[時事英文] 4 Top Global News Stories
I. Locust outbreak 蝗蟲爆發
Desert locust swarms are causing an “unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods” across eastern Africa, United Nations agencies have warned. In Kenya, which is suffering its worst locust infestation for 70 years, one swarm occupied an area of sky more than three times the size of New York City.
1. unprecedented threat 史無前例的威脅
2. food security and livelihood 食安與生計
3. suffer 經歷,經受,遭受(壞事)*
4. locust infestation 蝗蟲侵害
5. occupy an area 佔領一地
完整報導: https://nyti.ms/3bPwoi7
*suffer: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/suffer
II. Oil price crash 油價暴跌
Demand for oil was already down as economic activity declined with China and other countries in lockdown. But an oil price war between two of the world’s biggest oil producers, Russia and Saudi Arabia, has added to fears over the health of the global economy. On 9 March, global stock markets, spooked by the oil price collapse and continued coronavirus unrest, saw their sharpest falls since the 2008 financial crisis.
6. demand for 對……的需求
7. economic activity 經濟活動
8. add to 加劇
9. fears over 對……的擔憂
10. the global economy 全球經濟
11. be spooked by 被……嚇到
12. oil price collapse (n.) 油價的暴跌
13. continued unrest 持續的動盪
14. financial crisis 金融危機
完整報導: https://nyti.ms/2x4t9EJ
III. Europe’s new refugee crisis 歐洲新難民危機
Tens of thousands of asylum seekers have been trying to get into Greece by land and sea since Turkey eased its border controls on 28 February. Turkey, which had agreed with the EU in 2016 to halt the flow of asylum seekers from Syria and other countries in return for aid, announced that it would no longer stop them trying to make their way to Greece, sparking fears over another European migration crisis.
15. asylum seeker 尋求(政治)庇護者
16. in return for 作為……的回報
17. no longer 不再
18. make their way to 通往*
19. spark fears 引發擔憂
20. migration crisis 移民危機
完整報導: https://bit.ly/2x0rK1W
IV. Second-warmest February on record 有紀錄以來第二高溫的二月
Earth just had its second-warmest February since climate records began in 1880, according to NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The northern hemisphere experienced an unseasonably warm winter with many parts of Europe recording exceptionally high temperatures for that time of year. Norway hit 19°C in January – more than 25°C above the monthly average. Europe and Asia recorded their warmest winters ever during December, January and February, according to NASA and NOAA. This comes after NASA and NOAA scientists declared 2019 the second-warmest year on record.
21. climate records (n.) 氣候紀錄
22. northern hemisphere 北半球
23. experience (v.) 經歷
24. exceptionally high temperatures 異常的高溫
25. the monthly average 每月平均
26. on record 記錄在案*
根據美國太空總署(NASA)以及國家海洋與大氣總署(NOAA),自1880年有氣候紀錄以來,地球剛出現第二高溫的二月。北半球經歷了一次不合時令的暖冬,同時歐洲許多地方也記錄到了異常的高溫。挪威在一月時達到19℃,比月均溫高出25℃以上。 按NASA與NOAA,歐洲與亞洲都在12月、1月以及2月偵測到有史以來最暖的冬季。這是在NASA與NOAA的科學家宣布2019年為有紀錄以來第二熱的年份之後。
*on record: https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/record
資料來源: https://bit.ly/2JwfqcA
refugee definition 在 Refugee Meaning - YouTube 的必吃
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