botany 12(2), 325-334, (1 December 2007). :https://bit.ly/32E5rg5
→ Mexican X-plainer: Balls, Nuts & Avocados:https://bit.ly/39mOoQT
→ Mexico avocados big in China:https://bit.ly/3eQPwgE
→ Revealed: the enormous carbon footprint of eating avocado:https://bit.ly/2OMvute
→ Robinson, D. The Avacado. Ethnobotanical Leaflets, 1998(1), 3.
→ Stanford, L. Constructing ``quality'': The political economy of standards in Mexico's avocado industry. Agriculture and Human Values 19, 293–310 (2002). :https://bit.ly/3fTHnK2
→ The Aztecs: A History Ripe with Avocados:https://bit.ly/32HbzUJ
→ The global avocado crisis and resilience in the UK’s fresh fruit and vegetable supply system:https://bit.ly/3eXPkwx
→ U.S. Lifts Ban on Avocados From Mexico:https://lat.ms/2Bp8ihM
→ Why Avocados Attract Interest Of Mexican Drug Cartels:https://wbur.fm/3jsSn2W
→ Why our love for avocados is not sustainable:https://bit.ly/30CZb5w
【 延伸閱讀 】
→ 一次搞懂世界上最營養的水果!品種挑選、賞味時機:https://bit.ly/3eNKbac
→ 《種台灣酪梨》客家新聞雜誌第611集:https://bit.ly/3fVhMQM
→ 草地狀元-安全酪梨育成專家(20180903播出):https://bit.ly/2OYLRTT
→ ""Rotten"" The Avocado War:https://bit.ly/2WL4Cyf

science advances 在 Comma Youtube 的精選貼文
思覺失調、抑鬱症、記憶力衰退、柏金遜症或許跟你的腸胃微生物群有關,只要吃得健康,補充益生菌就可以了…(SCIENCE ADVANCES.…NATURE MICROBIOLOGY)

science advances 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最佳貼文
In 2014, Dharma Drum Mountain has made significant advances in its Three-fold Education endeavor: the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts was established; the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association was granted consultative status by the UN; and the abbot president Ven. Guo Dong received an honorary PhD. from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. Also, its monasteries and practice centers home and abroad have further integrated practice with education, and science with humanities, continuing to spread the dew of the Dharma to purify the human mind and society, thereby creating new prospects.

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